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 Apr 2015 ahmo
Miranda Renea
Today I did nothing, except
Pick flowers from trees and
Arrange them in a bowl full
Of water. Oh, and I suppose
Fed a homeless man with two
Packs of sardines and tea.
It's sort of silly, this is the
Happiest I've been in a week,
Or two. Or perhaps even three.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Megan H
There is a shadow looming over me.
In fact there are many shadows
That I have chosen to bear.
They vary in size and shape
And none of them are mine.
They weigh me down
Make my life seem heavier
I do not know why
I have chosen
To accept this darkness
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Joshua Haines
Capture my ocean side.
Surf my skin like you'd trace
  your fingers on
  VCR tape.

Wrap your hands
  around my neck,
  until I fade to black--
looking into your eyes.

Capture my ocean side.
  It feels like a diamond
is sinking into my chest.

  I want to hit myself,
until I can't feel anything
but my blue skin smush
underneath my knuckles.
  My fingernails
      kissing my palms.

Capture my ocean side.
  I cannot face what I have
drawn onto my mirror.
What I found measurable,
  has lost scale, has lost
immensely, breathless.

Rewind the tape
  around my neck.
I'd rather not see through
  the film
    or you.

Capture my ocean side.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
i am aggressive.
aggressively happy, aggressively sad.

i will be the sun that crashes through
your window and warms your living room with my laughter, i will melt your candles and burn your eyes with my smile. i will furnish your home with my voice and hang memories of us on the walls of your heart. i will scorch you by surprise like a seat belt in july, i will scald your cupid's bow with my cherry lips and you will never get my taste out of your mouth. i will set your house on fire.

but on the hard days, i will not.

i will drain the color from your life. my tears will wash the pigment from the walls and pull the curtains shut. you won't remember what sunshine feels like. my shivering shoulders will **** the warmth out of our shared home, establishing a winter not with crystalline ice but with a bone-chilling cold whose frost bites at anything exposed - your heart, your fingers, your nose - don't let me get too close.

i will be your sunshine, and then i will leave you out in the rain.
i wish i could be a calm, pleasant day, but i can only be fire, i can only be ice.
i'm sorry, but i've never known gray - i've never done anything halfway.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Someone once said
Mother Earth is as much
A part of us
As we are of Her
If we aknowledge that
Each ***** that sustains
Our intelligently designed existance
Each muscle that
Promotes our dynamic lives
Each cell that celebrates
Its small yet profound task
Within us,
Comes forth from the ground
We walk upon
We will see that the person
On the other side of the Earth
Is as much a part of us
As we are of Mother Earth
When we stop thinking as individuals and start thinking as One, we can learn to fix our mistakes.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
MV Blake
Distant Loss
 Apr 2015 ahmo
MV Blake
When you went to sleep today,
I counted all the steps
That sat between you and me,
Like miles and miles of roads,
So many twists and turns;
The path was lost without a trace.

Is it strange to think
That we judge our love
By distance to our hearts?
Or do we choose to use
The ground between us
To fill that empty space?

So explain these tears
That fall together,
Sliding down my cheek
To join my other fears,
Of romance and careers,
As we drive this finite race.
For my Uncle Alec, who passed away this morning.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
True love.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Do you know that feeling...when you fall in love?
When you start falling and you know you'll never get up.
When you give your happiness to someone,because you care for him more than you care for yourself.
Because you love him,more than you love yourself.
Do you know that feeling...when you fall in love?
When the touch of someones hands takes you to another dimension.
When you see another world in someones eyes,a world you always dreamed of.
Do you know that person...that makes you fall in love?
The same person who erases all your fears,making you feel safer than ever.
The same person who is the reason you cope with everything.
The reason to get up,live,and fight.
Do you know that feeling...when your heart breaks?
When that same person becomes stranger.
When the love dissapears like it never excisted.
When you become one big nothing to him.
But he is one everything to you.
He is and he will always be.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Sam Stone Grenier
I let the people push me
to where I want to go,
to where I want to be.

They have their words that
punch and their legs that kick.

To the point where
**** the bluebird
with my eyes.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Shylah S
Every time I think of your face
I smile
like an idiot
a big silly grin
and it happens in the awkwardest of places
people look at me
"Is she okay?"

I don't care
make me smile everyday
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