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 Aug 2015 abstraitbeauty
no one can break me
because i am
already broken,
and all of the pieces
are too small
to smash any further
I had other poems in my head
But now they are dead
I sit here and wonder
What it is
I wanted to say
Something I was feeling
That needed out

Stressed and upset
Placing my last bet
End of the line
Spread thin

How far can I be pushed?
Until I fall over the edge
And I'm falling
Out of control

It didn't happen
Because I don't have time for that

Keeps me true

Life is too short to waste it
Being angry
Or blue
I have within me,
wrapped around my heart,
certain kind of feelings
which words failed to explain.
 Jun 2015 abstraitbeauty
Austin B
He picked up the pen,
She arrived no later than 10.
His mind anxious and stray,
Her's was now day-to-day.
She was a traveler
He was a poet,
Some might say they did not even know it.
Although not many places were seen
And only a few poems were ever so keen,
They both found each other in a far off universe,
Deep in each others eyes, days just to converse.
Instantaneous extraordinary and ever lasting,
Just a few specks of what yearns in the stars, blasting.
This is not your typical tale,
This is the story of the boy and girl who would never ever fail.
How is it that you're legally blind..
Yet you see the most?
Is that why you can never sleep?
Words that claw at you like ghosts?
Cold metal against your lips
Muted against sleep paralysis
And rusted chains telling you to listen
how is it that your heart is banged and bruised
yet  bitterness never seeps through?
I put myself in the gutter,
helping people out with their mess,
I played my life like a game,
but now my life is a test.
I paint on a smile,
to show them I'm not stressed.
I was never out for anything apart from a bit of respect.

Where are they now,
that I'm living through the struggle?
They're living their own lives,
and I'm left with **** all.
I put myself in that position,
it was my choice to learn to juggle.
These ***** of life,
it's not nice but I've learnt there's only one rule.
You gotta fend for yourself in this cruel world we live in,
everyone's willing to take but there's no giving.

The mistakes that we make and the choices we take,
can only make us stronger.
We live and we learn,
and slowly emerge,
into something greater.
stare into the depths of the sky
and you shall not see anything but an eternity of space.
but close your eyes and you see more than the world can offer.
this my dear is called imagination
and it gives us hope and helps us push forward.
sometimes when life just gets hectic I try to close my eyes and just picture what I want. nothing goes wrong when I can control what I see.
 Dec 2014 abstraitbeauty
fake smiles
empty eyes
filling up
on tired lies
don't you see
i'm almost done?
trapped in sadness
i can't run
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