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I love you,
When I am happy,
The sky is blue,
The Sun is shining sheepishly at me.
I love you,
When anger stains my soul,
The clouds clash thunderously,
The wind howls incessantly.
I love you,
When life knocks me down,
The moon lovingly beckons me to hold on.
I love you,
When fear grips me,
The night is dark,
And the twinkling stars cuddle me close,
I love you when I am filled with
various  emotions,
Raindrops of tears,snowflakes of laughter and hail of sorrow.
I love you, rain or shine,
To the depths of my heart.
Like the water
in a river
are meant to
touch our lives
and flow their way.

But some people
cut through
the rocky obstacles
in your life
and teach you
to flow

That day, I met two kinds of people in the same river.
 Aug 2018 amelia ware
 Aug 2018 amelia ware
With hidden hands,
the curtain clung to the wall
and cascaded like a waterfall
down to the floor.

Smothering the window
and draping an old side table,
rendering it derelict
- a lifeless silhouette.

Quarter way down from the ceiling,
the curtain parted just a sliver.
Allowing a lone ray to visit between
ambling clouds.


One on the outside can’t fully see
the darkened workings
of a confined mind.

I, on the inside...
Can’t see past the cloth
fastened stubborn
over my weary eyes.
I'll know you when I see you,
I'll think of you even when I no longer see you,
Not sure if I'd die for you,
Hey I'm just being honest,
I'm always real,maybe not the realest,
But I do try,
I really don't lie.
Anytime you can cry on me,
Laugh with me,
I'll totally smile when you hold my hand,
We can walk through any land,
Because we're taking steps together,
And we'll endure no matter the weather.
Yeah yeah :D
Phew!! dear future something(love I guess) lol
Say my name
Say it gently
Use your words
To caress me
Speak your thoughts
Speak them out loud
Confess your love
Amidst the crowd
Scream your wishes
Scream your dreams
Make your reality
Better than it seems
Whisper your pain
Whisper your fears
Release the tension
Wipe away your tears
Open your mind
Open up wide
Let my love in
Let me inside
 Nov 2015 amelia ware
Langit Mara
Lately, I've been craving love more
I miss having someone around
Someone who can make me forget about you
and everything you did to me
Someone to hold me when I'm falling apart
Someone to tell me I'm beautiful,
even with my brokenness
Someone to tell me they still want to kiss my lips
after they see me crumbling down crying and
shaking all over
Someone to remind me that I don't really need you anymore in my life
even though I miss you sometimes
Someone to remind me that I don't need to run back to what broke me just because I miss them
Someone who could help me build myself to be whole again
Someone who loves me that much that they don't let me depend on them, cause
once you get attached, that's when you give them the power to break you

 Nov 2015 amelia ware
MS Lim
Men are born free
but everywhere are in chains
thus wrote Rousseau--I take the point further-
upon themselves they inflict pains

in being prisoners of time
which with a sword of Damocles hangs
over every head and herds them into closed barns
where they sigh and lament in silent pangs

of anguish with no hope to be free
they have lost the will to fight
to regain that which was once their heritage
and fundamental right

men are born free
but by the loss of freedom they are condemned
time is the slayer--would they wake up
some day and look upon time with contempt?
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