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  Apr 2015 Donna Bella
Taylor Nichelle
Please forgive the lies.
Those lies you realized were real lies in your eyes, that look at my eyes that cries.
Please forgive my tick, my tick that flicks when you click my impatience.
Please try to forgive the tears I cried, my hands tied down to the chair of my stupidness.
Forgive me for the different masks I've worn because I was born with a face torn..
Please, forgive me for looking at that mirror
Preparing, to attack and smack
Break this make-up of me and off my face.
Forgive those scars across my heart that left marks on my inner wrists, forgive my fists that ball,
hit walls and doors to settle the score between love and hate.
Please forgive me for wasting your time, I'm fine. That line, like the line you wait behind dozens of people who I've said that to.. please forgive me when you tell me "I'm beautiful" because the thought of me possibly, being pretty, is new to me.
Forgive me when I say I'm lonely or feeling alone because I only have myself in my mind
and behind the door of thoughts are secrets kept, sept underneath the rug if uncertainty.
Insecurities, get the best of me,
Forgive my darkness
Forgive my awkwardness
Forgive my serial killer mentality, hunting down, killing off my confidence and any compliments I receive.
I enjoy bringing myself to low points
And at this point, I need a new point. A hight point. And the distance between my low point and my high point is a long line of self awareness and weakness.
I digress, my progress is better, my confidence is higher, I guess..
You'll be impressed with what you don't know,
What you should know,
But what I don't show.
My confusing image of myself
"Love thy self"
Lord please forgive me for I have sinned.
Trying to die earlier than intended is a sin.
Trying to force pain amongst my body is a sin.
Please forgive my dark thoughts, my depressed ways.
Forgive those who attempt the same attempts  i attempt.
Forgive those who drag themselves to the ground, buried underground with tomb stones above their heads.
Forgive the knives they used to bleed out their tears and sadness.
Forgive the pills that sit in the stomach of the people lying on the bathroom floor unaware of their scared mothers faces.
Forgive the flowers you place in front of their grave of hopefulness buried with terrible self consciousness.
Please forgive me when I say, please don't delay, but I really can't stay..
Donna Bella Apr 2015
Butterflies fluttering around
Canoes moving slowly across the subtle waves
Kids laughing and gawking
Bugs flying
Ducks fighting
Families grilling
Couples holding hands
This is relaxation
This is nature
Donna Bella Apr 2015
Beautiful words
Beautiful sounds
Beautiful voice
I fell in love
How can I have ******* with words that enter my ears?
It's beautiful
It makes my ears tingle
Donna Bella Apr 2015
Purified by the water
Holy oil in the water
New life
New way
New thoughts
Pure soul
Beautiful life
Donna Bella Mar 2015
Cheated out of my money
Cheated out of my soul
Donna Bella Mar 2015
The joker
I admired the joker
People think it's weird
The joker made me into a better me
His struggles caused insanity
For a while my struggle was his
He showed me what not to do
So I decided to do the opposite
And overcome
The joker was so mentally insane it killed him
I wanted to get out of the insanity and become sane again
And here I am
RIP The Joker
Donna Bella Feb 2015
She killed me mentally
The scaring of her words
Almost killed me physically
These cuts is a representation of all her words
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