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292 · Dec 2022
Christmas spirit
So much energy in the universe
Divided in all living things.
We all are part of this great design.
All part of the same thing.
Pieces of God inside each one of us.
Let’s shine our lights together
To expel all the darkness  
To lighten up this Earth
Children of one origin.
Children of the world.

Shell ✨🐚
291 · Mar 2021
Deep opposite sky
Lightless star from deep in sea
Coral like beauty

Shell ✨🐚
Let us save our ocean, our earth
291 · Jul 2021
In the depths of the eyes
Look at inner self
Where do this strong feelings
come from
The ones you have to live with day by day
The dreams that haunt you all the way
The restlessness
The hidden passion of a soul in pain
You are beautiful and strong
Take a look inside, who did you wrong?
Who left you alone and broken
So much guilt you carry with you.
Take a good look and know it wasn’t your fault.
It wasn’t your fault that they left .
I hope you can see that now.
Leave it behind and heal your inner core.
It’s time to let it go and move forward.
Let the strong adult you
take care of this  hurt innerchild The one that’s still inside of you.
Only then the sadness in the depths of your eyes will go away
Only then the smile
will also reach the eyes

Shell ✨🐚
Heal your inner child to be free and happy .
290 · Feb 2021
The bird is thankful
For each new day
To fly away.
Again .
To new hights.

Gratitude for the new day
Every day you learn something new
289 · Feb 2021
Half way
I will walk miles to meet you
If I know you’re walking too
towards me.

Shell ✨🐚
Let’s meet half way!!
Only then any kind of relationship will work.
She looked up
Wishing for a falling star
To make a wish, a dream come true
The stars stared back
Taken by the sparkles that out shined them
One by one they started falling.

Shell ✨🐚
287 · Feb 2021
Anti apocalypse
What’s more beautiful
then green lushes trees
And blue clean seas
Unpolluted fresh air
life without a care.
Where everybody shares.

Awareness of our environment, starting with taking care of ourselves and all human kind.
We ourselves are destroying this beautiful earth. We must love more , hate less!!
286 · Jul 2021
Soul searching
Don’t chase to long my love.
You could lose your way to me
in this life and dark universe.
Our dreams would never com true.
The many paths in this cosmos
will lead you
Look closely you’ll find me.
I am here.

Finding your soulmate. There is always someone waiting.
285 · Dec 2020
Real earth, fake world
fake is all you see.

An honest friend is hard to find.
Someone good hearted
with a pure mind.
So many faces
Doing their “task”.
Everyone wearing some kind of mask.
Hiding their thruth self
from theirselves
Insecurity laying underneath the shell.
Being fake starts in the mind.
Anything genuine nowadays
Is hard to find.

Shell ✨🐚
285 · Jan 2021
Simple person
Just simple.

A  simple person
With a simple life
Using simple words
to tell a simple story
to create a simple picture
which stays forever
in the mind
That’s what poets do
Just simple .

Everybody has a story
Everyone has their own way of expressing feelings inside.
285 · Sep 2022
Quote 126🌷
We always grow
First tall then old.
While the mind stays
young forever.

Shell ✨🐚
Many don’t believe that old people feel the same as young people. Only the body changes.
285 · Apr 2021
Quote 19🌷
People can be like treasures
Save  the ones you treasure most.

Shell ✨🐚
We all love to love, to be loved
To make love.

Love can be all about passion and chemistry
But there also has to be
peace and quiet
to be everlasting.

Shell ✨🐚
Life with love for each other and all living things or for whatever moves us , is essential.
284 · Feb 2021
Let’s try
Let’s always try to be
someone’s helping hand
Always try to understand
the  motives
Let’s try to just be there
and listen.
Try to be friendly
Try to be someone’s friend
You can save a life
Save the world.

Shell ✨🐚
Everybody needs a friend. Try to be one. You can save someone just by being friendly
284 · Dec 2020
Another day
Another chance to
choose another way
for a new beginning.
Another promise
Another beautiful painting
by the hand of God
283 · Jan 2021
So many people frustrated
and locked in. No income.
They don’t know what to do where to begin!
Now it’s the time to read a book
What’s inside you , take a look
Write down what and how you feel
Gives one a great relief and can save a soul.

Shell ✨🐚
Writing can heal a soul
282 · Aug 2021
Haiku- night peace
quiet birds sitting
disappearing last shadows
moon hiding tonight

282 · Oct 8
To just be
Being in love with life,
with love.
Love for living things.
Nature, music,
who I haven’t met yet.
a melody I haven’t heard yet.
Warming my heart already,
making me happy.
Just waiting to be born.

And there I was, in a colorful world.
Listening to the song of
Watching all kinds of animals and all kinds of people together in harmony.
Wondering where all the water was.
Then I recognized you.
You are my mother, my brother
my sister
You are me and I love you
Human being.

Shell ✨🐚
We are all human beings. Little different from the outside but just the same !!
Let’s love each other and stop the useless hating.
What’s happening to others today can easily be happening to you tomorrow.
Stop the useless wars.
World Peace please!
I know I am so naive.
282 · Jan 18
Quote 179🌷
If you don’t like the way I am
walk away.
I refuse being something I’m not
to make you feel good.

Shell ✨🐚
Always stay true to yourself. You are good as you are.
282 · Jun 2021
Lingering love
Sometimes even the sun is shy to appear
after watching the lovely moon at night.
It’s always hello and goodbye
Never a chance.
Love forever from afar.

Shell ✨🐚
281 · Mar 2021
Everything in harmony
Scents to heaven
Yellow marigolds
Purple lavenders
White oleanders
Red roses
Blue violets
Rose lilies
Green ferns
And forget me nots...
Forget me not!!

Flower paradise!!
280 · Nov 2021
Quote 75🌷
When there is appreciation for crumbs
Bread is always sweeter.

When you appreciate the little things in life you realize they are  a blessing..
Sleep tight in moonlights touch
Sweet dreams will reach the mind
Like angels kisses on the cheek
You’ll see smiling face asleep.
When full  moon is looking down at you.

280 · Jul 2022
Quote 120🌷
All of creation exist
within the depths of our minds.
In every human being
lies the core of all of humanity.

Shell ✨🐚
280 · Feb 25
Quote 182🌷
When your last days are here
all you will carry is what will  carry you too.
Your conscience.

Shell ✨🐚
279 · Jun 2022
Fly high
With only your mind and imagination you can’t reach your destination.
Work hard and stand up after every fall
If failure is the mother of success then
Perseverance is for sure  the father.
Catch a fly and fly high.

Shell ✨🐚
Never give up in life.
279 · Jun 2022
Ribbon of colors
Colors of God
put together ribbon
gateway to the heavens
Warmth of love is what it means.
A silent hint  after rain
or before it falls
Sunbeams  bringing color to light
Lift  your eyes up to the sky
out of the blue comes a rainbow and makes you smile
It’s the mirror of life itself
A reminder to never lose hope
A welcome sign.
That all will be good.

Rainbow 🌈
279 · May 2022
Hidden gem
The most precious gem is hidden in a piece of rock
Appearances are just that.
Treat me like a Queen and you become my King.

Shell ✨🐚
It’s not the way you look but the way you treat people that counts.
277 · Feb 2022
My lover is mine and I am his.
Till early morning dew of day
Till late evenings owls call
Where valleys end
and hills begin.
Till end of time
where eternity starts.

Shell ✨🐚
Valentine 🌹
277 · Jan 2021
Clover 4 🍀
Symbol of all that’s good.

Little wonder of nature
Four little leaves in one
Every leave holds its t own
Crutches of life under the sun
On peaceful living
With innerpeace of mind.
That it will be better tomorrow
Hope on life of  better kind.
In each other always
To live together as one,
Looking after each other
the key to become one
By which everything good begins,
Everyone together  
An era , a  new begin
     Good luck
To everybody
to each and every one
Who ever you are or where ever you’re from

Little Green clover of nature
A present  to life in all its ways
Beautiful symbol of mankind
Freedom in every way .☘️

Good luck symbol
275 · Jan 2021
Your own worth
What you seek shows your own worth!!
Shell ✨🐚
You are what you seek
275 · Nov 2022
Quote 134🌷
Hold close to you
what’s dear to you
while roses still bloom.

Shell ✨🐚
Life is short and can end  anytime. Don’t waste it.
275 · Mar 2021
Quote 6🌷
What you seek shows your own worth.

Shell ✨🐚
274 · Jan 2021
Bright light
Sometimes being in a light
so bright
is the same as
being in the dark.
Shell ✨🐚
Having to much of something doesn’t mean it’s satisfying.. It can leave you with an empty feeling.
274 · Jan 2022
Quote 86🌷
Of all your passions
Of all your deeds
Let love always be your carrier
Let it always be the key
To open doors
The key to acceptance
The key to forgiveness
Beyond all borders.

Shell ✨🐚
Love towards each other is what the world needs.
With hate you’re hurting yourself.
274 · Aug 2021
The dolphin 🐬
Sparkling sunbeams in the deep
Swirling embrace in  blue clean  waters
Makes you want to dance with me
Gracious motions set you free
Naked emotions are to see
Moving innerself
Oceans blues
Come along dance with me.

Shell ✨🐚
Keep our oceans clean.
274 · Sep 2021
Beauty it is...
Beauty is
in the eye of the beholder
as they say.
Beauty it is...
Shining from within the love
In the walk and the talk
In the listening...
In the kind smile
that reaches the eyes.
In the soft tone of the word.
Treating others as yourself.
Beauty it is.

Beauty is what you radiate.
273 · Mar 2023
Rainbow ( haiku )
silent bow of pledge
candy ribbon up above
colorful surprise

Shell ✨🐚
Rainbow sign of hope
Path to heaven and God
273 · Mar 2021
Seasons of the heart.
are like seasons of the weather.
Always changing.
Always coming back.
No matter what!!

Shell ✨🐚
As long that there is life we will have the same feelings over and over again
272 · Jun 2021
When  looking with
eyes closed  and open mind
you can see perfection coming together.
A sooting calmness within.
The way it was in the very beginning.....
When  everything was pure.
Immaculate like the ****** Mary.
When all souls were filled with light.
Feeling the wind caressing
while listening to the sounds
of nature
Putting you  in a state of meditation.
Love, winning field  over all the hatred
Light, taking over
Nothing but peaceful bliss

Shell ✨🐚
Looking at nature can give you this feelimg.
271 · Jul 2023
Sunday wishes
Sweet Sunday morning
Coming through
I bring you flowers
And coffee too
Some milk and cookies to go along.
You are the one
Who does it right
Who knows what’s important
right from the start.
Sending you prayers and love vibes too.

you a blessed and happy day.
Stay safe and sound ,always.

Shell ✨🐚
Happy blessed Sunday, stay safe . Think and care about each other.
269 · Jun 2021
Silent tears
She was weeping silently
No one knew
He was her mate
Covid took him away
Nothing more to say.

Shell ✨🐚
Still many are dying on a daily basis.
Many are crying inside.
269 · Dec 2023
Quote 176🌷
It takes an empty cage
for the last bird’s song to echo.

Shell ✨🐚
268 · Jan 2023
Quote 141🌷
Sometimes in life you have
to change your ways
to see another season of trees.

Shell ✨🐚
268 · Aug 2021
Haiku- far apart
whispers in the ear
wind passing trees gentle touch
far apart in love

267 · Mar 2022
Shattered rose 🥀
Soft smile in pastel color
Under sun so bright
Waited forever all evening
to bloom in shining light
Then someone
killed a living dream
Sad and shattered feelings
Still the scent will linger
Cause a rose it is.

A rose will always be a rose.

Shell ✨🐚
267 · Mar 2021
There is this place
the source.....
of being
There is this light....
where we were born
where we return
when time  no longer
When all goes dark
and eyes no longer seeing.
While  Life floats away silently
and choir singing hummingly
The  Spirit flows
Into this light
Enlightening  the soul
so bright ......
while crossing over .

Shell ✨🐚
In honor of a friend! Stay strong!!!
266 · Feb 2021
World peace
Way to peace
(second part)

It all comes down to this
One life to live
One heart,
but infinite love to give
Let’s be like the rivers
infinite waters
flowing towards the seas
Infinite love
All  merging
To get to world peace.

I hope that their will come a day that there will be no more wars, no poverty
Equal opportunity for all
266 · Dec 2023
Quote 177🌷
Life is a
string of second chances.
Everyone deserves a second chance.

Shell ✨🐚
Life is making mistakes and learn from that. To grow..
265 · Mar 2021
Quote 3🌷
The simpler the person
the more visible the beauty.

Shell ✨🐚
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