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 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Elisa Holly
You could give the devil a run for his money for the souls you corrupt.
(The devil only I know.)
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Marci Ace
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Marci Ace
It seems to me I’ve been set
It seems to me,
We all humans bleed.
The love of the fallen flower
Will never leave.
I have your fallen
Tears written upon my sleeves.
Love me my darling,
For I am guilty of greed.
Be at ease with a mind so lean.
With a heart so wise,
And head full of green.
Come closer sweet heart,
We’re getting closer to that
We’re seeking light.
I have one question,
Do you mind if we take that
Let’s touch the moon and back.
Let’s go to Jamaica and relax.
Let’s roll up blunts and
Reach the max,
Cause we’re flowers.
God stacking our blessings
Like towers.
One day we’ll make the world
Just us.
I feel empty,
It’s not just lust.
I feel dead,
It’s not trust.
My tears.
My sleeves.
Our love;
Can’t leave.
Let’s stay;
Stay in the bed
And lay.
Let’s make our dreams come true.
Spark up some lights,
And start our life new.

Marci H.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Something about her
the way she sips her beer
as if it’s tea, and she’s in a kimono
peering out into a storm
as the wind rattles the ***
and snakes through the silk
she undulates, sliding her finger
over the rim, then sips

I know the real storm
broods inside her frail frame
but she says little. mostly listens
and it drives me utterly insane
she should scream or bang on walls
she should throw ashtrays into tvs
but instead, she simply nods
her glazed eyes as still as pearls

She’s like a cherry blossom descending
towards the  muddy trail below
she will be trampled by hooves
of  merchants and thieves
and I am the charcoal cloud, aching
as I feel her falling farther from me…
Keep denyng art, *******
I am living in a castle
With a great chandelier that warms me up
Very tall walls that protected me
And a mighty soldier named Love

Fantasy, indeed
But it was real in my broken dreams
I am living in a castle
A castle called "him"
a person walked down the street they did not have a face
they cut off all their hair in front of me with a pair of kids rubber scissors

all the kids in front of him were built for blood
everyone behind him vomits according to the amount of hair the stranger cuts off

they stand up and take off their sunglasses and hat
they take off their pants
they are naked and they are nothing
otherwise occupied by a worthless punching bag or a warm trap

the stranger ran to my doorstep and they threw their wallet on the ground
they scrambled to grab the identification cards and such
and they proved to me that I was them
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Do you know what its like
to have all these things
bursting at the seems
creativity is its mask
you hide it well
but soon enough the water rises
and the tide will swell
it will all spill over
out an onto them
people watching
let it cover them like blankets as they sit
to be inspired by the giving in your gift
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Mayah Seals
The light of the sky darkens
And clouds roll in thick
Lightening flashes in my eyes
Thunder cracks like a snapped twig
All the happiness is drained away
As the clouds swell in pride
I lay on the ground, cold and drained
I've lost all my fight
Suddenly the ground quivers
All the structures shake
Raindrops gush from the near-black sky
And I'm slowly washed away
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
I've seen breath leave a body for the last time.
A miracle of a pill closing doors, never to be opened again.
A noose around my faith.
Russian roulette with my soul. With my name.
You think you understand, please don't let this be gods plan.
Not another wandering soul, not another soulless toll.
Not the price we paid not the crimes we made.
Not the guilt of joy. No survivors here.
Let me breath through my fear.
Sing, Goddess, a poem worthy of my love
As beautiful as Venus, lady of the dove
Sing, Goddess, for my muse has run dry
Yet the muses are immortal, never to die
Sing, Goddess, Erato hear my plea
I need a poem good enough, for my love to see.
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