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they ripple through me,
the undead, the broken, the cursed,
their voices strong as steel,
harsh as thunder,
dazzling as lightning

they like to think they are
an unbearable onslaught,
a tsunami,
a storm,

but darling,
I am the storm
 Sep 2020 Shrika
How nice would it be,  
To dance beneath the stars.
Wails of current couldn't wash me,
Neither could it keep us apart.

The crescent moon,
On edge of the horizon.
Later introducing,
It's impartial luminescence.

How nice would it be,
To sit with you for the last time.
Turning mournings and sadness,
To confetti in the sky.
 Sep 2020 Shrika
 Sep 2020 Shrika
Perfectly curled caramel hair
Cascades down her shoulders,
Bouncing in time with the music.
He can’t help but savor every
Fragment of her movement as he
Traces the camera around her frame,
Capturing the dance.
She’s an actress in every sense of the term,
Her eyes sad yet powerful,
Her body hurting yet beautiful.
The music ends and she stops, breathless,
Her hair that has fallen in front of her face
Flowing up and down as she catches her breath.
“Did you get it?”
She asks him,
And suddenly he’s back to himself,
Back from the world her dance took him to.
“Definitely,” he says, and when
Her dimples break her face open,
The camera is still rolling,
For he doesn’t want to miss a second of her beauty.
She isn’t just poetry.
She is art.
poetry girl pt. 5
 Sep 2020 Shrika
Mike Hauser
You expect a different circumstance
Every time you're given half a chance
But after all there's Newton's law
Which goes to prove all things must fall

Cross your fingers and your toes
Hope out loud for good results
What you get you never know
That's just the way things go

Remove all doubt in planning out
Knock the worst down for the count
Plaster a smile to your face
State your case then save the date

You never know what seeds will sow
Be it daisies or wild oats
Until it festers in its growth
That's just the way things go

That doesn't mean you lay it down
Pack your bags, get out of town
When you joined up were you not told
We all go through this, young and old

Otherwise we'd all be bored
On this rusty two edged sword
With one side sharp the other dull
That's just the way things go
 Sep 2020 Shrika
Coleen Mzarriz
You must look back,
all the things in this world will last only for a moment
do you not remember me?
My one and only.

Morie, I know how it feels like
to perish with your own hands,
will you endure for me?
Or will you live for your selfish acts?
Morie, you must remember me.

My eyes were glued by the way
you stroll your naked feet
down that hollow path,
I could not penetrate my emotions
I buried beneath the tenders of this black forest,
your face was glowing  like it was sun-kissed.

Your lips curving into a flawless beam,
it was filtered with the hue of a poached tomato
your fists were of terrified by what it discovers
the smell of your honeycomb fragrance
stuck through my nostrils and your soft brown silk hair
sways into your naked back,
oh, what a sweet body I am yearning to taste.

I am dying to be with you
how I long to run away with you
how I craved of you lying beside me
I am reckless to know,
I am in great remorse.

You were searching around,
your emerald eyes pierce into mine
the way it forced me to meet you somewhere
in another realm where I am no Death, and
you are no Prisoner of the dead.

Until your soft voice let out an awful cry,
Morie, do you not want me?

The distant thump of your footsteps
taking you away from me,
brought me back to my reverie.
Why are you doing this?

You ran as swift as you can
go around in an endless loop
you can't escape me, you can't hide forever.

Morie, how does it feel like
to perish with your own hands?

I am here to bring you back
of your lost memories
of your lost soul wandering
yet you rose from the dead — hid under
the rainbow cloud
the clock spending until the last dime,
traveling hands will decide when it's time.

Memento mori
remember your death,
it was destiny that called
you are to be mine.

Morie, remember me
I am Death, I will go after you
the time ticks now
hide before I catch you.
I couldn't let this piece go to waste. Just hiding at the back of my notes.
 Sep 2020 Shrika
Maria Mitea
Only me,
looking at the blue sky,
and the blue looking at me,
No doubts,

Only me,
lying on lavish grass and breathing
the smell of wet earth after rain,  
No doubts,

Only me,
and my sweet pain reflecting
into each other’s eyes,
No doubts,

Only me,
and you kissing the
droplets of hidden desire,
No doubts,
 Sep 2020 Shrika
bones v2
 Sep 2020 Shrika
as i seep into the ground

my body fading to dust

all that's left of me

is my scars and my bones
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