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Shay May 2016
Searching for something to make me feel alive,
for it's no longer enough to carry on and merely survive.
Life has lost it's flavour; rather like eating cardboard each day.
Where lies the tragedy in the things I continue to say?
Is it in waking up each morning against my very will?
Or is it in having each second tainted by the darkness painfully still?
Everything is (and I am) depression;
the tragedy is in my never-ending tribulation.
Shay May 2016
My light has to be hidden from each and every walk of life;
it is a target for the darkness and strong emotions of others that are rife.
My soul is too deep and fragile to be torn apart time and time again,
by impassioned people who end up causing unintentional pain.
I am crushed by the weight of the universe.
They say to be an empath is a gift - but to me it feels like a curse.
Shay May 2016
You have a heart made of beautiful gold
and a soul of stardust that'll never grow old.
There are sweet galaxies within your eyes
and your scars are constellations better than the sky's.
You're a walking universe so wonderful and sublime;
someone who'll remain important across all space and time.
Shay May 2016
I kept running back to you; the one who kept breaking my heart -
spewing venom off your tongue and poisoning my mind was your art.
I tried so hard to see the Angel hidden in your demonic front;
but of your destruction and your sadistic nature I bore the brunt.
Shay Apr 2016
Hope leaves you vulnerable and fragile;
it’s prone to shattering in a way most agile.
And once it has broken in every way it can,
you end up bleeding more than before it all began.
You drown in the sea of disappointment;
suffocated by desolation so poignant.
The world seemingly survives on hope,
and also dies because of it - hope is a slippery *****.
Shay Apr 2016
Waves o' despondency hit me harder than ever before;
I drown; yet it leaves a burning ember of which I crave more.
Addicted to the deliration and despair that comes o' so naturally -
a new found love for the darkness that lives within me.
Shay Apr 2016
I close my eyes; the whole world has just ended -
the slough of despond within has crawled back to the surface, unintended.
Although thine own mind & heart be desolate, sinking and painful,
still I do not cry - but wait for my quietus; an act most baneful.
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