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 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Your mum wants to be remembered to you,
That you do not love any more your dad,
I know that you don't think,
With this fear which we suppose
If you do not comply her,
But don't worry,
I know it is heavy,
My boy, don't cry,
Dry up your sadness,
No, I don't blame you.
Listen your inner voice,
Time will proved us to be right,
And keep us close for ever.
I will always be there for you,
My son, wherever you are.
Someday you will understand better,
You will be free of your own choices,
And I know that this day,
We will be together as before,
With the pride and the happiness
which build our lives and more.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort...
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
adis g
Thank you, tourists

For pausing.

For capturing
Every moment.

Your cameras draped,
Quivering below your necks

Your necks rosy
with sun.

Sunscreen scents
Swarm the air

But the air bursts
Diverse Dialects,

and Dreams.

Thank you
From a resident,

A student,
A visitor,

A wanderer.

Thank you
For immobilizing
Glorious minutes

For impeding time
Just for a moment.

For acknowledging-
So that those who neglect to notice,
Once again realize their riches.
Thank you

For your quiet grins
As you regard
The world.

Thank you, travelers.
inspired by my life in granada, spain.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Your eyes are not portals to your soul
They are not some archaic metaphysical equation
Ancient mathematicians formulated to confound

They are pastures for nymphs
They are branches for fruit
They are laurels for poets

They rend me open like a flaming axe
They tie my stomach like knotted roots
I lose myself in their dusky wilderness

In them, I observe universes
Perpetually exploding and collapsing
Your pupils are black holes
At the center of galaxies
Balancing energy and force
Bending light inward

Like a sickle glistening high over hayfields

In them I hear songs
And sagas narrated by savage tongues
Of catastrophic floods and rebirth
Aryan myths about oneness

In them I see IVs dripping
Candles flickering behind carved pumpkins

I loiter in them like a pauper
With a styrofoam cup

Gazing on them is nearly intolerable
Like glaring at hydrogen bombs blinding

It is like Hebrews
Uttering the name of El- who cannot be named
El- who is above mortal matrices

The eye that never sleeps
The ear that always comprehends
The self that waivers like the sea

Eternity ends when you blink
Infernos extinguish when you sob

I tremble before them
As if they're holy relics
Decaying into perfection

Oh look upon me one last time
My love

Oh glance at me before
I petrify into pillars of salt

Look upon me
Before I transfigure into an amnestic god
Bearing light pure

Peer once more into my binary pulsars, frozen
In a fathomless abyss.
You called me fake, and I smiled,
because knowing that you know the truth
made me endlessly happy.

Because you're the only one I wanted to know,
the only one who I wanted to know the real me;
the one who's opinion I valued a strangely large amount.
Jay,go **** yourself.
If you cry inside your bedroom
And there is nobody around to hear you
Do you still make a sound?

You are at the foot of your bed
The pieces of a broken mirror
Surrounding you like makeshift stars
You build yourself a galaxy to drown in
And maybe you cried for salvation
Or maybe you cried out of pain
Or maybe you cried on the ****** chance
That someone will hear

You are at the foot of your bed
The claw marks on your chest
Making you look more savage than ever
You howl at the moon
But it is so dark
And the sky is so vast
And the moon was never there to begin with

You are at the foot of your bed
And you know
That your house was built on thin walls
And you keep waiting for
A knock on the door
Or a voice telling you to stop
Or any indication that someone heard you
And you know, oh you know
It's never gonna come

If you cry inside your bedroom
And there is nobody around to hear you
Do you still make a sound?

Does it matter?
You are still alone
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
His smile was infectious,his dimples imprinted in my mind.
I emulated his smile like it was mine all mine.

I knew him when love was foriegn,and a touch meant nothing ,and nothing became something and something meant everything.
      We knew love had no space
trying to force it in a tight place .
Hating but knowing we should give it a break.
      Anticipation ,there was no other intoxication for me ,when your hands hugged my hips ,when you kissed my lips
Lost in your eyes ,our hearts found its way back, as  if love was on reserve for a moment .
So we could find who we are .And you are me and I am you when we're together.
Welcome to my home
And uninvited guest
That swept in like a storm
Sat next to me as I slept
Banged on my chest
Now I know why my heart aches
Pushed away the other feelings
Dried them out like a dessert storm
Now all I feel is you
No your in my head
Beating my brain
I close my eyes and all I see is you
You slumped into my lungs
All I breath is you
Harden me
Trained me not to care
Your the blood I bleed
The taste on my tongue
The aroma I smell
What would this world be without you
How would a heart break feel If you weren't there to comfort
What would a cut feel like
If you were absent at the seen
What emotion would take place if I broke my arm an you weren't around
What would I feel
Let's face it
You wouldn't feel anything without pain
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