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He has the heart of a tattered harlequin
Patched and re-patched with rags of broken times that were once good.
The cloth of its chambers is worn and threadbare
Held by the shreds of borrowed nights and comical stolen mornings.

He has the heart of a battered harlequin
And regret has turned his blood to the colour of rust
Unanswered questions congeal and clog his pulse
When he is lonely and aching, time - not isolation- is his worst enemy

He has the heart of a knackered harlequin
Kept moist by whiskey and gin, and uppers and downers that he pops like candy
He has a patchwork sack of a heart
It can never be filled and often feels empty.
Slivers of hope remained.
Though scarce, it was enough to push on.
The Call.
Hushed movements
The glimmer of faith,
A diminishing wick,
Cruelly snuffed out by the pinch of confirmation.
The waiting.
The weight of the words
A peripheral flash
Preceding a perpetual storm.
Muffled by cupped and shaking hands.
Bowed heads and silence.
Fallen tears of volunteers.
Distorted and stricken faces
Searching for other faces
Wishing they were home.
When a person is missing, men and women and in some cases whole communities volunteer themselves to help find the person whether they know them or not. Their help is always appreciated, but often their own anguish goes overlooked....
I first posted this on Penlateral a year or so back.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
My heart is weighted down
With the sorrows of a lifetime
And it's resting in your slender fingers
If it were to fall
And shatter into pieces
I wouldn't even linger with the cinders
And yet, here I am
My heavy heart in your tiny hands
Hoping this time it can last
The raging storm and stay intact
I want to slaughter all the shadows of your past
And desecrate the demons who still haunt you
I want to ****** every man across your path
And brutalize anyone who wants you
I am not okay
And I may never be
But all that seems to go away whenever you're with me
And still, here I am
My wretched heart in your lovely hands
Hoping this time it will last the raging storm
And stay intact
I am not okay
And I may never be
But all that seems to go away
Whenever you're with me
I am not a shining knight
Upon a noble steed
But I am someone who loves you
With every fiber of my being
So yes, here I am
And I hope you understand
My heart is in your hands
And that heart is all I am.
Something I wrote long ago for a girl who held my heart on her own.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
Tonight I will fall down upon my knees
To pray before the goddess of enchanted ebony
Her divine rays of dark beauty I embrace
Bathing blissfully in her enigmatic grace

I enter the sanctum
Her sacred place of healing
Ecstasy consumes me
Enraptured by the feeling

When the Moon of the Black Goddess
Shines Her light upon me
Then the Love of the Black Goddess
Drowns the world around me

Tonight I worship at the Temple of Her Light
I sacrifice my flesh to the goddess shining bright
The fire in my soul erupts and sets aflame my mind
On holy nights like these when the cosmos re-aligns

I enter the sanctum
Her sacred place of healing
Ecstasy consumes me
Enraptured by the feeling

When the Moon of the Black Goddess
Shines Her light upon me
Then the Lust of the Black Goddess
Burns the world around me

I submit myself to Her, naked and unguarded
Prepared to be consumed and then possibly discarded
For in her presence, all the evil in our pale existence
Vanishes from memory in a single instant

I enter the sanctum
Her sacred place of healing
Ecstasy consumes me
Enraptured by the feeling

When the Moon of the Black Goddess
Shines Her light upon me
Then the Mists of the Black Goddess
Shroud the world around me

The Moon of the Black Goddess
Cast thy spell upon me
The Moon of the Black Goddess
Looming right above me
The Moon of the Black Goddess
I give my flesh to worship thee!
For the Moon of the Black Goddess
Is the only place
I can find peace!

When the Moon of the Black Goddess
Shines Her light into me
Then the Tune of the Black Goddess
Becomes the song to set me free!
Wrote this for a lover.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
You feel my eyes burning into your soul
You feel my body heat out in the cold
You feel my breath down the back of your neck
You feel my presence at the foot of your bed...
You hear me creep across your house at night
You hear me move when you turn out the lights
You hear my heartbeat, baby, while you sleep
You hear my laughter echo in your dreams...
Hello, baby.
I've been waiting.
To give you the love that you've been craving.
Sweet Valentine,
In bed, enshrined.
It's my time of night,
You're mine.
You see my shadow glide across your ceiling,
I see your hair stand up from how you're feeling.
You've seen my figure moving through your home.
I've seen how you are when you think you're alone...
Hello, baby.
I've been waiting.
To give you the love that you've been craving.
My precious *****,
Alone once more.
It's that time of night,
I'm yours.
Separate your knees, please,
And let me slip inside.
This is not a dream, my sweet.
Your eyes are open wide.
Get down on your knees for me,
My confidential bride.
This is not a dream, my queen,
Now open wide.
A seductive stalker love song in the making.
I can create your world
I can even destroy it all
I’m not a reckless man
Nor someone wants to fall

I just want to live a life
Where your light is the call
Where happiness is the pillar
And your love is the whole

Abdullah Ayyash
April 08th, 2014
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
bcg poetry
You made the small things big
The little phrases and patterns we adopted as our own
You made them important, you made them feel like home
It was the way you said "I know"
Or the way I said "tell me something"
Those repeated moments grounded me
Those habitual words centered me
I never had a home until the moment I realized
You were never going to stop saying, "Hi"
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