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 Apr 2020 Richie
Matt Bernstein
Take me clear into mist and cotton.
Launch a rocket through heavens door.
What a rush to be perched from a bird's eye view
and see man's triumphs laid bare like toys.

Through history, we've chased the wind.
Forever grasping at fleeting breaths.
And now we've brought all of man's glory and sins
so much higher than where we began.
 Feb 2020 Richie
 Feb 2020 Richie
I wrote fantasies and I wrote about sleep
I wrote about demons and
how they danced around a fire in my dreams
I wrote about skeletons in my closet that suffocated me
I wrote about monsters that I rolled around with
In my sheets and when “I love you”
Used to sound sweet
I wrote until my brain stopped flooding and my fingertips began to bleed

       i wrote until it
          Became easier to
The world is a plain sheet
That needs to be arrayed
With morphemes, words, sentences and languages.

The world is a war field
Where we do not array bullets in riffles
But inks triggered by our heart
Through a ball point pen.

The world is a market place
Where we batter calligraphy for bread and wine;
Like trading kola-nut for cowries.

The world is a grave a tomb, an open sepulcher
Where the flesh and souls of man is laid;
Doctors, Philosophers, Engineers, even I, a literatis
But I have aforetime immortalized myself. I am a literati.
 Feb 2020 Richie
 Feb 2020 Richie
Love's only weakness
Is also its greatest strength:
It defies reason

My thoughts on Valentine’s Day
Imagine, heaven and earth,
Earth and hell.
It's up there.
Ionosphere, maybe.
Or maybe, Exosphere.
Think of Pangaea and Panthalassa.
Imagine, the lost world of Atlantis.
Geography students would know better.
Imagine good, and bad,
Bad, and worse.
Imagine, if your name were not,
What it is,
Imagine, if you were not,
What you are.
Imagine, delivering fantastic speeches,
Craft out, mesmerising poetries,
Look for topics,
Like you look for alloys,
In your wallet.
Everyone's a poet,
Poet, in their hearts,
They do write poems,
But the designer styli,
Defy to converge their thoughts.
Summarize life,
Felicity, will obviously be wrapped up,
And so will be your bad.
And try, and minimize your bad,
To the least,
Like you do with your savings,
On a rave.
And try, and amplify your bliss,
Like your cells multiply,
In every thirty minutes.
Imagine, and fall.
Fall, for every beautiful face,
Fall, for every beautiful day,
And moment.
And spread love.
Imagine, and fall,
Into an abyss,
Of thoughts,
Every single day,
Every single time.
The bald guy,
On our currency notes,
Smiling, at whatever number there is by him.
Smile, at whatever is given to you,
Smile, for whatever is given to you.
And just that.
 Feb 2020 Richie
Renn Pat
It’s crazy how what I’ve learned is not from homework or tests,

but from simply being present and learning from life’s jests.

It’s crazy how tough times form the strongest ties.

And it’s crazy how the hardest cries lead to the loveliest highs.

It’s crazy how a look says more than a voice,

and how it’s our heart that always pulls when presented with a choice.

It’s crazy when people can connect with just a simple glance,

and when you truly fall in love there’s no risk in taking a chance.

It’s crazy how a message can hit you straight in the heart,

and do the same for others even if they’re in places miles apart.

It’s crazy how a game can transcend cultures and races,

uniting nations and peoples of all colors of faces.

It’s crazy how religion can restrict spiritual revelation,

but science proves divine meditation improves human elevation.

It’s crazy how world leaders are elected by wealth,

while the purpose they share is distant from human kind’s ultimate health.

It’s crazy when you realize all the worlds’ problems and see the solution clear as day,

and everyone around you can relate to your thoughts in some way.

It’s crazy how the answers were within us along.

It’s crazy when we realize we’re all singing the same song.

It’s crazy when we say something so profound,

that everyone around,

stops and listens,

knows its truth,

and in that moment,

that crazy thought

becomes the real you.
 Feb 2020 Richie
Poet Destroyer
In search of the human mind.

Diffrent thoughts crossed my mind.
A few conclusions I did find.
The human mind can go on with out a stop.
Reciveing to much input.
Danger, before you blow your top.

I got it all figured it out, not quiet yet
It is at the tip of my mind.
Have my brain cells run out of think.
Only when it comes to love, I am blind.
Are you just being lazy, you fell to quick.

You have to give me some help.
Or what use are you for me.
Open the way to see.
Only you can unlock the door.
Unfold the future, you hide the key.

Do you want to be the kind of mind.
The one who needs to live on pills.
Every mind comes with addiction.

The mind is not easy to read like a book.
The mind limits your judgement, with just one look.
The mind plays tricks, you better believe.
The mind is related to the heart, sending signals together.
The mind works when the body's asleep. (A dream the mind put it there)
The mind creates beauty wonders of the world.
The mind is a soft whisper, like our concsious.
The mind is so devieous, tricky, can outsmart anyone.
The mind is a beautiful thing to waste.
The mind can journey, with out leaving its nest.
The mind is knowledge, many fail to explore.
The mind is a traveler far and beyound.
The mind is like a paint brush, colorful art.
The mind is a creature, who hides in a cave.
The mind is like pain, don't stop in its way.
The mind is like a mime who dose not talk at all.
The mind is like a pair of shoes.
With out the mind you are nothing at all.
One can not live with or without the other.

The bottom line,  the mind is a mystery!
Please continue with the hunt!
P.D. was here!  All copy  writes belong to me!
 Dec 2019 Richie
middle name
 Dec 2019 Richie
he called me by my middle name
“i love you liz”
that’s what he said
“i’m so lucky to have you liz”
i’m sorry liz
i’m sorry i’ve treated you so horribly
liz, liz, liz, liz, liz
now i hate my middle name
 Nov 2019 Richie
are you there, god?
i’ve prayed to you for days,
i don’t think you’re listening,
because the worst has happened.

are you there, god?
funny how i only pray,
when my life is falling apart,
i expect you to fix it

are you there, god?
i’ve made you my scapegoat,
i don’t want to be at fault,
why’d you take him from me?
RIP Malfoy, my good boy. If there’s a heaven I hope you’re playing with as many strings as you like.
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