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You were told:

"You are tougher
than you think,"
When in fact that is a lie.

You are only as tough
As you think you are,

So think great thoughts,
And be as tough
As you know.
 Apr 2016 Alyssa Paul
Sia Jane
 Apr 2016 Alyssa Paul
Sia Jane
Tell me where the children go
Tell me how they grow
Learn to occupy more space
And are expected to not trip
And fall all over their Saturn Return
Do they lose the innocence in their eyes
To the evening skies
Stars carrying them back
To their one true home
Or do they linger beneath our skin
Patiently waiting for us
To summon them in our time of need
A silence a presence then a whisper
Helping us remember they always
Keep us near*

© Sia Jane
Poem a day for April xxxx
True love is a sacred flame
That burns eternally,
And none can dim its special glow
Or change its destiny.
True love speaks in tender tones
And hears with gentle ear,
True love gives with open heart
And true love conquers fear.
True love makes no harsh demands
It neither rules nor binds,
And true love holds with gentle hands
The hearts that it entwines.

Helen Steiner Rice. 4/18/2016.
 Apr 2016 Alyssa Paul
 Apr 2016 Alyssa Paul
Sunlight streams through trees
Kissing the soft chocolate ringlets strewn across
his cheeks
They lay together,
a blanket beneath them
and the bluest sky, beautiful overhead.

Her breath steals
a question
from his eyes;
warm, green pools of heaven.
And he leans upward to capture
her answer
with his softly loving lips.

And there they remain;
lost yet found
swimming in each other's souls
till the sunlight fades
and their love is written by constellations.
Can't breathe,
my heart may explode.
The world closes in.
Everything goes weak...

Everything will be okay.
Be at peace with yourself.
You will be okay,
you will survive this.
Panic attacks cannot **** you. They will cause no damage to your heart and they will not make you go insane. It may feel like you are dying, but they will end and you will survive, every time.
 Apr 2016 Alyssa Paul
I still write you
As a part of everything
A thousand characters
With the same heart in my mind
This heart of mine
Beats in time with yours
You'll be my everything
My ceilings and my floors
And my bed
Where I fall asleep to dream
You'll be my love
My understanding of god

Dearest Zelda
I could give my life
And it never could be as much
As you deserve
So I'll give you the next one
I'll give you all the stars I come from

I still dream you
I still am thankful
You found a way to save me
When nothing ever could
The beginning and the end
Of everything
I love you
I am you
And we are the rain
Born from our tears before
We fall together
Holding hands

Sweet Isabella
I keep on throwing parties
That I can't enjoy
Because you're not there
And one day I won't need wine to drink
One day I won't need drugs to get high

I may be great
Gatsby dies for Daisy
My soul can't be complete
If not for you
Its as though our broken pieces
Put together make a perfect whole

I hope you hear the hopes in my words
That they speak to you
I hope you feel the sorrow in my handwriting
That I'm not with you now
I want you to know you moved and breathed in the same world as me
-F Scott Fitzgerald
 Apr 2016 Alyssa Paul
sweet oxygen fills me lungs
as i inhale a new start, a fresh
perspective of all that ive known
as i exhale your spite and
how i've always been second
best in your eyes.

darling i am much more than second best, and i cannot wait to love myself again.
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