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 Jun 2017 Pretty girl
She is both,
hellfire and holy water.
And the flavor you taste,
depends on how you,
treat her.
 Jun 2017 Pretty girl
Ryan Holden
I am a thin sheet
Of ice, I will crack through and
You will fall with me.

But I'm scared to swim
I might choke on a wave of
Fear and loneliness.

I scare you won't dive
In this water after me,
And I'll drown alone.

I need to feel heat
That radiates from your bones,
Heating my dry skin that seems
To flake away with everything
I cared about.

Just tie the anchor
Around my jelly like legs
Let me sink below.

I won't be the man
In fairytales or your dreams
I will be fiction.

Hopefully I can
Give more love to the ocean
And be lost treasure
x3 Haiku X1 Tanka x3 Haiku - all making one poem :)
the angel on my shoulder
picked up smoking,
the devil on the other
took up yoga—

they don't know
how much they have
in common.
 Jun 2017 Pretty girl
I took a shower tonight.
But I didn't wash my hair
Or my body or my face
Or even my toes.
I took a shower tonight.
And although the water was as hot as it can go
I stepped in and my whole body froze
From my hair
To my body to my face
To my toes.
I took a shower tonight.
And I just sat on the shower floor
I put my face in my knees
Let the billion clear little razors
Roll down my back
And down the drain.
I didn't cry.
I didn't break down.
I took a shower tonight.
And I just sat on the ground
And I sat in the shower.
Till the hot water turned cold.
Three hours of sitting
of mini razor blades rolling gently down my back
And in just a moment.
I'll get in my bed.
And I'll lay.
For about six to seven hours.
Until seven am
And then I'll put on my eyeliner
And be on my way.
 Jun 2017 Pretty girl
 Jun 2017 Pretty girl
like the snow covered mountains,
you captivate me
pay attention, i'm craving you.
 Jun 2017 Pretty girl
I was not born a


I was broken into


there are some who want a thinner waist
and others who just don't like the taste
of food they feel they do not deserve

some eat cake with their eyes
while others are busy planning their demise
one wants to see bones, another, headstones

one could love themselves if they were just 40 pounds thinner
"maybe i'll love myself if i just skip dinner"
the other has no appetite, a battle with calories she does not fight

a battle, rather, with herself
to **** herself or stay in living hell
too preoccupied to care what is on the pantry shelf

there are some who want a thinner waist
and others who just don't like the taste
of food they feel they do not deserve
i saw you outside
on my roof tonight
with your messy hair
and cigarette glowing
between your fingertips and
you wouldn’t leave but
you wouldn’t come in
and i kept staring as you
blew puffs of smoke
with your back against my
bedroom window and
i wanted to get up and crawl
outside and sit behind
you and draw pictures on
your back of all the things
i didn’t know how to say but
my blankets felt like lead
so i whispered to my pillow how
much i love you and then
the sun began to rise
and you looked back at me
with ashes beneath your
eyes and i told my pillow
i wish you’d stay
but you didn’t you
never do
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