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The single tear
gliding to the ground
landing with a plunk
That no one can hear but you
That single tear
sailing down your cheek
that tear
can tell its story
the story of heartbreak
life and loss
That single tear
that you friends and family
can see with clarity
they will know
the story of that tear
as soon as they see it slide
down your pale face
just that one glistening tear
says it all
How you can tell sadness from fear and loss. The comfort and light your friends and family brings into your life. Cherish those moments of comfort. Because they won't last forever
 Apr 2017 allie
 Apr 2017 allie
I need someone to hold my hand.
I need to feel the warmth of the skin.
I need you to understand I might be sad even when you do this.
Don't be alarmed if I suddenly break out into tears.
It's not you, I'm glad your here holding my hand.
Sometimes though even when I know someone is here for me.
I still feel the need to cry.
Because I feel things, and I see things, and life happens and it's hard at times.
So, don't run away when my eyes become filled with tears.
Because if you weren't here, holding my hand, it might be worse.
 Apr 2017 allie
her favorite color is blue
her hair is blonde.
her lips are blue.
so are her fingers.
her nails are silver.
her heart is cold.
it’s winter here.
below freezing at this point.
the snow is a blue-white,
its untouchable.
cold, to the point where it hurts
she is blue.
she is dead.

she was pale.
like a ghost.
maybe she was one.
she was smiling at me.
her lips were blue.
her silver fingers
tapped along the
she had a blue pen.
uncapped, poised to write.
blue ink flowed out;
the pen broke,
ink spilling on her hands.
she didn't mind.
she told me she liked
she is dead.

she didn’t clean it up.
blue everywhere.
i went over to help her
she didn't know me.
she smiled, her lips blue.
i smiled back.
i handed her a towel;
she cleaned.
the teacher wasn’t looking.
her hair was long,
the ends of it,
her silver nails touch my
hands in thanks.
i went back to
my seat.
my friend looked at me.
i looked back.
he looked at the blue girl,
towel still in her hands.
he raised an eyebrow at me;
i shake my head.
blue girl stares at her pen,
broken in half,
the insides spilling out,
slowly then all of it gone,
wiped away like
there in the first place.
blue still on her mind.

we kissed.
it was after school.
i was standing outside,
and she came up to me.
to say thank you.
for helping her.
she was pretty.
her hair was pretty.
she was pretty.
she smiled,
i smiled back,
she stepped closer,
her blue dress blowing in the
it was spring
she was
and breathing.
i saw lots of blue.
her lips were blue.
dark blue,
and touched mine.
blue on pink,
silver on clear.
she pulled away
smiled at me.
walked away.
blue lipstick on my lips

i liked her.
her blue lips and
silver fingers.
they were part of her.
she was pretty.
my friend slapped me on the back
for getting
a kiss from her.
like it was a competition.
but it wasn’t.
he wouldn’t have been able to
handle her anyways.
she’s her own person,
an enigma of her own.
a didn’t understand
her myself.
she was beautiful.
she was alive.
i didn’t see her again
until the weekend.
she was covered in blue paint
in the paint store.
i needed to repaint
my room.
she offered to help.
she’s in my house,
in my room,
we’re alone
i wonder if
kiss me again.

she did kiss me.
when i touched her silver fingers,
she looked at me
and kissed me
i didn’t pull away.
she pressed me
against my
blue paint on my
on her hands,
in my hair.
i looked at her,
she looked at me.
we kissed again.
her hands on my shoulders,
she was a pretty
blue girl,
in my room.
she was warm.
she liked my name.
i liked hers.
i liked her.
a lot.

it was summer.
she was still
even prettier.
her hair was still blonde,
still silver.
she got a tan.
she knows me.
i know her.
i love her.
she doesn’t know.
i met her mom,
she’s also blue.
she met my family,
she loves them.
its fall,
her tan is gone,
back to
dark blue.
she said she loves me
i say i love her,
it’s winter and she is

i visit her grave,
buy her while flowers and
paint them
blue-dark-blue so
she’ll like
i tell her i love
that I’ll see
her soon.
i buy pink and
white flowers,
paint the white
pink for me,
blue for her.
she is dead, but
she is still
and blue.
 Apr 2017 allie
 Apr 2017 allie
I want a room with a window,
White walls of the sun,
And a floor from the trees,
A hole for the stars to be seen.
I want a curtain across the door
The door far from the window,
A bed inches from the floor
Where I sprawl across
Just next to my bookcase,
A few pillows on the ground,
A soft rug below.
And the sun will burn through every morning
But only to burn the night cold,
And when it rains
It patters my home
And I see it roll from
The first drop of birth
To its journey of tiny rivers across.
And when I have much to think
And none to speak to,
I will watch the moon dance
With the clouds of disguise,
And I will watch and watch
Until sleep lulls me by.
I can picture it all so well,
So vivid, so detailed,
Almost feeling the heat of the sun,
Hear the sound of the rain,
The memories of the stars,
But here I am,
Sitting and sitting
Knowing what I want
But having no clue
How to get it, to get there.
I wanna make a home
A place of my own,
But here I am
And I can't go.
a whisper
You walk away
leaving me to my dreams
my hopes
my wandering mind
Yet I am still here
I'm still standing
where you left me
on that cold rainy night
And sometimes
I wish for you to return
so you can knock me
back down to the dust
where I belong
but no
I'm still here
I'm still standing
on my golden perch
high above you
At the top of the hierarchy
But it doesn't feel this way
I feel lower
so why don't you
come back
and hurt me
until I die
because that's the only way
I'll stay down
below you
so **** me
I'll remain here
on my golden perch
why not?
**** me.
the only
thing to do
is to travel up
going farther faster
going nowhere but only
only you know where you have
gotta go, and now, since you are here
at the bottom. with me. just go. the only way
If you hit Rock Bottom, the only way you can go
This was just fun :)
                                                     forbidden wonders
                                               hidden beneath the waves
                                        All the secrets forming underneath
Buried in the darkened deep. Hidden. So no soul will find it. Forgotten. Never found
Sinking low, swimming deeper. falling onto the black sand. Falling in the darkened deep
Finding it's hidden secrets. It's virtues. The masterpiece that lies within it's dark shape
dive  dive  dive  dive  dive  dive  dive  dive  dive  dive­  dive  dive  dive  dive  dive
I will find the forbidden wonders. The hidden virtues. The  *Darkened Deep
This originally was supposed to look like a sun setting on water. but, as you can tell, that didn't work out so well. ;)
Alors laissons aller

Je vis, je crie,
Je pleure, j’oublie,
Je marche, je danse,
Je tombe et j'avance
Je perds je doute
Je parle, j'écoute
Je crois, je change
Je plais ou je dérange
Et j'ai le même sang que toi

So let's go

I live, I yell,
I cry, I forget,
I walk, I dance,
I fall and I advance
I lose I doubt
I speak, I listen
I think, I change
I like or annoy me
And I have the same blood as you
You left your mark
like a stamp imprinted on my heart
You left me
carrying nothing
only your poetic wishes
imprinted deep
into the pages of my heart
The curses
The love
The hurt
The verses
everything we shared together
safe and sound
resting within
the million pages of my heart
your love will always lie within me
but I had to go
I just wanted you to know
You're always with me
If we always read
what was going on around us
in our world
in the present
then when would we take the time
to see what is going on
Because seeing is believing
Isn't it?
But no,
no it is not
You might be able to see the world
the actions that are going on around you
but you will never be able to see
The Mind
The imagination is the greatest key
to be able to see
to see a world other than our own
That is why nonfiction is stupid
it only holds what you can see
what you experience in your everyday life
I don't see any greater joy
than reading a story made up
from the billions of people in our world
because only very few can see the world
for what it really is
but anyone could write about
Abe Lincoln, or Queen Elizabeth II
But what if there was a different world?
A world beyond
a world that only you can imagine
again, this is why
Nonfiction *****
take a break from your everyday lives
and live a life in fiction
all you have to do,
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