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 Oct 2018 She Writes
 Oct 2018 She Writes
Ice cold river,
Burning a path through her veins
Branding a mark on the soul.
Eternity stolen by her eyes.

Heartless demon scouring the seas
Gnawing at the sailors flesh.
Silent screams begging,
Pleading for an ounce of love.

Only crumbs from the table,
Fell from where the family ate.
Little hope could be felt
As bones crumbled to dust.

Silently screaming, mercies' cry,
As the day drags to night.
Not a peep, not a crack or crevice.
As her armour shines through the night.
 Oct 2018 She Writes
 Oct 2018 She Writes
Some poets write with pen
And others with pain
Just a random thought...
 Oct 2018 She Writes
Lost Soul
Just when I'm about to have hope  
My breakdown are less
I finally learning how to cope
You start to make your way in again
I try hard to pray you away
But you're here before amen
Welcome back old friend
I'm a fool to think the last time
that I saw you was the end
You brought gifts with you
I wanna ask which ones
cause the demons brought some too

Did you send the voices in my head?
I don't like them
They say I'd be better off dead
You didn't sent them right?
You would miss me
Who would you hold at night?
Did you send the bile?
It burns, I start to skip meals
I hide my pain with a smile
Did you cause the sleepless nights ?
Where you mad you weren't there
to hold me from the light?
Did you send the dreams?
That either crunch my soul
or make me scream ?
When I wake up my heart hurts
I hold in my tears
Until they threaten to burst

I shouldn't have left you
I wanted to be happy
I thought it was the right thing to do
I've learn my lesson
I need to stay with you
Let go of my aggression
Don't worry its not too late
Everything can go back to when
You were my soulmate
Depression is my soulmate pt. 2
To disguise our sin of greed
We debate philosophies
And justify our economies

Our sins cannot be covered
By shouting explanations
 Oct 2018 She Writes
JR Falk
Once, I read about a theme park
The roller coasters reached the bottoms of the clouds and
the speeds broke the sound barrier
Children went there daily
They laughed and they screamed and they smiled from dawn until dusk
They won prizes
and they were very much alive

I went to look up that theme park last month
The rides had all shut down
And they were completely still
Nobody had touched it in years
The streets of this city that were once full of life
Were dull and motionless
The windows were broken
The prizes were gone
The bright lights of all colors
were now empty shattered bulbs

The only emotion was empty
All of the happiness and joy
And the laughter and life
Was completely gone
I think of this often
How one place can hold such life one day
and the next be as good as dead?

I saw myself in this corpse
My body, decaying
The joy I would feel and the dancing and laughter has
now all turned to a blank slate of gray
My mind had shut it all away and I am nothing
I once held better days
But now I am a broken roller coaster
Abandoned and corroded
Because I once got so high
And I once moved so fast

But now I am frozen in my place, hidden away

Forgotten like an erased word off a paper

Once, I read about a theme park

And all I learned was I am empty too
My first poem on here.. oh dear.
Mental illness is like burning paper in the daylight.
You can hardly see the flame, but the pages disappear.
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