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 Feb 2015 Sacrelicious
 Feb 2015 Sacrelicious
In your arms I'm safe,
Your eyes make me beautiful,
Your chains set me free.
 Feb 2015 Sacrelicious
Hey there, woah there
well I'd just like to
take this fine opportunity
to tell you that I assure you,
my good sir, that I don't
give one-eighth of a
one-hundredth of a
flying ****.
If it has ended now
And we stop being friends,
Just tell me clearly please;
For love has blinded me,
I will not plainly see
That it has ended here.
I'm such a hopeful man
And will keep dreaming on,
So, say for certain please-
That this sweet friendship died;
There is no going back.
Too late to admit wrong,
(I am the guilty one
The fault was always mine).
Tell me to forget hope-
That the walls between us
Are stone hard, fiery hot,
And they will never fall.
Tell me to reject you,
And to not trouble you
That I should ramble off
And just go away far.
So, say it bluntly please,
If it has happened that
We are no longer friends.
To order my book of inspirational poems at Amazon,
My heart will not be denied
Soul, body, and mind
I will not be confined
I'll reach for the sky
This, I will live by

Even after I die
I will be immortal
My words have no goodbyes

**-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Feb 2015 Sacrelicious
Each drops, each one
Its like the worse teardrops
Mixed with the symphony
And remixes melodies

Create the own version of ochestra
Flying bows everywhere
Flickering hand every beat
Up side down back every seconds

I almost forgetten
the part I most lost
Its never been
and I never want to lose

My heart kindda
Once rain ;
Its hard to stop
 Feb 2015 Sacrelicious
I saw a rainbow, 

Looking at our dreadful situation. 

You notice the colors it gives,

It's the inverted smile I see, 

Like happiness faltering to its curve,

Just masking it with ROYGBIV.

Even so,
It never fails to share every hue, 

To lift every mouths to grin,

And to give color to the greyscale scene.
A random poem for a random day after randomly seeing a random rainbow.
The howling surrounds me, the cold pierce my skin.
It's pouring but i don't care, i just want to see your face.
I wish to feel your lips against mine,
your hands touch me, but instead all i fell is pain.
The only touch i feel is the pounding of the rain.
I replay our last moments together,
i hear your voice but i can't see you.
You have disappeared.
I would give almost anything to have you back.
Time heals all wounds but, the time right now is unbearable.
I lay beside you and dream old dreams because i'm in capable of the reality. The one where you don't exist.
Good-bye my love, may we meet
With all my love

-Lost love
I Love You. :)
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