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929 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
In the middle of Reality and surrealism is where you will find me.
Finding it may be difficult to differentiate.
Everyone seeks to find the way to reality.
Asking for guidance might help gravitate.
Time has always taken it's time.
Causing detachment from everything, everyone even me.
Learning, healing and being is my aim.
Hoping I'll be able to digest the end.
641 · Dec 2019
Be Gold
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
The moment I saw you I was drawn.
Immediately, I recognized your essences.
The ones you were raised around hadn't notice that all you needed was loving guidance.
You are a light-worker in disguise but not much work have been applied.
Your purpose is to simply bring light.
When will you turn on your brights?
328 · Dec 2019
See you later
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Mind speeding
heart racing
time remaining.
I am blind to a sight that hasn't moved.
The moment is still.
The quiet sound is everlasting
In the mist of emotions evaporating.
The emotions are combusting in the air and its contagious.

I am blind by imageries that unwinds our souls.
Mind speeding
heart racing
time escaping.
The only question that remains, will we meet again?
317 · Oct 2020
Violetempath27 Oct 2020
That Frank Ocean song came on.
You know which one.
Thought I would turn the station
All of a sudden I notice a smile appear across my face.
A smile that incinuated forgiveness, comprehension, and a positive opposition.
At that moment you were released.
Ex you are now an example and blueprint of certain aspects.
276 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Save yourself by saving someone.
For that someone may rescue you.
Be mindful and humble at all times. We all have our highs and lows.
237 · Dec 2019
Son/ daughter
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
To the sons/daughters my fragment conceived
Know you are special beyond any sea.
Silver tongues will slander the greatest names.
I want you to know she wished for positive premonitions.
Also, she never cared for recognition.
For they will only know what is true with their third eye.
235 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
A sign of Respect to me is having the gratitude to acknowledge ones error without a preconceived misconception you are superior in anyway.
Ego can be someone biggest downfall.
227 · Dec 2019
R or S
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Run or stay?
Is it too late to pave a way?
I have faith even though
I've been manipulated by the one you all follow.
Long before you all knew how to say your names.
Rebirth without the natural process doesnt feel like thats what you all
I left but came back, is that possible?
Let it be.
Time to be free.
212 · Dec 2019
First love
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Attempting to hold on to what is left because I never knew my first.
Imagine, I believed it was mother.
Reminiscing how I long for her nurture and flourished in her scent needing to be everywhere she went.
I wrote this poem after realizing all that I have been longing for was Myself. I've focused so much on doing for others, loving, caring that I forgot myself. After noticing what people around me has gone through in life it was apparent they lost theirselves in the process without realizing. Society in all have lost their innocence, compassion, patience, humility, comprehension that we are all one.
197 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
I see you
Do you see me?
I see your soul while most fixate on skin.
I hear your mind that believes you see me.
Can you see me?
I am the love that is within.
You think we are this skin but the truth is, I am still in this maze you all think we've mindfully created.
197 · Dec 2019
Violet flame
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Violet flame is where I reside.

They're apprehending my senses after I have traveled from a distance.

Left or right?
Im trying to navigate through your mind.
I just want to heal the pain you all dwell on and try to suppress within.

I am someone you all wouldn't comprehend.
Somewhere in the clouds is where you'll find my Violet flame.
194 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
I was told I was troubled.
The truth is I was elected,
Hand picked
Many might say Targeted.
I wasn't ready but enlightenment has called onto me.
A new chapter has began.
This poem is a based on my awareness of my true self. I am learning that nothing matters if you aren't aware of your true essence and knowledge that we are more than our surroundings.
165 · Feb 2020
Violetempath27 Feb 2020
Love and I have never met eye to eye.

Romantic love tends to be a figment of imagination same way life generally is lived
Romantic love tends to be a figment of imagination same way life generally is lived
161 · Dec 2019
Beautiful liar
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Your excuse come to you so swiftly.
The imbalance seeps through when your actions fail to comply.
Beautiful liar is what I'll call you.
It is beautiful because it is exactly what I want to believe and
my emotions are usually gone with the wind.
Please continue while I read you.
Beautiful liar, you are decieving you.
156 · Sep 2020
Violetempath27 Sep 2020
Living in the moment
Bathing my soul within the universe.
Allowing emotions to float onto surface.
Magnifying the lessons learned in sessions.
Senses never leads us astray but my heart always choose to stay.
155 · Dec 2019
We is you
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
We hear but we do not listen.
We work but do not see the profit.
We want when we have all we need.
When will you measure your greed?
154 · Dec 2019
Black face
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
What are you postulating?
I am flattered you went through all this to resemble, emulate and perpetuate my black history.
I have read this has been going on for centuries.
I am flattered you want to have a black face.
I know we are eccentric, have resilience and magnificent in oh so many ways.
What are you postulating?
I wont stand to believe its hate because originally it started as self distaste.
Bitter for reasons that are not logical.
Let's create a system that allows us all to relate.
I overtly over stand you want to have a black face.
This poem is for Everybody that has felt outcasted due to their appearance.Love your self, your roots, your unique style because that is what makes us beautiful,gorgeous, handsome. Please remember we are all one at the end of the day. May peace and love be with you.
153 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
My love
My mind
My space
Creates a new taste
Ignites a beautiful day
Feed many with grace
Manipulate transgression to progression of love and peace.
Time to advocate for better deeds and allow one another to be free.
Eventually with time everything will make sense.
152 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
They say time is money,
I say time is funny
We tend to be pretentious and walk with pride
Others aren't but proceed with modesty.
I admit the set up conforms with mitosis.
Inducing confusion by
Producing a fragment which is meant to be whole.
What occurs next is a continual episode
A rerun of what's
been done.
People seem to only focus on material matters and obtaining things. People only see what is visible to them in the physical world. Ie
money, car ,clothes. What about spritual growth, learning ourselves while we are growing through this journey called life. What have you learned about yourself spiritually? What do you think your purpose/ mission is? Have you accomplished them? Are you awakened to take on and achieve enlightenment?

People are lost and appear to be controlled by our external wants that we forget why we are here, living in this physical realm. There is so much more to attain then fancy cars, big house and ****** gratification.
Its finding our true essence.
Healing our wounds with self love and love for others despite our/their shortcomings.
Acknowledge that we are all here to grow and reach our higher selves.
151 · Dec 2019
Naughty or nice
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Once upon a time naughty was nice.
Nice went through somethings and allowed negative to fester.
Nice then turned due to peer pressure.
I wonder,
Why does naughty dislike nice,
They too are virtuous.
146 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Every atmosphere consist of various vibrations.
Are you in tune with your atmosphere?
What do you sense when you are engulf in the vibrations of your peers?
Is it clear?
Are you in denial?
Trust your gut because honesty is a rare commodity.

Will you survive the arduous journey
that awaits your virtuous soul?
It is known that so many want to see you fold.
146 · Feb 2020
Destine for Greatness
Violetempath27 Feb 2020
I am destine for Greatness despite their arrangements.
I am phenomenal and there is no way to tame it.
Frown and down my enlightenment all you want. I have the key and one day you all will see.
I am destine for Greatness and I have claimed it!
146 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Fallicious diagnosis.
I am simply a piece of my picture in the frame.
Combine my soul fragments and we'll make a whole.
Yes, one moment I am here and other times I am living a test bestowing separate testimonies.
Fallicious diagnosis.
Figuratively and
Scientifically speaking
I am a neutron of an atom, molecule is what I will return too.
145 · Jun 2020
Now and later
Violetempath27 Jun 2020
If they cannot love and accept you at your worst, they undoubtedly don't deserve you at your best. Reach your best and you'll receive what is undeniably divinely yours. Its cosmic truth!
142 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
She cheats because it excites her.
Dull is what she feels.
So she cheat because it empowers her.
She knows how much she is loved.
But it isnt enough.
she wants it rough.
So she cheats because it empowers her
140 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
You wonder why you are in the midst of misery while you are hurting another.
139 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Wondering in a wonderland
That is my brain
Reading affirmations to reestablish my aim.
Growth is my name.
136 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Who says what is what?
135 · Mar 2020
Violetempath27 Mar 2020
Lawn filled with plentiful weeds.
Each **** difficult to extract.
Allowing them to grow will continuously stunt what needs to grow.
Time to clean your lawn.
Growing process is a difficult task for me because it means leaving those that aren't meant to experience the grandiose success that is destined to occur for me. Learning that holding on to a dead flower will never revive it. It will continue to shrivel. Letting go.😌
132 · Mar 2020
Violetempath27 Mar 2020
Call me transformer
131 · Jun 2020
Mental Intell
Violetempath27 Jun 2020
There are circumstances where you have to get what is offered not what you prefer.
Your preference may eradicate the option. Everything is balance.
What cannot be sustain here is else where. Remember, what is readily available may still have something you can reap.
128 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Browsing through thoughts,
Prescriptive faults.
When will we relinquish?
Repetition appears to be a sequence.
However, it is more of a defense
Results thats derived from a mystery web of ties consumed with lies.
When will we relinquish?
Repetition appears to be a sequence.
Browsing through thoughts and prescriptive faults.
128 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
I have to believe
Deep in my core
Because I am more then what I think I see
I am a great, awesome, magnificent being.
I am the light, sun, moon and stars.
We all must praise ourselves,
See only divinity and remove all vulgarity that blocks you.
For I will praise my gifts, my spirit and integrity and be delighted that I am living spiritually.
126 · Jun 2020
Violetempath27 Jun 2020
Be grateful for any turmoil because it has the ability to construct positive morals.
125 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
How can someone love without a heart?
That doesn't make sense.
123 · May 2020
Violetempath27 May 2020
What came pouring in resulted into a river.
How it's progressing it'll transgress to a sea.
Ruminating on days spent where I tried to get our eyes to meet. Undertaking that more are pedestals and very few are queens.
I am mesmerized how I came to this deceit.
Mesmerized I am because it is something far fetch from what I gathered it to be.
In a sense it's comical because initially that was what I hope to acquire, but somewhere along the way time conspired.
123 · Feb 2020
Rat Race
Violetempath27 Feb 2020
Racing on a track and its endless.
Everyone out here attempting to past this test.
Easy for those with a birds eye view but what are the rest to do?
We're struggling, stagnant within this so called economy
Thats milliseconds from plummeting. Here we are focused on what is on the menu for breakfast. Meanwhile, our liberty is at risk.
122 · Mar 2020
Violetempath27 Mar 2020
Dear, Hopeless romantic
Pay attention to the static. Ruminate on your emotions elasticity and postpone the magnetic electricity that pulsates your yoni.
122 · Apr 2020
Violetempath27 Apr 2020
Blue moon,
when shall we meet again?
Our last encounter was brief.
I seek you because that was the last moment I recall where I could breathe.
You woke me but I was determined to go back to sleep.
Dire clarity is what I needed but an emotional figment in my imagination kept me within my theta frequence.
Blue moon,
I need to meet with you again.
118 · Mar 2020
Violetempath27 Mar 2020
Sexiness is simplicity,
simplicity is ****.
118 · Apr 2020
Violetempath27 Apr 2020
Had to play the villain to keep her alive.
117 · Jan 2020
#1 fan
Violetempath27 Jan 2020
Theres a thin line between love and hate.
There's a blur between admiration and envy.
I ponder on the logic how you are all in one.
You're someone I will always remember.
117 · Feb 2020
Violetempath27 Feb 2020
I'm like God, I maneuver in mysterious ways.
So many question how I overcome obstacles/ (spritual warfare) that attempt to derail me from accomplishing my mission/purpose in life. My response is simple. I dwell in prayer/meditation, I pray wholeheartedly with positivity, faith and assure myself with obtimistic affirmations.
116 · Dec 2019
Food for thought
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
What has existed interminably then our existence?
114 · Feb 2020
Violetempath27 Feb 2020
If happiness comes from someone unfortunate predicament I have to confess I pity you, fool.
114 · Jan 2020
Butterfly effect
Violetempath27 Jan 2020
I gaze into your soul through your eyes as you speak.
Every word bond like an encrypted melody.
I sense a flutter while I am immersed in your presences.
However, our intensity must stay hidden
because we both have our ego to protect.
I question have anyone else endured this unknown butterfly effect?
113 · Dec 2019
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
The truth seems to always hurt,
Is that why society lie?
Love has transformed to lust,
Does anyone know why?
I notice in life we only think we know who we are and who the people that surrounds is but we don't until we are awakened.
Society lust because we have forgotten or we are unwilling to truly love even ourselves
113 · Jan 2020
Violetempath27 Jan 2020
Yesterdays were days I shattered.
I wake up to a question thats diffcult to answer.
A question we all ask.
Exhausted by my automated response,
I acknowledge I am wonder woman from birth and all restraints will wither.
No reason to deliver anything other.
So to answer your question. Yes, I am okay.
112 · Apr 2020
Violetempath27 Apr 2020
Metaphysically we've spoken.
Spiritually we've been physical.
Out in this world somehow we're meant to be.
I know you're searching but I must confess I've altered the dynamics. We've already encountered our magnetical trance and I don't want it to yield my independent individuality. I must evade. This gravity pull will confine me. Rest assured I've place someone else as a sub. She'll have to do.
My apologies in advance for misleading you.
111 · Jan 2020
Violetempath27 Jan 2020
Bittersweet memories
Refrain your bias documentary
Must you dwell in my cerebrum
When I only wish to press upon the beat of my own drum.
It amuses me how you lurk
Searching for that something that'll exude an inner hurt.
Last but not least remember the true me.
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