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 Jun 2018 Sarah Swan
dead roses
 Jun 2018 Sarah Swan
dear girl, do not tire your eyes
weeping over dead roses

for sunlight emanates
from your weathered skin

and it is simply a matter of time
    till your garden blossoms again

no amount of tears poured over the soil
will revive dead roses
 Jun 2018 Sarah Swan
I just want to disappear sometimes.
shut the blinds, and roll over
until I can sleep no longer
I'm tired, of always worrying.
am i boring?
 Jun 2018 Sarah Swan
My mind can change from a beautiful sea,
into a place full of monsters just between hours.
 Jun 2018 Sarah Swan
Eyes open to a dim room
after a few moments I think of you,
the heaviness above me
yet I feel so empty?

It's so hard to sit up
please just lay back down.
Close your eyes again,
no one is around!

Eyes open again to a dim room,
I wonder what time it is
but this darkness still looms.
As I lay here rotting.
 Jun 2018 Sarah Swan
Courtney O
If you must leave me
then I'll let it be
I am pushing to my death
so I can breathe

I am at a lack of words
Overwhelmed by what surrounds
My war begins at home
My war is my own heart

If we must break
the tears will fall down my face
but I'll let it happen
with all my pain, but I'll be there
 Jun 2018 Sarah Swan
There's more to suicide than what we think it is.
It's not just unanswered questions,
sometimes, it's unasked ones.
For all those out there who self harm, please don't do it. Please don't do it, for me. For your family, for your friends, for all those who care, for yourself. You're not alone in this, trust me❤
For all those out there who are battling self harm, I'm so proud of you, keep going. I love
you, and I'm always here for you if you need me❤
For all those out there who help people that self harm, you're doing a great job. You're beautiful and you're going amazing❤
For all those out there who know people that self harm, please help them out. Tell them they're brave. Tell them they're not alone. Tell them you care. Tell them you love them. Give them your hand, they need it❤

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