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1.0k · Jan 2020
Rose flower life poem
sarah shahzad Jan 2020
Roses are sweet, but not petit,

They never dry out, as they fly in,

Precious for the house of those, who are good,

Pleasing for the house of those, who are special,

They never thought of encountering a lost rose,

Who was tossed away,

For being dried-up all of a sudden,

As they notice its specialty,

And that it’s not impoverished

Down they went to help the seed of the same specialty,

Rose, they met,

Precious to those who are good, with the identical rose,

Pleasing to those who are special, with the identical rose,

Then they go underneath the ground

They will meet,

The seed of same rose,

All with the help of the, identical rose

For just another beginning of a continuing course.

(Sarah Shahzad  JULY, 2019)
Who does not like roses? This poem is about the most well known flower in flora world.  These are symbols of beauty, fragrance, love, life, perfumes, food, drinks, art, medicines and symbolism.  Flowers are not for just tossed out after receiving but there is a cycle of their presence. A new flower replaces the old one and sometimes old ones give rise to new plants.
856 · Mar 2020
Poems About Community
sarah shahzad Mar 2020
Community Poem

We are equal, but with diverse ways and meaning of life,
We are equal, but end with same manner in this life,
At least, we all shall wind up, not knowing the end,
At least our fate make us equal to each other, in this life,

We stumble upon the unknown end,
As if it’s a new place or planet,
That we would be going to discover,
As we go, we can’t come back,

Our community is large,
But with less friends,
As we consider others as strangers,
Even though they are our same kind,

They came to this world just like us,
And will come to an end just like us,
Our flowers grow, and rot till time,
Just as us, everything carry same fate,

In our world, everyone is equal,
But we are confined to communities,
Communities are built on a new dream,
That will come to others hands as well.

(By Sarah Shahzad, February 2020)
Poems About Community
sarah shahzad Jan 2020
Solar Eclipse
Free Verse Poem | Poem on Nature

As the sun rises,

With lots of surprises,

Granting one after the other,

As slowly the day goes on,

The moon comes out mysteriously,

Blocking the sunny view of the happy people,

As the day gets dark,

As the nights of the shadows,

Making all of them frown,

The day continues for a while,

And immediately vanishes,

The people who saw that spectacular event,

Get surprised and worried,

The children get excited,

As the night goes long,

A night in the middle of the day.

(By Sarah Shahzad, December 2019)
This poem is about solar eclipse.  It is quite different from lunar eclipse.  That is to say that moon crosses the path and comes in between earth and sun.

Meanwhile some enthusiast await for eclipses but most of the people also worried about its negative impact.  Somehow people are afraid of coming out of the houses during solar eclipse but in contrast people with cameras loved to take pictures of it.

Solar eclipse on 25/26 December 2019 is called as final eclipse of the decade.  On christmas day, sun appears about one percent smaller in the sky.  Therefore we will be able to observe a ring of fire.

Some of the people are worried about eclipse and ask their children to stay away from the dark rays of the eclipse.

What are your thoughts about lunar and solar eclipse?
368 · Nov 2019
short poem about life
sarah shahzad Nov 2019
short poem about life
Slug – Free Verse Poem

That slippery slime,

That crawls out of damp places,

In the sorrowful night,

It wishes to find a home,

A home of vegetables is like a dream,

If it was a dream like no wonder any slug likes one,

When they crawl out in the day light,

In the garden full of vegetables,

Their dream becomes one.
(Sarah Shahzad, November 2019)
source:  Most of us dream of living a perfect life but that is impossible. every stage of life has different challanges and we spend most if our lives to attempt these challanges.

Once that slug finds a dream place to live, it gets more predators and ultimately that dreamy life is very short.
357 · Nov 2019
water on earth save water
sarah shahzad Nov 2019
Save Water

Free Verse Poem

We drink and use water,

Without knowing what it does,

What benefits it gives,

Water is around but has decreased,

Without knowing that the world is drying,

Before the leaves get crooked up as life,

We need to save water, to save our life,

Water helps everything,

As we need to help it too,

We do not need water just to drink and use,

We need it, to help it, so it can help us too.

(Sarah Shahzad, November 2019)
source: Save water means saving precious lives of all living beings Countries are focusing on planting more trees and teaching young generations to conserve water.
346 · Feb 2020
I Miss You Poems
sarah shahzad Feb 2020
Poem about Life | Free Verse Poem | I Miss You Poems

I feel so worried, as if I’m going to get sick,
If it was a trick, I would be delighted to wake up,
I don’t see you for a while, as if I am isolated,
As isolation will blow my mind away

Through the ice, I hear your voice,
As if it’s the only hope, that I can’t cope,
Your voice gets spotted, but still stuck in ice,
As your voice gets louder, I start to sink

They pull me down, while you try to pull up,
They won’t stop neither you,
Since you never showed up on the right spot,
I feel lonely as I miss you

I feel so sad that I only visited you for a day,
As gloom surrounds my wishes and dreams,
Without expressing or anyone knowing,
As I know, I miss you

I am stuck on an island missing you,
My feelings are being fearful,
As you are not around,
Please comeback, I miss you

Source: I miss you poems
(By Sarah Shahzad, February 2020)
This poem is dedicated to two friends.  As far as I know I have not seen both of them for quite some time.  Without them I feel so lonely and I have tried to express my feelings in this poem.  I miss you Ishmam and Insharah!!!
233 · Aug 5
Embrace of the Canopy
Poem on Sloth and Nature

Throws itself around on its tail,

Trees wrapped between its globe,

Shallow pools reflect in repeat

It’s all it sees now,

Dried up meadows,

During the summer rays,

The trees cool off,

Humid air rises on,

Delicate branches,

Made just for itself,

To wrap around,

And hang upside down,

Its world is all that it sees,

The trees between each other,

Leaving no far space in between,

Its world, the one, it is able to grasp.
By Sarah Shahzad, July 2024
This poem beautifully captures the unique and serene environment of a sloth in its arboreal habitat.

The poem begins with the imagery of a sloth moving slowly and deliberately, using its tail to navigate its surroundings. The “trees wrapped between its globe” suggests the sloth’s entire world is encompassed by the trees it inhabits. The “shallow pools reflect in repeat” implies a sense of continuity and repetition in its tranquil life.

The “dried up meadows” and “summer rays” indicate the heat of summer, while “the trees cool off” suggests that the trees provide a respite from the heat. “Humid air rises on” evokes the tropical climate where sloths are often found, highlighting the contrast between the dry ground and the cool canopy.

The poem emphasizes the sloth’s relationship with its habitat. The “delicate branches” seem perfectly suited for the sloth to “wrap around, And hang upside down,” capturing the essence of its slow, inverted lifestyle. This suggests a harmonious adaptation to its environment.

The final stanza reflects on the sloth’s limited yet contented perspective. “Its world is all that it sees” indicates that the sloth’s life is confined to the trees it lives in. “The trees between each other, Leaving no far space in-between” suggests a dense, interconnected forest canopy. The phrase “Its world the one it is able to grasp” conveys the idea that the sloth’s world is small but complete, defined by what it can physically interact with and understand.

Overall Interpretation
“Embrace of the Canopy” portrays the sloth’s intimate connection with its arboreal environment. The poem uses vivid imagery to highlight the sloth’s slow, deliberate movements and its adaptation to life among the trees. It reflects on the sloth’s limited but fulfilling perspective, finding contentment within its immediate surroundings. The poem captures the serenity and simplicity of the sloth’s existence, emphasizing the beauty and harmony of life in the treetops.

Embrace Of The Canopy   Sloth
203 · Feb 2020
Corona Virus
sarah shahzad Feb 2020
Poems About Life

This virus brought us far,
But we can’t get back by car,
It spreads itself far,
All without any mark,

Inadequate protection let it enters us,
Without us knowing it is there,
As it begins attacking cells,
As the attack, rings just as a bell,

We might run fast,
But can’t avoid the virus,
As it infects the iris,
As there’s no way out,

We might eat grapes,
Without knowing the escape,
As it flies through the body,
As a shape free to undertake,

Round but not weak,
As it looks for a victim,
Not immune to such infection,
That victim is seeking protection,
A protection as that virus is nonstop.
(By Sarah Shahzad, February 2020)
Inspiration of this poem is the fatal Corona Virus which has been affecting human lives.  Many people are suffered from it and mainly old people are more vulnerable to this virus.  We hope that scientist find a quick cure and vaccination for this virus.

All of us are watching media to see news of its cure and good news about vaccination.  We pray for all the people who are sick with this virus. Hopefully they will get better.
166 · Jan 2020
Nature Of Life FriendShip
sarah shahzad Jan 2020
We make great effort and style,

But we don’t make close friends,

Together we play great roles on the stage,

But we don’t make friends, even close ones

That goes on,

We don’t recognize them later in life,

Even though we see them passing by us,

They might recognize us, but never tell,

As we refrained talking to them in past,

Just because there was a time, where we could have,

Become close friend with them,

But our mind refuses, as we cross path,

But most importantly,

We don’t recognize the word friendship,

Where we can recognize anyone easily,

And fool around together.

This poem is about one of the best relations in one’s life.  You make friends at various stages of your life and then as you move on, relationship closes. This makes you scared of making new friends.

It is important to make friends and maintain this relationship long lasting.  This will give you opportunity to enjoy your best moments in life with someone very close to you.
141 · Aug 5
Artic Hunter
Slow sleek steps,

Pounces on its paws,

Snow-clad fur,

Brushes off impatiently,

Ears perk up,

When squeals and squeaks are heard,

Steady and slowly,

Merges with the blanket beneath,

Almost at ease,

Confidently it please,

Lowers into its position,

Ready to strike,

Pounces on its paws,

Announces in its jaws,

Mouse struck beneath its claws,

Ounces in vigilant strides as it withdraws.
By Sarah Shahzad, July 2024
The poem begins by describing the Arctic fox’s graceful and stealthy movements through the snow. The “slow sleek steps” and “pounces on its paws” emphasize its agility and precision. The “snow-clad fur” signifies its adaptation to its environment, while “brushes off impatiently” suggests the fox’s alertness and readiness to act.

The “ears perk up” at the sounds of potential prey, indicating its sharp senses. The fox’s ability to “merge with the blanket beneath” illustrates its camouflage and stealth, blending seamlessly with the snowy landscape.

In third stanza, the fox is depicted as being “almost at ease,” showing its confidence and patience as it prepares to hunt. It “lowers into its position,” readying itself for the perfect moment to pounce on its prey.

The final stanza captures the successful hunt. The fox “pounces on its paws,” and with the prey “announces in its jaws,” signifying its capture. The mouse “struck beneath its claws” represents the culmination of its stealth and precision. The fox then “ounces in vigilant strides as it withdraws,” indicating its cautious yet assured retreat with its catch.

Overall, “Arctic Hunter” paints a vivid picture of an Arctic fox’s hunting prowess, showcasing its agility, stealth, and confidence in its natural habitat.

The Arctic is a polar region located at the northernmost part of the Earth, characterized by extreme conditions, including low temperatures, ice-covered landscapes, and limited sunlight for much of the year. It encompasses the Arctic Ocean, adjacent seas, and parts of Canada, Greenland, Russia, the United States (Alaska), Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. Here are some key aspects of the Arctic:

The Arctic has a polar climate with long, harsh winters and short, cool summers.

Winter temperatures can plummet to below -30°C (-22°F), while summer temperatures may rise to just above freezing.

The region experiences phenomena such as the Midnight Sun (continuous daylight during summer) and Polar Night (continuous darkness during winter).

Flora and Fauna:
Despite its harsh climate, the Arctic supports a variety of life. Vegetation primarily includes tundra species such as mosses, lichens, and small shrubs.

Wildlife includes polar bears, Arctic foxes, reindeer, seals, walruses, and various bird species. Marine life is abundant, with species like narwhals, belugas, and bowhead whales.

Human Presence:
Indigenous peoples, such as the Inuit, Sámi, and Nenets, have lived in the Arctic for thousands of years, adapting to the extreme conditions with unique cultures and lifestyles.

Modern settlements and research stations are also present, focusing on scientific study and resource extraction.

Environmental Concerns:
Climate change significantly impacts the Arctic, with rising temperatures causing ice melt, habitat loss, and shifts in wildlife populations.

Melting ice also affects global sea levels and weather patterns, making the Arctic a crucial area for climate research.

Arctic Fox:
The Arctic fox (Vulpes lag opus) is a small mammal well-adapted to the extreme conditions of the Arctic. Here are some detailed features and facts about the Arctic hunter:

Physical Adaptations:
The Arctic fox has a thick, multi-layered coat that changes color with the seasons—white in winter to blend with the snow and brown or gray in summer to match the tundra.

Its compact body, short legs, and small ears minimize heat loss.

Fur-covered feet provide insulation and traction on ice and snow.

Arctic foxes are omnivorous and opportunistic feeders. Their diet primarily consists of small mammals like lemmings and voles, birds, eggs, insects, and carrion.

They are known to follow polar bears and scavenge leftover prey.

Behavior and Reproduction:
Arctic foxes are solitary hunters but can form pairs or small groups during the breeding season.

They build dens in the ground or snowbanks, providing shelter and a safe place to raise their young.

Females give birth to litters of up to 14 pups in spring, and both parents care for the young.

Survival Strategies:
These foxes are highly resilient, capable of enduring extreme cold and scarcity of food.

In lean times, they can reduce their metabolic rate and live off stored body fat.

They have excellent hearing, allowing them to locate prey under the snow.

Conservation Status:
While the Arctic fox is not currently endangered, certain populations face threats from climate change and competition with the red fox, which is expanding its range northward.

Conservation efforts focus on preserving their habitat and mitigating the impacts of global warming.

Understanding the Arctic and the Arctic fox highlights the remarkable adaptations of life in one of the planet’s most challenging environments and underscores the importance of conservation efforts in these fragile ecosystems.

Artic Hunter
140 · Aug 5
Artic Hunter
Slow sleek steps,

Pounces on its paws,

Snow-clad fur,

Brushes off impatiently,

Ears perk up,

When squeals and squeaks are heard,

Steady and slowly,

Merges with the blanket beneath,

Almost at ease,

Confidently it please,

Lowers into its position,

Ready to strike,

Pounces on its paws,

Announces in its jaws,

Mouse struck beneath its claws,

Ounces in vigilant strides as it withdraws.
By Sarah Shahzad, July 2024
The poem begins by describing the Arctic fox’s graceful and stealthy movements through the snow. The “slow sleek steps” and “pounces on its paws” emphasize its agility and precision. The “snow-clad fur” signifies its adaptation to its environment, while “brushes off impatiently” suggests the fox’s alertness and readiness to act.

The “ears perk up” at the sounds of potential prey, indicating its sharp senses. The fox’s ability to “merge with the blanket beneath” illustrates its camouflage and stealth, blending seamlessly with the snowy landscape.

In third stanza, the fox is depicted as being “almost at ease,” showing its confidence and patience as it prepares to hunt. It “lowers into its position,” readying itself for the perfect moment to pounce on its prey.

The final stanza captures the successful hunt. The fox “pounces on its paws,” and with the prey “announces in its jaws,” signifying its capture. The mouse “struck beneath its claws” represents the culmination of its stealth and precision. The fox then “ounces in vigilant strides as it withdraws,” indicating its cautious yet assured retreat with its catch.

Overall, “Arctic Hunter” paints a vivid picture of an Arctic fox’s hunting prowess, showcasing its agility, stealth, and confidence in its natural habitat.

The Arctic is a polar region located at the northernmost part of the Earth, characterized by extreme conditions, including low temperatures, ice-covered landscapes, and limited sunlight for much of the year. It encompasses the Arctic Ocean, adjacent seas, and parts of Canada, Greenland, Russia, the United States (Alaska), Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. Here are some key aspects of the Arctic:

The Arctic has a polar climate with long, harsh winters and short, cool summers.

Winter temperatures can plummet to below -30°C (-22°F), while summer temperatures may rise to just above freezing.

The region experiences phenomena such as the Midnight Sun (continuous daylight during summer) and Polar Night (continuous darkness during winter).

Flora and Fauna:
Despite its harsh climate, the Arctic supports a variety of life. Vegetation primarily includes tundra species such as mosses, lichens, and small shrubs.

Wildlife includes polar bears, Arctic foxes, reindeer, seals, walruses, and various bird species. Marine life is abundant, with species like narwhals, belugas, and bowhead whales.

Human Presence:
Indigenous peoples, such as the Inuit, Sámi, and Nenets, have lived in the Arctic for thousands of years, adapting to the extreme conditions with unique cultures and lifestyles.

Modern settlements and research stations are also present, focusing on scientific study and resource extraction.

Environmental Concerns:
Climate change significantly impacts the Arctic, with rising temperatures causing ice melt, habitat loss, and shifts in wildlife populations.

Melting ice also affects global sea levels and weather patterns, making the Arctic a crucial area for climate research.

Arctic Fox:
The Arctic fox (Vulpes lag opus) is a small mammal well-adapted to the extreme conditions of the Arctic. Here are some detailed features and facts about the Arctic hunter:

Physical Adaptations:
The Arctic fox has a thick, multi-layered coat that changes color with the seasons—white in winter to blend with the snow and brown or gray in summer to match the tundra.

Its compact body, short legs, and small ears minimize heat loss.

Fur-covered feet provide insulation and traction on ice and snow.

Arctic foxes are omnivorous and opportunistic feeders. Their diet primarily consists of small mammals like lemmings and voles, birds, eggs, insects, and carrion.

They are known to follow polar bears and scavenge leftover prey.

Behavior and Reproduction:
Arctic foxes are solitary hunters but can form pairs or small groups during the breeding season.

They build dens in the ground or snowbanks, providing shelter and a safe place to raise their young.

Females give birth to litters of up to 14 pups in spring, and both parents care for the young.

Survival Strategies:
These foxes are highly resilient, capable of enduring extreme cold and scarcity of food.

In lean times, they can reduce their metabolic rate and live off stored body fat.

They have excellent hearing, allowing them to locate prey under the snow.

Conservation Status:
While the Arctic fox is not currently endangered, certain populations face threats from climate change and competition with the red fox, which is expanding its range northward.

Conservation efforts focus on preserving their habitat and mitigating the impacts of global warming.

Understanding the Arctic and the Arctic fox highlights the remarkable adaptations of life in one of the planet’s most challenging environments and underscores the importance of conservation efforts in these fragile ecosystems.

Artic Hunter

— The End —