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 Apr 2017 allie
 Apr 2017 allie
The multi-colored cat is sitting in the window.
It's looking out the window, curiously looking at the outside world.
The sun is going down.
The light is shinning on his fur.
The cat seems happy, he seems content in this home.
He will grow old looking out this window.
He has a home forever where he will be loved.
He will be loved, that's all he wants.
Je prie, j'ai peur
Je ris, je meurs
Je joue, je gagne
J'ai mal et je me soigne
Et j'ai le même sang que toi


I pray, I'm afraid
I laugh, I die
I play, I win
I hurt and I heal myself
And I have the same blood as you
another french poem/song by Yannick Noah. Enjoy
I walk up to the dock
I am two steps away from the boat
I am two steps away from home
do I go?

The only decision
that could change my life
for the better
or for the worse
Just two steps

I look back at my mom with tears in her eyes
Just looking at her says everything
I need to go

But then I look back at my sister holding my dog
And just looking at them
Makes me want to stay
I need to stay

Just two steps
splitting my life in half
Do I go?
Or do I stay
My old life of comfort
Or a new life of adventure

Two steps
one step forward
one step back again

*Do I go?
When one has to make a decision he or she has 'split their universe in half' Making It even harder to choose a side
Justice, justice!
When will we see it?
One little country, far from its roots.
Justice, justice
Where’s true liberty?
Truth is the never was, never is
Never will be equality!
too many people lose their way!
Legal destruction
What do lives mean anymore?
Its time to stand
Its time to speak
It’s time to raise your voice
Sing it!
Justice, justice
Where is our freedom?

Justice, justice, will we ever be free?
These days,
It’s so hard to see
But you will never silence me
why are we scared of the police?
We gave them power
To protect in every hour, but now that we’re standing,
Who can make us fall?
Justice, justice,
Was there ever any?

We the people
In order to establish a more perfect union
Will oppress those in need
And give the power to the rich
We the people,
Will never have any power
We the people
Have had enough
Tell me this is justice
Tell me you are justified
tell me this is justice
Look me in the eye and tell me!
Silence me, I’ve proven my point
For ideas will forever run,
Bullets make you
Words make me
Here’s a punchline
Remember who you are!
When there are kids still hungry,
People getting hurt
Vets in the service
All of them never taken care of
A broken system,
Don’t take a genius to see. Call this propaganda
But I just can’t see it continue
Give me justice, or give me death
Justice or death
 Apr 2017 allie
 Apr 2017 allie
Poetry* has never hurt like this before. I beg of you, drown this

hurt, and **** it with your last  touch. Touch my skin with your lips, let them rest against my bare neck. And let me drown in

you as well the disillusionment of a love  separated by the stars. Spare me one last look, tame in me this fire that yearns for you,

this fire that can't be put out.  Save me. From myself, one last night, before we say goodbye.

 Apr 2017 allie
 Apr 2017 allie
The Walls.

Four of them.
I look around and think...
They are closing me in
But then i remember.
they're not
“You don’t know what it’s like
to be this empty,” he tells me
and that’s true, I don’t
but I know how it feels
to want to fill the space.
Hi kids I'm back
 Apr 2017 allie
maybe we dont believe
we're beautiful
because those who have
told us that
have hurt us
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