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 Apr 2015 Meztli
His smile was infectious,his dimples imprinted in my mind.
I emulated his smile like it was mine all mine.

I knew him when love was foriegn,and a touch meant nothing ,and nothing became something and something meant everything.
      We knew love had no space
trying to force it in a tight place .
Hating but knowing we should give it a break.
      Anticipation ,there was no other intoxication for me ,when your hands hugged my hips ,when you kissed my lips
Lost in your eyes ,our hearts found its way back, as  if love was on reserve for a moment .
So we could find who we are .And you are me and I am you when we're together.
 Apr 2015 Meztli
LJ Chaplin
Show me your flaws and I'll show you mine,
The moment is raw and I won't decline,
The chance to be open,
The chance to be kind,
A finger to my lips
To hush words I can't find,
Scars don't determine
Your final appearance,
Nor is perfection
Your final endearment.

I have wounds of my own
But alas you can't see,
Echoes of war that
Ripple through me,
Deep beneath skin
And deep beneath veins,
Tucked away safely
In the confines of a brain,
Kept in a box wrapped in a ribbon,
Collecting dust and carefully hidden,
Away from hands that try to pry,
Scratching at surfaces try after try,
Scrounching for scraps and forever hoping,
That pandora's box will finally be opened
© LJ Chaplin
 Apr 2015 Meztli
Sitting by the your side, it feels like we're meeting for the first time
all over again, our feet swinging over the edge of the dock...
I catch my breath. I never knew how this could feel.

Eyes open wide, as if I'm seeing for the first time.
Making love within our small talk,
everything seems at once so present and surreal.

Hearts swaying with the tide, as if they're beating for the first time,
I never knew that it could feel like this.
It's like the sky and the sea are merging; fading away behind your eyes,
and slowly, on the dock, we tilt our heads
reaching for what feels like our first kiss.
 Apr 2015 Meztli
Quisiera poder naufragar entre pensamientos
y ser una expertiz
en ese campo magnético
que atrae nuestros cuerpos.
Ven y hazme sentir tuya,
¡ yo soy tuya!
déjame probar de qué está hecha
esa hermosa escultura.
Dicen que no es debido,
pero esta pasión que guardamos
se siente como un delito.
Sostenme fuerte,
no me sueltes,
deja que los minutos pasen
mientras te contemplo detenidamente.
Recorre mi cuerpo,
no tengas miedo,
sincroniza danzas impecables
que tomen lugar en el escenario que te presento.
Quiero hacerte gemir,
¡hazme gemir!
Estoy bajo tu poder.
No habrá sonido más perfecto,
que aquel que se reproducirá
durante nuestro anhelado encuentro.
Nuestros cuerpos están ardiendo,
no perdamos más el tiempo.
¿no ves que te deseo?
 Apr 2015 Meztli
beware when you fall in love
with an artist
be it a painter, a singer, or poet

for the artist will
paint you
with strokes and hues
in shapes of every kind

sing about you
with heartbreak lyrics
and feelings which rhyme

write about you
with the simplest words
and a secret message she wants to say

beware of the artist,
and her love
one wrong move
and you're an artwork in her display
 Apr 2015 Meztli
The Reaper of time
Came surely round the bend,
With satchel upon curved aft.
With a glance toward forests and glades,
Upon time, ash he would cast.
For their being and what stood, would no longer.

His taunt would tantalize
Like a trot around the bend.
Never coming at the moment expected,
But surely to cast your end.

His ***** atrophied limbs
Would groan passing by;
Dragging you along for the ride,
Upon the Mortal's Circle for those who die.

And for those brave-hearted souls
Who wish to transcend,
Let it be knownst that in your beginnings
You too will find the end,
As the laughing Mara sends us back again!
;) Graphic I know.

— The End —