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Strangerous Mar 2021
The benchmark of tyranny
is censorship:
once the use of force
rises above the mark,
then even the censor
must drown in the flood
of * * *.
© 2001 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Apr 2023
Aldous the cockatiel lives in a cage,
and loves it -- he’s comfortable there, and vague
enough to sleep while a man would linger

nearby, free, uneasy, watching the fingers
enwrap themselves in invisible knots,
tighter, tighter, with every sweep of the clock.
© 1983 by Jack Morris
Strangerous May 2023
Even after the trying and succeeding,
after the unflagging effort, and after
the flagging effort to make another effort,
and finally, after the culmination,
we are still alone.

                                Not that we cannot
choose to be alone, but that we cannot
choose not to be, for if we proceed as if
we did, we find the trying and succeeding
designed to fail.
© 1999 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Jan 2021
I apologize
For my half-rhymes
It’s a habit I can’t break no matter how I tries

Hope you pardon me
For how I sing
Like a scratchy vinyl record or a gagging geek

I’m so sorry for
My poor guitar
Got no rhythm when I strum and fingers fumble chords

All apologies
For my deficiencies
Please excuse me while I flush my latest masterpiece
© 2002 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Jul 2023
The apple rumbled down the aisle
          and stopped beside a boot.
The groom beheld its crimson glow
          and stooped to get the fruit.

The bride could not resist a bite
          when tempted by the groom.
The juice ran down her comely face
          like nectar on a bloom.

The groom ate of the fruit as well
          in solidarity
with her with whom he vowed to share
          the knowledge from the tree.

The guests did cheer but did not hear
          the serpent's sneering hiss.
The apple soon would take its toll
          beginning with a kiss.
© 1981 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Aug 2023
You may be forty-five today,
          But still look twenty-one;
And even when you’re eighty-five,
          You’ll be the only one.

I live my life to hear your laugh
          And see your smiling eyes;
If I could gift wrap happiness,
          You’d get a big surprise.

Each day and week and month and year,
          My love for you goes on;
And it won’t stop no matter what,
          Not even when we’re gone.
© 2005 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jun 2023
She said she wanted to be a writer;
he felt the heat of the fire —
the struck match of deja vu,
the long-unoccupied unlit room,
the dusty shelves of books and manuscripts.

He could’ve touched flame to paper;
instead, he lit a fire,
hoping she was born to be
exactly what she longed to be:
Daddy's girl forever, only better.
© 1991 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous May 2023
There's something square about a city block
that boxes the mind in concrete, brick, steel,
iron, wood, and stone, as if one could not
look in or out, or dream or dare to live
upon a liquid sphere of blue and green.
© 1996 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jun 2023
Those blue jays came around again today,
making such a racket they woke Jim up.
He didn’t mind, though -- he had nowhere to go
today anyway; he had nothing to do.
So he stayed in bed awhile listening
to their blue bravado and feeling alone.

He thought about how once upon a time,
he would’ve played the scarecrow, loud and mean.
But now he kind of liked their morning visits.
Today, for example, after finally
dragging his body out of bed somehow
and making himself a *** of coffee,
he pulled a chair up to the window where
he could watch and listen, silent, unseen.

Smoking and sipping, he passed a blue day
until they flew away. Then he felt sad
again for being white, earthbound, and human.
© 1989 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jul 2023
The man who died
in the Bornean jungle
dropped his mind
in a nylon pack.

“Call me mad,
but here I am.
Don’t expect me
home again.”

It carefully drifted
down the river
he’d labored up
a learned explorer.

“Children -- love --
wife too ...
Mud -- bugs --
headhunters --”

He did us honor if
only because
he said what he could
from where he was.
© 1989 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Apr 2023
abound where we loathe:
in impassable bogs,
chronic shadows, lingering fogs,
and matter decayed.

Others thrive where we live:
on our lawns and pets,
in our homes — our food gets
eaten, but not missed.

Some infect our machines:
our programs and apps;
our code and mind maps;
our digital dreams.

And sometimes they grow in our heads:
in electrical nests,
sticky webs, hot threads,
and muffled echoes.
© 1984 by Jack Morris
Strangerous May 2023
Out in the lanes where laughs not Mirth,
          Where maggots thrive 'mid offal fogs,
A mongrel ***** wreaked lethal birth
          Unto a host of puppy dogs.

Six guileless hounds were spewed in Hell,
          The dowager vaporing, dead.
Five unlicked pups heaved blind and fell
          Until but one might Being wed.

Then I, bereft of Pride's respect,
          My spirit cold spurned to this sty,
Touched humble fur -- O dim reject!
          For me his spark refused to die!

It matters not how mixed his blood,
          How flea-infected be his skin,
I now command this canine stud;
          I am the master of Chien.
To the tune of "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley:

© 1977 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Aug 2022
The husband of the mother is presumed
          to be the father of the child.
We think it best that one man should be doomed
          to bear the risk the seed is wild.
Art. 184. Presumed paternity of husband

© 1993 by Jack Morris
Strangerous May 2023
A house is never cleaner
than when unoccupied,

with tables, couches, beds
removed and all inside
accessible to brush,
broom, mop, and vacuum

               No resident
had known a cleaner
© 1993 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jul 2023
I wish I were close to you
as a blade of grass to earth.

Though trampelled above
or wintered frozen,

I'd deeply grow
in your warmth below.
© 1987 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Mar 2023
I'm planning on plotting a novel about
A ravishing beauty, a former boy scout,
Her longing for him, his passion for her,
And the love they made forever and ever.

Or how about a detective, jaded
By betrayal, loneliness, and faded
Memories of something about a woman
And a time when he’d felt almost human?

Or what if I write about damsels and knights,
Or giants and dwarves and elves in fights
With assorted villains and torturers,
Like dragons, magicians, and sorcerers?

Or maybe the world would relish a tale
Of invasions on a galactic scale
That threaten the earth with annihilation
Till superheroes deliver salvation.

But whether the myriad books I might write
Would even be read or might kindle delight
Is academic, unless I proceed,
From start to finish, to do the deed.
©️2020 by Jack Morris
Strangerous May 2023
Sending letters to the world at the world hurled
Not sure why try why have to fly high
Unsolicited pseudonymous
A battle cry hi bye before we die

Writing stories on the wall any wall scrawl
Casting songs through the air electric air prayer
Poets novelists artists lyricists
All who dare care dare lay it bare

A billion letters in the mail in the mail fail
Addressed to anyone read by none no one
Dear so and so let me tell you so
The number no one none is no fun one
© 2006 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Apr 2023
through an icy windshield white panoramas,
cubic landscapes witH crystalline fractures
breaking off revealing blackness and rude
eyes glEaming lustily in the darkness.

whining in the windows, crying in the wind
when you roll the window down, whEel bearings
wailing like prometheus enduring
somehow the uneNdurable.

the cold
smell of unfamiliar territory.
the taste of carbon monoxiDe and fear.

          wheels locking -- steel
          crunching -- lungs
          releasing one last
          breath --
© 2000 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous Apr 2022
I shouldn't complain
But I don’t like this rain
Because it won’t drain.

The water’s rising
And rising and rising,
But it’s not surprising:

I was ******* mud,
Selling blood,
Begging for a flood

When I heard the spiel
Of the Rainmaker -- "Deal!"
Ah, water’s feel.

Now I bail
And bail and bail
To no avail.
© 1989 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jul 2023
Despite I have seen
cold, cold eyes,
your heated suns
bring me springtime.
© 1980 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Dec 2023
You were very cold;
I was very mellow.
I offered you my blanket;
You let me share your pillow.

The prophets were despondent --
Our futures far adrift:
No glimpse of fated union;
No hope of such a gift.

Then on the back of Time,
Through empty realms of space,
Fled cold and weary Past --
Farewell to that disgrace!

You were very cold;
I was very mellow.
I offered you my blanket;
You let me share your pillow.
© 1978 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Oct 2023
I will I will be excellent
I will be will be excellent
I will be ex- be excellent
I will be excel- excellent
I will be excellent — Again!

I will I will …
© 1990 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jul 2023
I’m tired of reaching for the tempered dream,
of stretching days and getting squeezed by years,
and bored with the swaggers, the pushes and shoves
of people in rushes to get somewhere,
like hogs in a slaughterhouse hoping to eat,
or children in the rye without a catcher.

I’d sooner starve alone in the lively air
than follow billions to a frigid doom.
Why chase the wind when we can turn and face it?
Why measure time by the mirror in our room,
when we can follow earth, sun, stars and moon?

And if I stop, and if you choose to stay,
I’ll know that now, today, is all we need.
© 1981 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jun 2023
The logs in the fireplace glow hot tonight
With hisses and pops and the smell of firelight.
He lies on the rug, thinking, If she were here;
She sits on the couch, far away, though near.

The appeal of the fire no longer exists
For her, with him; she’d just as soon sit
Alone and imagine a different place,
A different fire, and a different face.

Fire is fire, he thought, sad to think
It would die by morning, when he would slink
Out alone in the daylight, distracted
By the heat of the sunlight, refracted.
© 1997 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous Jun 2023
Today I launched out of Venice and trolled
the Wagon Wheel with jigs and pigs
in the cuts and pockets of the dead-end marsh
canals, caught my limit of monster bass,
came home tired, cleaned the fish and stuffed
the filets in the freezer.

Once I'd grab handfuls of earth
out the worm garden that grew in the yard,
stuff the squirming dirt in a can, pick
a cane pole from behind the shed and walk
down Orleans Avenue to the City Park
lagoons and fish till dark.

The water was black and deep then, swimming
with bream and cats and sac-au-lait, brimming
always with the possibility of a green
flash, the phenomenal churn, yank and splash
of a monster bass erupting like a green
god out of black water.
© 1990 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous Jul 2023
The flight of a bird
proclaims the possibility
of flight.

If it can fly,
so can I.

So while we're talking
let's keep walking
toward the sky.
© 1988 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jul 2023
He fell in a hell of love with her —
for art’s sake. She was a pianist.
He thought only of what she played,
and she loved him for listening.

Soon he composed a lyric.
She laughed with such resonance,
putting his only song to shame,
while ******* private melodies.

The walls were rich with hangings:
a mirror for her, a clock for him,
a portrait of a portrait —
all in good taste, for art’s sake.
© 1984 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Aug 2022
One windless evening the bass started biting
just before sunset as I glided along
the bayou in a pirogue with a ******
of the paddle here and there for direction.

I was casting a topwater up against
the bank among the cypress trunks and stumps
and overhanging limbs and shrubs and twitching
and popping the bait until the fish struck.

To see and hear and feel the violent burst
of each strike and to set the hook firmly
in each jaw and each battle kept me out
until the mosquitoes and the gator came.

At first a bumpy head at least a foot wide
and three feet long with big shiny black eyes
inched toward the pirogue and me as if we
were just what they had in mind for dinner.

I dropped my rod and thought I’d better paddle
fast and hard before Wally got too close
but Wally sensed panic and to my horror
I saw the swish of their tail fifteen feet back.

The gator accelerated smooth and quick
and locked their gaze upon the very spot
the paddle broke water to push me away
as the jaws snapped shut and cracked it in half.

I slid away watching as the gator shook
its monstrous head free of the broken splinter
and I realized now they’d be coming again
for me down the bayou with half a paddle.

The pirogue rocked on the wave Wally made
during all the commotion and sure enough
they came again stalking the little boat
now stalled and adrift so I had to act fast.

I untied and lifted my stringer of bass
gasping and wet like a shiny green fleece
and hefted and hurled it aiming precisely
at the slashing jaws of the reptile beast.

The gator struck at the fish with a splash
of their big toothy head and chomped down on three
huge bass and swallowed them whole in one gulp
then snapped up three more that were still on the string.

So Wally was happy for now as the sun
went down and I wondered how to get back
to the dock half a mile away in the dark
with Wally nearby and perhaps hungry yet.

Then I got an idea and picked up my rod
and cast the old topwater past Wally’s head
and chugged it back popping in front of their face
where soon they attacked it and hooked themself good.

Wally went down with a **** and a swirl
and made such a wave I grabbed the boat rail
with one hand while holding onto the rod
which bent almost double as the line stretched tight.

The pirogue took off like a rocket boat
as Wally swam up the bayou to flee
the pressure and drag and the alien hook
underwater and then on top with me.

In no time I neared the dock in the dark
and slackened the line until Wally shook free
then glided right up to the dock and *******
and got out fishless but at least in one piece.
© 1997 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Sep 2023
Unglorified victories
are glorious yet.
No one knows
what the novice knows
as he goes from worse
to better.
The consequence is small,
of course -- too small for pros
to care to notice.
Yet every pro
is a glorified novice.
© 1989 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jan 2023
The children's photographs hang statically
from mobile threads training in the wind
of time and memory, flashing faces

smiling frozen in the blink of the eye
of mind as it focused at a time within
memory, impelling eternity

toward me now as spaces stretch between
the real trees grass sand and gulf
and places where the real faces move.
© 1990 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous Aug 2023
She ***** the breath
from every word
and chews it up
like bubble gum.

Then, daintily,
she wraps it up
in tissue paper
for the can.
© 1982 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jun 2023
The metaphorical heart is in the head,
which is why some literal-minded fellows
have no metaphorical heart, and why,
when their literal hearts literally stop
beating, they may have died for the last time.
© 1980 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Aug 2022
That I can blame ice for freezing my fire,
night for eclipsing my day,
wind for eroding my mountain,
or worms for eating my leaves,
I don’t suppose.

That I’m frozen, dark, flat, and barren,
I won’t deny.

That I can hope for a sudden spark,
a ray of dawn,
an eruption,
or a sprout
is all I ask.
© 1989 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Sep 2022
This nameless potted specimen
          appears about to die.
Perhaps the wilted, browning stem
          (thank God it cannot cry)

is starving for a richer soil,
          or just a larger ***.
(A plant needs little room to toil,
          but even less to rot.)

Perhaps the shriveled leaves need light
          uncut by mini-blinds,
or air that’s not conditioned quite
          so centrally by minds

averse to nature’s crude extremes
          (the spice of a plant’s life).
And what bird’s song, like human screams,
          cuts through roots like a knife?
© 1991 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous Feb 2023
To say “I love you” is equivalent
to saying I breathe air.

                                         Such sustenance
as I derive from oxygen devolves
so liberally, so reflexively upon me,
yet were I deprived of atmosphere,
the words “I breathe” would not avail to fill
my lungs with what they need, nor would the words
“I am a fish” convert my lungs to gills.

Ethereal by nature, not by choice,
I’m bound to love you notwithstanding my voice.
© 1991 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Aug 2023
I could sell water purifiers
and do some people good
by straining out carcinogens
that might get in their blood.

I could sell encyclopedias
and help nice families out
with everything they need to know
or care to learn about.

I could sell fancy automobiles
to people moving up
so they can ride in luxury
and never have to stop.

Or I could give away these lines
to children yet unborn,
who may or may not give a ****,*
whom I will not have known.
© 1989 by Jack Morris

* In consideration of the asterisks, please feel free to substitute the word "****" or "****" in place of the censored word "****."

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Jul 2023
They struck at all the world
expecting it to cringe
in fear of purest hatred
wrought in a name: Allah.

But Allah loves the world
and favors many names,
so Jihad They declared
on jihad in Their name.
© 2001 by Jack Morris
Strangerous May 2023
An insurance agent named Johnny B. Blank
Ran a run-down debit on the poor West Bank.
In the hardest of times he endeavored to be
The number one man in the company.

"I'd prefer not to say what's become of my pay,"
He stood up and spoke at a meeting one day.
"But I hereby intend to reverse this trend --
To triple my paycheck before the year's end."

“Good luck, Johnny Blank," someone said with a smirk,
"But the fact is, the West Bank is all out of work."
Johnny looked at his colleague, spoke steady and clear:
"I'll be number one by the end of the year."

From that day on, Johnny Blank was possessed,
Making pitch after pitch with fanatical zest.
But no matter how hard he'd push and persuade,
He'd hear the sad song of the oil trade:

"The rigs are shut down and the boats are asleep;
It's not worth their while because oil's too cheap.
My husband and brother, my nephew and son
Have all been laid off. As for money, there's none."

So Johnny would leave, but would not overlook
To write down their names in his prospect book.
And always he did the best he could do,
And always the list of his prospects grew.

Then at last the economy started to change;
The price had gone up in the oil exchange.
Business was booming as none had foreseen
From Buras to Boutte and in between.

And Johnny B. Blank was on top of the world
As dozens of pages of prospects unfurled;
He'd written their names when they couldn't afford,
But now they had money, and how it poured!

In the last few months of that famous year,
Johnny B. Blank secured his career.
He tripled his pay for a job well done,
And true to his word, he became number one.
© 1987 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous Jul 2023
If someone reads these lines
while I’m alive, I'll be surprised.
And if I’m dead, at least
they’ll be alive, and perhaps
they'll be surprised
to hear a dead man laughing,
© 1991 by Jack Morris
Strangerous May 2023
And if the seed should take, what then?
Two souls would replicate, but one
would find itself, the other lose
itself in mystic legacy.
©️ 1993 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jun 2023
The lawyer casts an artificial worm
along the bank of a City Park lagoon
as the sun goes down upon another day
of casting among digests and reporters
for cases to support a point of law,
and bounces the bait among submerged cover
until the unmistakable tap transmits
through her bones the signal to set the hook

and before she can think it reflex sets hard
as lawyer and fish struggle in shock against
each other, the bass running with the line,
the lawyer lost for the moment in the trial
of instinct versus passion, reason, tech,
the triumph of one predator’s success.
© 1991 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Aug 2023
“I’m getting another car,” said Michael.
He zipped and snapped his shorts.
He looked out at the lake.
The waves splashed up the steps.

Margaret said nothing.
He turned to her.

She sat in *******,
holding her shorts,
glaring at him.
“Another new car?”

“No. I don’t want the note.”
He looked out at the lake.
“It’s a used car.”
The waves rolled down the steps.

She slipped into the shorts,
lifting her ****,
pulling them up.

“Don’t worry,” said Michael.
“I’ll find one with lots of leg room.
It won’t change anything between us.”
The waves splashed up the steps.

“We’ll see,” said Margaret.

They looked out at the lake.
The waves rolled down the steps.
© 1989 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Sep 2023
We cannot create
heaven or earth —
nor must we,
for these are given.

But waters encroach,
fish float,
beasts perish,
and humans fall prey
to darkness.

So we must write,
must write just
to let there be,
let there be light!
© 1990 by Jack Morris
Strangerous Jun 2023
Loving her was like the claim
of a blade of grass to light --
from a seed in a dark, dark womb
of earth

               to the birth
of a will with one purpose:
to break ground,
to crack mountains
that block out light.
© 1995 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous Feb 8
We huddled at the edge and watched the wind
Blowing north the water flowing south
The willows swaying weeping for the dead
The sun forever going going down

This hideaway we haunted harbored hordes
Of ghosts of outcast lovers hanging on
To all the times they huddled there before
Their time was up and they were gone

The ghosts of outcast lovers would attend
Whenever outcast lovers came to burn
The fire of the force at their command
For they are cold cold and they yearn

It’s ages since we huddled in our lair
While other outcast lovers came and went
We’ll join the ghosts of outcast lovers there
When our time is up and we are spent
(c) 2025 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Jul 2023
We sat at the edge and watched the wind
and talked of things we thought about,
safe for the moment beyond the world’s stare,
secure in a love we dared to share
in spite of those who harbored doubt,
heedless of those who called love sin.

We haunted a place where ghosts depend
on outcast lovers to cheer them up,
for surely ghosts could understand
the fiery force at our command,
while they were cold, with empty cups,
as ours overflowed with life again.

But even the living succumb to true love,
and after a while, the world came to us.
© 1985 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Nov 2022
It’s hard to define the word love,
But it’s easy to know when you’re in it.
I’ve got a feeling higher than the heavens above,
And I swear babe it’s growing every minute.

I’m longing to be with you day and night
With a longing that’s different and new.
It’s getting so strong, it’s blinding my sight
Because all I can see now is you.

Abounding in beauty within and without,
You’re a goddess of goodness and grace.
If I was a baby, I’d cry and I’d pout
Till I rested my eyes on your face.

I’m unworthy of you, but lucky for me,
You picked me instead of another.
I am what I am, but with you there may be
A better me to discover.

And best of all, you’re a truehearted friend;
What more could a boy ever need?
My love for you will never end,
But will grow like a flowering seed.

There’s no way to say everything I’m feeling,
But I just thought I’d give you a clue
About one little fact I find hard concealing —
I’m in love, so in love, with you.

So I’ll say it again and again, I’m in love;
I’m in love, so in love, with you.
With you I’m in love, so in love, I’m in love;
I’m in love, so in love, with you.
© 1978 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on SoundCloud:
Strangerous Apr 2023
I love you, true, but no fine words can say
how much I do. It’s more than that -- more
than simple terms can express, more even
than simile or metaphor could capture
had I Shakespeare’s wit and pen. But I’ll try:

Because of you I’m the luckiest of men.
Whatever made me love you at the start
was my good fortune, and has intensified.
The trials we’ve survived now make me smile
to think how we survived them with each other,
and how all adversity diminished
and diminishes still in your presence.

I love you, I know, because when, as now,
we’re apart, I can’t be happy unless
I talk with you, silently, here in my heart,
and know you’re there, and know you’ll be there, and know
that heartbeat is the sound of what we are.
© 1991 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous Jul 2023
this marathon of hurdle hopping
continues neverendingly
it seems and there's no time for stopping
jumping because of aching knees

or burning lungs or arrival of
Spring I noticed several laps
ago caught a ladybug
in flight it crawled out through the gaps

between my fingers held it up
before my sweat-stung eyes until
the flake-like wings unfurled abrupt-
ly trapped it didn't mean to ****

the thing you see but just then cleared
a hurdle came down with a jolt
I thought the bug had disappeared
but found it in my palm all smeared
© 1991 by Jack Morris

Hear the song on Spotify:
Strangerous Jul 2023
Melville's voyages among the South Seas
truly commenced with his treatment by pen
of those friendly tribes he cherished no less
than the not less primitive hordes at home.

But some who embarked on his ship of the sea
repudiated his ship of the mind
as it sailed for frontiers never beheld
in pursuit of the whale and immortal time.
© 1987 by Jack Morris
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