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Kayla Jun 2018
People keep telling me to just give you up
People tell me you are not worth it
Not worth the tears
Not worth the pain
I have cried to people
I have never thought I would cry to
I cry over you
I never thought I would
But maybe I should give you up
But for now
I am just going to keep having fun
And drowning in my own pain
Kayla May 2018
Closes her eyes at night
Thinking if it will ever get better
This life she was born into
Always imagines  
What it would be like
If she was her
Imagines what it would be like
If she lived in a different body
One that was not her own
Will grow up
Wishing she was different  
In a different body  
Will not give up
Even though she will never be someone else
She will always be her
Kayla May 2018
I wish I didn’t love you
I wish you weren’t around
But when you leave
I feel a craving for you
Stronger than anything
I have ever felt
Kayla May 2018
I have made some new rules for myself
These rules are for me to get over you
Cause I don’t need you
Stop crying kayla
That only makes it worst
I have cried for to long now.
Delete all photos
You don’t need them anymore
They are just memories That don’t belong
Give back sweaters
Burn all letters
Get rid of all stuffies
The hardest of all rules
Break all ties
Cut all contact
If I follow these rules
I will succeed in my life
If I let you go
I will be happy again
If only I could
I could follow these rules
Then I would be able to let you go
Kayla May 2018
I was the beauty
He was the beast
I loved him
He didn't love me
I wanted him
He wanted the Knife
I sipped my wine
As he stabbed me twice
I was the beauty
He was the beast
But he killed the beauty
With his only knife
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