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Feb 2016 · 3.2k
11:00 pm, February 28
AM Snyder Feb 2016
And just like that, the two most impossible things happened.

1. We were over
2. Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar
Feb 2016 · 2.1k
Sailing Somewhere
AM Snyder Feb 2016
No one ever taught me not to stick my hand in a fire, I just learned by common sense;
but here I am again, grasping for you and watching my hand blacken and burn.
Because every time you say that you don’t know what to say,
I want to call you a liar because you just spoke.  
But being speechless speaks louder than words and
the absence of sounds swallows me whole  
until your fire was all I saw and like a fool, I reached for it again.  
But as I did, in the darkness I couldn’t see that my paper heart
was starting to burn.

We all grew up too fast, pushing through pull ups and graduation robes as if they could be worn twice.
We learned that excuses and “I’m sorry”s could be said again,
but that didn’t undo the damage already done.
Now the angry redness of your ears matches the redness of my future and I can’t help but wonder how I could’ve messed this up so badly.
But then I remember that I have a PhD in impulsiveness, poor decision making, and panic attacks.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions,
so down I lay cobblestone after cobblestone until I reach the gates but I never enter.

Who needs hell when I have your fiery red hair and temperament
that develops into a burning rage that scorches my skin with silence, when I’d rather be slapped with sinful words that PG movies don’t allow. All I can say is that I tried, because that’s what we all do in this world; we try.  
Try our best, but fail anyways because success is for those who get lucky and this world is nothing but a game of chance with lottery tickets costing you more money than you will ever win, but we believe that there must be some essence of luck in our lives because we keep buying tickets.
She thought she was lucky.  She thought that in an oceanic timeline, surrounded by blue, that she had found a brown boat, brimmed with buoyancy and broken dreams that you shared.
She climbed into that boat, and side by side you sailed neither of you realizing that you were sinking.

That is the thing about the boats in which we sail, even when we assure ourselves that they will never fail.
In this world, we all have our own ships, but the trick is that these boats can only hold one passenger.
She had her own boat once.  She lost it, in maritime madness, one reason or another.  
When her boat was swallowed by the sea she started swimming, trying to keep moving. Sink or swim they say.
So as she swam, she spent all her energy and instead tried to tread and keeping her head above water was no longer a game that you played in summers spent at the shallow end of the pool.
It became a constant question of survival.
She must’ve been lucky, for your ship sailed by and
picked up the poor girl who then became a passenger of someone else’s vessel.
This boat was worn, and her captain had tried to patch the holes but as the two sailed, the ship began taking on water as they went.

When training to be a lifeguard, they teach you quite a few things.
Mouth to mouth resuscitation(which sadly is no longer actually mouth to mouth),  first aid, CPR, and how to pull a drowning victim from the water.
When people drown, our instincts kick in and we grab for  anything to keep ourselves above water and breathe.  
We don’t mean to hurt anyone else in the process but we just keep fighting for air.  
Sometimes the people push their rescuer under and even though we may try to hold them up, if we don’t breathe too we’ll drown!  
So what lifeguards are taught to do is if they are being pushed under
is to shove the victim off, swim away, and save ourselves.
Now some may say that sounds selfish and how can we do that when we’re supposed to be saving them, but we can only save them if we’re alive.  If we can breathe.

You told me dating me was like a breath of fresh air,
because when you were with her, you were held under for:
1, 2, 3, 4…10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 45, 83, 104, 255, 1013… 63,072,000 seconds - TWO YEARS.
So of course, I understood why you swam away.
Away from the girl who broke your boat because being drained of energy was something I used to do to others.  
I ****** the acid out of batteries and I walked on power lines, licked light bulbs, and suckled sockets because I too was once a drowning victim and but I hit the water was shocked by the electric energy that I had drained from him and it was hell.  
The hell that I had laid cobblestones too, the hell that one day I might see you in, because we’re all sinners here.  
We aren’t human if we don’t make mistakes, and ****’t I’ve made mine.

I fell from the ship and sank until I hit rock bottom, which was  somewhere right between a razor blade reef and pill popping plankton. It’s funny how solid rock bottom can feel beneath your feet, because we’ve been on our boats or in the water for so long;
but you can’t stay down there no matter how badly you want to
because your lungs are screaming for air so you push yourself up and struggle for the surface.
The Marianas Trench is the deepest point in the ocean, and I’m pretty sure that’s about where I landed.  
And I’m sure that if it wasn’t for a difference in timing, I would’ve seen her at the bottom too.
But that’s the split between me and her, because right now I’m back in my own boat and I’m breathing in fresh air but she’s gasping for a breath. She’s struggling to breathe but her lungs keep taking on water.

This doesn’t happen to just her and me, but there are hundreds of thousands of people out at sea.
Some decide to perform a self mutiny by mutilating their minds and jumping overboard and the truth is that not everyone makes it!
Some open their mouths underwater while screaming for help
but instead their shouts are choked out by the salty ocean that surrounds us all that we continuously mistake for our own tears.  
Some people are smarter. They wear life jackets, while the rest of us
use others as life rafts until we figure out how to rebuild our boats and I’m here to say that you can.
No, it’s not going to be easy. It’s never easy.  
Learning to swim wasn’t easy. When you first learned to swim you thought you would drown then, but you survived didn’t you?  
If Jack Sparrow sailed the sea, so can we.

So here I am, breathing in and I’m floating on,
trying to teach others that mending their ships is a pain but they have nothing to lose and so much more to gain.  
And there you are and if dating me is like breath of fresh air and you're fire, do I just continue to let you consume my oxygen until I choke on bitter words and stutter on sentences that I can’t spit out?
Sure my boat has holes in it and sometimes, the patches break;
but I have found that letting water in just isn’t for me so don’t plan on using wooden scraps of my boat to light your fire anytime soon because I know that even though this ocean seems vast and never-ending, we are all sailing somewhere.
Hopefully, we’ll get their soon.
Feb 2016 · 458
Illuminating My Darkness
AM Snyder Feb 2016
Have you ever thought about the last time you loved someone?
The last time you let someone in so far that
you found parts of yourself that you never knew?
The last time you promised yourself this was it
that she would be the one this time, like he was the one last time
and she was the one the time before that.

How this time, things were going to be different
and each time they are but you’re not sure
if it is for better or for worse but
you keep trying anyways because what is life if not
failed attempts and unfulfilled dreams?

Empty promises and countless nightmares
which have turned into daydreams because
you’re living them out in front of your own eyes
day after day without even realizing it.

Because here your are once again, with your heart out on your sleeve
letting her take pieces of it that you don’t even have to offer
because you’ve been split into smaller pieces but you still
give up what little you have because you were taught that
even when you have nothing, there is always something to give.

She has given me solace, warmth, kisses, and sweet smiles
that I worry I will never be able to repay because she can’t seem to find
the beauty that is inside of her, so what if she can never see
the beauty that I’ve been trying so hard to find within me?

These are the things that keep me unsure of my sureness
that keep me aware of the fact that I am now self aware
because I know that I deserve love and if she can’t accept mine
will she be able to love me?  

Was this too soon? Is she sure of me? Does she see the monster?
Does she see the true me? Have I let her so far inside that
she decided to turn back because she sees the darkness that
haunts my mind and clouds my heart but when she is around
I feel nothing but an electric heat that could light cities around the world.

Still, I keep fighting for her because I don’t know if I could even
bear the thought of losing her even now.  
My mission; my goal - love her in a way that she has never known before.
Love her in the way that she truly deserves because no one else
will ever be able to do it right; no one but me.
So here I stay, to hold her through the night and hopefully she
will finally see that she is the fire that illuminates my life.
For Her <3
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
AM Snyder Feb 2016
Who was the first one to say
“**** it”?
To put his ******* up in the air
and scream 
at the top of his lungs?

To chop off her hair and wear pants,
while whispering
“**** gender roles”
as she washed her newly chopped hair
and didn’t shave her legs.

Who was the first to stand up to the man
and fall on his knees before him
as he was shot down for saying
“go **** yourself”
because that was what
he firmly believed in.

Who were the revolutionaries that
inspired the revolutionaries we know of today?
And who will be the new rebels that blare
“**** the police”
as they drive down their drug torn streets,
hoping that today wasn’t going to be their last.

Who were the first people to go
“**** it, I’m out” and
jump off the ledge,
tie the noose,
or point a pistol to their head?

Who were the trailblazers?
The ones who keyed the terms
“**** it” and “*******”
“**** this” or “**** that”

Who was the first woman that
made a man look at her and say
And how do you manage
to have that effect on me?

Who are you to make me say
“**** it” and
drive 3 hours to see you
when I have school the next morning?

Who are you to make me say
“**** the system” as I
try to convince you to skip class
to come and see me for a couple days?

Who are you to say

“**** gender rolls”
and make guy’s jeans realize
that they never would’ve looked as good
on guys as they do on you.

Who are you to say
“go **** yourself”
when they told you that
you couldn’t be you
even though you know who you are.

Who are you to say
“**** the police”
while you race 90 miles per hour
down the interstate
and put your lips to a joint
as you put them to mine?

Who are you to say
“**** it, I’m out”
and leave me with my
heart in hand and
a bottle of Bacardi in the other?

Who are you to
stand out and say
“**** it” and “*******”
“**** this” or “**** that”

How can you lie in front of me
and lie in front of me
saying that you don’t give a ****
when I can’t help but whisper ****
under my breath every time I see you

Yet you still don’t understand
that you’re the one ******* up
my heart and ******* up
my thoughts while ******* me
and I won’t say **** this
because I’m too ****** up
to just say **** it.
Feb 2016 · 383
Lost Girl
AM Snyder Feb 2016
She was lost in a disarray of
music notes and heart strings
that played emotions like
she played melodies on
her second hand store ukulele.

She was lost in a room
of buildings and infrastructure
that surrounded her life
and told her which way was up
and that there was only down.

She was lost in a pile of
faded flannel shirts and
hoodies that didn’t smell like
her anymore because they had
been worn by someone else for too long.

She was lost behind fogged glasses
and curly hair that hung a little too low
but could be brushed out of the way
by the right hand that knew
how to hold her face as well.

She was lost in a cloud of nothing
that consumed her heart until she
couldn’t quite find her way out
of the darkness.  But little did she know
that she was the fire that lit the way out.
For Her <3
AM Snyder Feb 2016
Forever in love with
a gold chain and memories.
Tearing me down
who would’ve thought we’d
be enemies.
Dizzy nights and dark dreams
that brought us together
now tear at our being
as your thighs stick to
the leather.
Foggy windows and
hot boxed cars
forever leaving behind traces
of who we were and
who we are.
Crave your initials
into an old tree,
and leave behind the last trace
of what we used to be.
Feb 2016 · 275
Tweet Poem 6
AM Snyder Feb 2016
I love her
not just to love
but because
she is someone
who is worthy of
being loved.
Feb 2016 · 256
Tweet Poem 5
AM Snyder Feb 2016
Darkness of the ages past.
Pick up the phone.
Time is fleeting;
It will never last.
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
I am she; I am he
AM Snyder Jan 2016
She knew how to hold me
because she was used
to holding herself together.
She bound herself,
not from head to toe, but
from her flat stomach
to her nervous armpit.
Never quite comfortable
in her own skin,
but I was comfortable
against it.

I never knew what
name to call her.
So I called her
My lover would
rest with me.
Whispers filled the air
like clouds.
Our words were
puffy and white.
Others spoke
acid tongued storm clouds.

Now that she is gone
I still don’t know what
name to call her. Him.
His name
rolls off my tongue
as hers had.
Still bittersweet
and rough, still
my unstable rock.

Rocks crumble and learn
that the rain washes them away.
Rain learns that falling on,
or for, rocks
bruises the heart
and breaks the ribs.
Yet still, the rain comes and
my heart ruptures and
my chest aches of cracks. Still
I long for him.
For her.  For us.
AM Snyder Jan 2016
Thats how I will remember her; just as she was.  Laying in my bed wearing her rastafarian drug rug that twinned my own, holding my lanyard close and my brother even closer.  She laughed as she watched me drink lemonade that I later learned contained laxatives, and she avoided any type of emotional outburst that didn’t reveal that she just might not be okay.  As I started to exit my room and said “Goodbye”, she surprised me.

“Don’t say that Bean.”

I looked down at one brown eye and one eye colored fake blue with a contact lens, and I saw sadness in both.  So I smiled sadly and said,
“Instagram you later.”
Jan 2016 · 414
Tweet Poem 4
AM Snyder Jan 2016
Green grass and
sunny days.
the squirrels play.
Birds in the sun and
fresh soil dug.
A brand new stone
of grey.
140 characters or less
Jan 2016 · 3.6k
Tweet Poem 3
AM Snyder Jan 2016
Smell the air; he fails.
His mother will be home.
Scrape burnt chocolate into the trash
and spray Febreeze.
Bloodshot eyes
and goodbye Mary.
140 characters or less
Jan 2016 · 465
Tweet Poem 2
AM Snyder Jan 2016
Oily air, greasy skin,
hot stove tops, and
delicately arranged lemons.
Potato pans and crushed croutons.
Take orders and
watch the clock.
140 characters or less
Jan 2016 · 385
Tweet Poem 1
AM Snyder Jan 2016
Oceanic wastelands and barren lagoons.
Twisted tails of eons ago.
Malformed by bitter tongues
of jealous sea creatures,
who envy the oyster.
140 characters or less
Jan 2016 · 396
Metal Man
AM Snyder Jan 2016
I am not a metal man
I am no metal machine
which you can turn off and on,
use for your own devices.

I am real.
I am blood and flesh,
love and sadness.
I am arteries and muscle,
thought and sound.

I am salty tears and wounds,
cut newly each day.
I am bone and brow,
sweat and smell.

I have no cold metallic heart,
that cannot feel
the love of another.
I have pain and
happiness in my chest.

I have the motion of
everything around me,
the wind against my face,
sand in between my toes.

I do not compute,
or follow a set of codes,
that limit my existence and
subject my being.

I am fear and sin,
that may live as I please.
I will not be molded and
bent with the push of a button,
or the pull of a lever by
the man above me.

I am whole and being.
Breath fills my lungs.
Food fills my stomach,
thoughts and memories
fill my head.

Lust fills my lips and *****,
sorrowful aching fills my heart.
Blood fills my veins,
marrow fills my bones.

I am no metal man.
I feel the pain of
every single being around me.
I am the pain, I cause it.
I weep and howl because of it.

Shells hit the floor as quickly as
droplets of blood fall.
As quickly as a mother falls to her knees
before the sight of her dead son.

I am the trigger finger,
that contains madness and fear.
I am a lost soul that
wanders the world.

I am contradiction;
life and death.
Everything that is the emptiness
that dwells in the chest
of every human.
I am no metal man.
I am you.
Dec 2015 · 352
Pursuing My Thoughts
AM Snyder Dec 2015
I follow my conscious mind
into the vast unknown.
Down the creaky, wooden steps,
I enter darkness.

The cellar door latches behind me,
throwing me further into the abyss.
I walk, running my hand against the wall.
The cool, damp cement calms my fear.

As I pursue the nothing,
the air grows thick and musty
like topsoil and fresh rain.
Visions of April downpours
cloud my thoughts.

One by one, I carefully step.
Testing the hard floor with each forward venture,
waiting for it to cease in its existence
and for me to slip further into the puzzle.

The perpetual blackness ushers me on,
until splinters of groaning wood meet my hand.
Groping my way up a new staircase,
I embark into what is hopefully
A look into my mind
Dec 2015 · 435
Birch Trees
AM Snyder Dec 2015
I am underground, where
a dimly lit darkness hangs in the room.
Its coolness is attributed
to cement walls
behind wooden panels.

Sinking into my bed I listen
to the quiet rattling window,
the rush of cars passing by,
and the sinking silence of the house.
A sense of peace could be found,
but only if searched for.

Paintings hang on the purple walls;
pieces of art I created.
The smallest one hangs below
the thick glass window;
the only source of light for the room.

She hangs there,
like the sun in the sky.
I run my fingers over the canvas.
I can feel how it has been thickened
by layers of paint.
The scent of acrylic is calming,
giving feelings of tranquility
and nostalgia.

I recalled the stroke of the brush,
the images of sunsets, tree leaves,
rippling water and white bark.
Birch trees against the sunset,
and my satisfaction
as it came to be.
Recalling my first painting
AM Snyder Dec 2015
Sitting on purple dinosaurs
has never interested me.
That is until today,
when sat I upon one and
wondered what they eat.
Who knows?
I learned my brother also enjoys the
company of brightly colored, plastic reptiles.
He is living two hundred miles away,
maybe more; maybe less.
Yet I felt the bond strengthen between us,
bringing us closer together.
Between a gap of 378 days
and 200 miles,
I like to think he felt it too.
Perhaps he did.
Who knows?

Who knows anything?
Who knows what purple dinosaurs eat or
why moths fly towards the light?
Who knows that I prefer blue slushies to red or
the square root of pi?
Who knows who invented the alphabet or
invents reasons for war?
Who knows how to stop chain smoking or
why we cause guilt for ourselves?
Who knows a sure way to cure hiccups or
how to love without being hurt?

If everyone knew only one thing,
people would still
parade around arrogantly,
as if they themselves know
every single idea
that God has for man.
One may even argue that
God does not exist,
and that he is just a figment
in the imagination of fools.
Once again, I will argue back
Who knows?  I know I don’t.
I’m just a girl
sitting on a purple dinosaur.
Dec 2015 · 727
AM Snyder Dec 2015
I wonder if the dot above the "i" gets lonely
as it sits above each i, all by itself.
I mean look at how many times I
have created a lonely i in the last four lines!

What if we never used the letter i,
so then if it wasn't used
there would be no dot in existence to be lonely?
I shall start now.

Ths wll be dffcult, I can already tell.
What f nstead, I used captal I's to replace
all the lowercase ones?
Then there would be no lonely dots!

I shall use bIg I's from here on out!
No dot shall every be lonely on my watch!
But now, the questIon remaIns...
what about punctuatIon?
Dec 2015 · 622
AM Snyder Dec 2015
She gave me a deformed M&M; and said
“Here.  It’s just like you.”
I took it and ate it, before she could take it back.

I savored every little bit of the blue candy coating and
decided it tasted the same as the rest.
The same as the “normal” ones.

She proceeded to give me a handful of differently colored M&Ms;
and I tasted each one.  They all tasted the same.  The same as
the deformed one.

She then gave me a broken and cracked M&M; and said
 “Here.  Just like you.”
I nodded and smiled as I once again took the candy,
knowing that this one would taste the same as the others.

Upon thinking more about these strange, chocolate candies
I remembered the M&Ms; that rested in a glass jar
atop my grandpa’s kitchen fridge.

They were the same as the deformed, broken, and regular ones now, yet
whenever he snuck us a small handful of those little, chocolate candies
they tasted better.  Special.
If only his hands could reach down from heaven now.
Dec 2015 · 853
Exit Sign
AM Snyder Dec 2015
How did I end up here?
Plotting schemes of revenge over
late nights and countless coffee cups?
All because I couldn’t say no one or two
or three or eight too many times,
because why not?
Because age is just a number baby,
so why not hop in my car for a ride
that you will never forget
because you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Just like I regret you.
And every kiss, every touch,
every text, every late night that I
stayed up waiting on a FaceTime call
or for you to pick up the phone
but you couldn’t because you were too drunk
and I was too irrelevant for you to care
that I cared about you.

Because you entangled my thoughts
with silver woven lies that I heard as truth,
and I wouldn’t know the difference
because I don’t know what truth sounds like
and neither do you.

So how could you be to blame?
Lying is your nature,
like spiders ensnaring insects or
lions on the hunt, you prowl.
Searching for your next victim; your next prey.
Well there she is,
primed and ready for the ****.
As once was I, for I could not run.
I was caught in the hypnosis and
lure of commitment and feeling
Until I got my wake up call
from golden, chiming bells.
I was able to see the web
in which I was caught.

And when confronting you about your
spider-like ways, you denied
even though the guilt seemed to
emit from your eyes like
an exit sign telling me to
because I still could.
Because it wasn’t too late.
And thats how I ended up here.

— The End —