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  May 2019 Amanda Francis
Catch me
Like a Firefly in a glass tomb
Like a candlelit flame in a dark room

I am narrative alive and well
Time reincarnate
And I give myself most humbly forward

Charred and broken at both ends
Until my own ashes turn lie and truth
I burn on every living tongue for you
God bless the words which avail to me, and actually want to be spoken.
Amanda Francis May 2019
Im sorry of this is offensive but made me an obsessive.
This isnt ****** but we both know *** is power and I feel powerless
Amanda Francis Apr 2019
Let her go.
You're draining the life from her.
Blood red, petals drift to the ground.
Finding stillness and turning to monochrome.

Let her go.
Slow and lazy.
Its barely there.
The world falls to stillness around her.
The inside of a glass tomb.
People will morn, maybe even you.

Let her go.
Your embrace is too strong.
You don't want her anyway, let her be free.
Controlling her doesn't fix you.
Controlling her won't make you love you.

Let her go.
She's fading to numbness.
A slow thud.
This isn't love.

**But this is loving you
Amanda Francis Apr 2019
The heart is a useless analogy for love.
The heart is strong and unconditional.

What might be better is a ram's horn.
Twisted and lethal.

Flowers are inked into the soils that nourish loves folly.
But a crashing, crimson sea with cruel intentions would be better.

When you're around I get butterflies, butterflies feel a lot like nausea.
Like a butterfly, you change into beautiful things, but they never last long.

I swallowed swords and breathed fire, yet your names still blossoms between bared teeth.
My soul is a bruised patchwork made from your fingerprints.
Your insincerity.

If I could cut you out, I’d bronze you. I’d wear you like a necklace.
Id travel to where you came, I’d ask Satan himself for a spell to banish you.

I know now that the fire in my belly was heartburn, mistaken for passion.
I found you in the depth of my chronic headache, you’ve got me treading water in my brainwaves.
Amanda Francis Mar 2019
I want to leave,
Because I want to live.

I fear that staying still, staying here.
Is to simply exist.
Amanda Francis Mar 2019
When the loneliness envelops me like cold dark water, and the waves come crashing over my head.
When between tired desperate gasps for air all I can do Is release water from my mouth.
To pretend for a few seconds longer that I am able to keep my lungs safe from this storm.
When all I can feel is pain and the self-made chaos swirls in menacing clouds above my head.

I think of letting you go, of a world where contentment and nice are worn as badges.
Until I remember that no world without you in is worth waking up in at all.
So I splutter up another lungful and pray for a few more seconds with you.
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