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This is just something else
echoing in my head,
for eternity.

The cuts you've bestowed
upon my soul left
an aching pain
that will last a
thousand life times.

Just another burden
I'll learn to bear,
another invisible scar
left by the love
of my life.

Yet still,
I'm amazed---
at the very essence of it --
I yearn for you.
Aug 2023 · 356
Cosmic Justice
As the universe weaves its intricate tapestry of consequences,
my choices to nurture kindness and love invite cosmic blessings. While those who sow deceit and negativity find themselves trapped in the entangled threads of cosmic repercussions.
Karma's a *****.
Life's irony echoes in laughter as I witness the universe's justice, where my good heart elevates my journey toward triumph,
while the resounding consequences of someone's hateful decisions serve as a poignant reminder that cosmic balance never fails to weave its poetic justice.
Apr 2023 · 363
Penning Solace
In the midst of worldly tumult
Where troubles never cease,
I find my solace in the words
To attain a sense of inner peace.
Some seek refuge in a glass,
Or other fleeting thrills,
I wield my pen to extract my woes
And convert them into a quill.
For when my soul is torn apart,
And anguish grips my mind,
I turn to writing as my balm,
And solace I can find.
I wasn't born a poet,
But life has carved its way,
Into my heart, my mind, and my soul,
And left its marks to stay.
So I'll keep penning through the night,
My pain, my joy, my strife,
For every word that flows from me,
Is a celebration of life.
Apr 2023 · 287
Unleashing the Poetic Soul
Oh, the sweet release of words,
Spilling out onto the page,
The culmination of my thoughts and dreams,
Released from their internal cage.

Each line a little piece of me,
My heart and soul exposed,
A vulnerability laid bare,
But oh, how it feels so bold.

For too long I held them in,
Afraid to let them go,
But now they dance upon the page,
A true poetic flow.

And as I send them out to the world,
My heart begins to soar,
For I know that others will be touched,
By the words that I adore.

So here's to all the poets out there,
Whose words need to be heard,
May you find the courage to release them,
And share your every word.
Apr 2023 · 247
Toxic Love
She wanted love so badly,
She let him treat her wrong,
Belittling her, hitting her,
She tried to be strong.

She thought she could change him,
That her love would make him see,
But his words cut like a knife,
Leaving her feeling empty.

She gave him chance after chance,
Hoping he'd see the light,
But he only took advantage,
Taking pleasure in her plight.

Her heart was shattered,
But she still held on,
Thinking love would conquer all,
Until the bitter end was drawn.

She finally found the strength,
To break free from his grasp,
Leaving behind the pain and hurt,
And starting anew at last.

She learned a valuable lesson,
That love shouldn't hurt this way,
And she vowed to never again,
Let someone treat her that way.
Apr 2023 · 247
Two hearts beat as one, entwined like vines, in a garden of love divine.
Apr 2023 · 388
Mi hijo querido PJ
Claro como el agua que fluye,
El amor que siento por ti nunca disminuye.

Desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer,
En mi corazón tú siempre vas a tener un lugar.

Y aunque el tiempo pase y la distancia nos separe,
Mi amor por ti nunca va a dejar de florecer.

Porque tú eres mi sol en los días nublados,
Mi oasis en los desiertos abrasados.

Así que mientras estemos juntos o lejos,
Siempre voy a amarte con todo mi ser, mi amor eterno.
Apr 2023 · 188
Vive la Vida
The world is vast, the sky is wide
And life is like a fleeting tide
We chase our dreams, we face our fears
And hope to find some joy in tears

Each day is new, a chance to grow
To learn and love and let it show
The sun will rise, the stars will shine
And all will be just fine in time

So take a breath and hold it tight
Embrace the darkness, seek the light
For life is short, but sweet and grand
And we must make the most of it while we can.
Apr 2023 · 153
Love, the Greatest Treasure
Love is a feeling that can't be described,
A journey of emotions that can't be denied.
It's a flame that ignites and never fades,
A bond that connects and forever stays.

Love is a beacon that guides our way,
A warmth that comforts us each and every day.
It's a melody that plays within our hearts,
A symphony of emotions that never departs.

Love is a dance we all must learn,
A rhythm we feel and yearn for.
It's a puzzle we must piece together,
A treasure we keep and cherish forever.

Love is a light that shines in the dark,
A hope that gives us the strength to embark.
It's a flower that blossoms and grows,
A beauty only true love knows.

So let us embrace this feeling so true,
And let our hearts be forever renewed,
For love is the greatest gift we can give,
A treasure that will forever live.
A stepmother's love is pure and true
For her stepchild, she cares anew
She may not have birthed this little one
But in her heart, she's already won

She cherishes each moment spent
Hoping to make a permanent dent
In this little one's heart and soul
She longs for a bond that's whole.

But the mother's lies are hard to bear
She tries to turn the child's love elsewhere
Her manipulation and deceitful ways
Make the stepmother's heart ablaze.

She wants to scream and shout aloud
And tell the child, her love is profound
But she holds back, knowing the damage done
By the mother, her battle is just begun.
For the only one who it's hurting is the child,
Innocent and fragile, yet so easily beguiled.

The stepmother continues to love and care
Her stepchild's heart, she'll never snare
For her love is honest and pure
And in time, the child will find the cure

The cure to heal the wounds of deceit
To understand the love she tried to beat
And in the end, the stepmother will win
For her love was stronger than the mother's sin.
Apr 2023 · 144
A Daughter's Hope for Unity
A daughter's love can be complex,
Especially when the past interjects.
A mother absent from her youth,
Leaves scars that run deep, and truth,
Can be hard to find amidst the pain,
That lingers on like an unwelcome stain.

But still, she loves her mother dear,
Despite the fights and tears each year.
For in her heart, a part remains,
That longs to ease her mother's pains.
To heal the wounds that still persist,
And build a bond that can't be missed.

It's not an easy road to take,
For trust and understanding are at stake.
But love can conquer all, they say,
And so this daughter hopes and prays,
That someday soon, they'll find a way,
To mend the past and start anew today.

For though the fights may come and go,
And though the scars may never show,
The love between a mother and daughter,
Is a bond that time cannot slaughter.
And so, she'll keep on loving, strong,
Hoping that their hearts will one day belong.
An evil heart, so full of hate, A mother blinded, with no escape, Her child but a pawn in her twisted game, A victim of her anger and shame.
She cared not for the life she bore, nor for the love, as she once swore; her only goal was to cause pain and strife, hurt her child's other parent even if it meant doing things that would mentally mess up her child for life.
She spoke lies and slander with no remorse, Her child caught in the middle, feeling the force, Of a mother's hate, so fierce and strong, Her actions causing harm all along.
Days turned into nights, and nights to years; as her child shed so many tears, Until one day, they could take no more and left feeling a relief like never before.
Regret and sorrow filled her soul, As she realized her hateful goal, Had caused her child so much pain, A loss she could never regain.
She vowed to change, make amends, and seek forgiveness from them, But it was too late; her child was gone, lost to a mother's hate, forever withdrawn.
Her evil deeds, now left to rot, her heart so dark, with a heavy knot, a lesson learned, too little too late, as she faced the truth of her fate.
Mar 2023 · 186
Unspoken Grief
In the depths of my sorrow, I carry a weight
A burden so heavy, it's hard to relate
For I have lost five little ones, before they even arrived
Leaving me with a pain that never subsides

Each one a precious life, so full of promise and hope
But fate had other plans, and they were forced to elope
Leaving me with nothing but memories and tears
And a longing for the children I'll never get to rear

Oh, how hard it is to lose five babies before they're born
To never hear their laughter or see them at dawn
To miss out on the milestones and the joys of parenting them
Leaves me with a sense of loss that can never be understood

I try to find solace in knowing they're in a better place alongside mom
But the ache in my heart refuses to erase
For every time I see a child or hear a baby's cry
I'm reminded of what I've lost, and I can't help but sigh

So I'll carry on, with a heavy heart and a soul full of grief
Knowing that my babies are somewhere beyond the reach
But the love I have for them will never fade away
For they'll always be a part of me, until my dying day.
Mar 2023 · 175
Not Worth Fighting Fools
It's not worth fighting with the fools,
Who lack the wisdom to understand,
Their minds closed off, like stubborn mules,
They won't comprehend, nor take a stand.

Their words are like poison, spreading hate,
Infecting the world with their small-minded views,
And in trying to reason, we only agitate,
Their stubborn hearts, and their ignorant fuse.

We could argue until the end of time,
But the stubbornness of fools won't be swayed,
Their blind ignorance a mountain to climb,
And our efforts, wasted, as we're dismayed.

It's not worth fighting with those who won't see,
The value of learning, of growth, and change,
For they'll forever be trapped in misery,
Their ignorance a shackle, their minds estranged.

So let us not waste our energy and breath,
On those who won't listen or comprehend,
Instead, let us move forward, and let's bequeath,
Our wisdom to those willing to transcend.
Nov 2022 · 583
My strong 28 weeker
This is not how I thought I’d meet you, my son.
In your plastic bubble, I don’t feel like a mom.

Can’t hold you, or feed you, or rock you to sleep.
These are not the memories I expected to keep.

So quiet and fragile, “It’s my fault,” I weep.
Each night we go home with an empty car seat.

“Can I hold him?” I ask. She says, “You may soon, just not today.”
“Maybe tomorrow will be the day.”

Even though I only get to behold you for now,
It fills my life with bliss just to see you in sight.
Here, I patiently await to give you a kiss.

I cradle my pump until my body is dry,
Filling the freezer with my supply.

“Liquid gold,” they say, to help fix you.
Drink up, my sweet boy, it’s all I can do.

Amongst the fear, the hell, and the anguish,
There is light, a magic, and hope that all will be well.

Late at night, amidst tubes, the beeps, and the wires,
We form a bond that could start fires.

After seven days of life is the day I finally get to hold you—
So little and fragile, my emotions running wild,
I dare not take a breath, just in case it might hurt you.

Nurses whisper and sing you a sweet lullaby,
They hold my hand, “It’ll be okay, mama,” as I cry.

They touch you tenderly, you’re theirs on loan,
Filling you with love until you’re ready to come home.

When we finally leave, it’s bittersweet.
We’ll never forget those we meet.

I’ll never forget those sterile walls, hands washed raw,
I’ll hear the beeps long after leaving those halls.

Joy and nerves as we drive towards home,
We’ll be sure to tell you about your start in life, my sonshine.

One in seven need the help of the NICU—
I just didn’t think it would be you.
Apr 2021 · 432
Past lover
I spent countless time
of my limited time
on this mortal coil trying
to heal you and broke
myself in the process.
Mar 2021 · 978
Love at First Sight
Mar 2020 · 575
32 full moons without you
Don’t be fooled by the twinkle in her eyes;
Just like the stars, she is dying inside.

I needed you to stay, my heart needed a break from breaking.

Most days I’m okay because I know you aren’t suffering anymore, but it’s days like today when I need you the most that are the hardest for me.

I want to lay my head on your lap as you caress my hair and get lost in our conversations, one more time.

I miss you mom!
Sep 2019 · 541
When it all boils down to it,
love is what we’re here for.
Enjoy the moments with the
ones you hold dear to your heart,
exhale all the negativity.
One day it’ll all come to an end.
Jun 2019 · 863
Feb. 2018
Storms in life don't break the strong they just chip away the superficial to reveal the true and better self in the end. Someone may have thought they were controlling you because it appeared you moved less but in the end it was just the cocoon until you broke out into a better self :)

For a while now she's been wondering what she could have possibly done to karmically deserve this. She has been racking her brain for months now trying to find that one act of selfishness, that one wrong deed so perverse the divine universe decided to send you as her punishment. But now, the fog has lifted, and her once hazy vision has grown clear. And for the first time in a long time she can see the truth -- the truth about people like you. Furthermore, she would just like to thank you... Thank you for using her, for taking advantage of a forward-thinking young woman to advance your own male interests. Thank you for stifling her passions, for making her give up everything she loved outside of you. Thank you for frightening her with your temper, for screaming at her, hitting her, and constantly reminding her that she was not valuable - she was replaceable. Thank you for making her feel small, for being so threatened by her intelligence you chose to unleash your active misogyny every opportunity that allowed. Thank you for making her witness injustices, for treating all those below you unfairly and for trying to silence her voice. Thank you for giving her a glimpse into the male psyche of a sociopath, and for reassuring her that objectification is one of the first steps to oppression. Thank you for showing her that she needed something else - a change - something greater than herself and far greater than you. Thank you for showing her that she deserved better. Because now, because of you, she is better than ever. Because of the manipulation, the discrimination, and the way you crushed her, she found a strength she never knew she had. And for that, she would like to thank you.

Your Previous Punching Bag
Nov 2018 · 735
-he said.
And she fell in love with a man who couldn't decide between hello and goodbye.
Oct 2018 · 806
Oct 2018 · 477
Idiopathic pain
I have become as
.....h o l l o w the bottles I drink,
...............n u m b my cold fingers,
..e m p t y the inbox in my phone,
.....d i s o r i e n t e d this poem is written.

How much more naiveté
do I have to go through,
in order to realize?
Because I know I'm hurting,
yet I don't know how to explain the pain.
Sep 2018 · 522
You left and yet I still see you in...
Sep 2018 · 494
......Over, under, back and through
......No matter which way you put it
......These thoughts are always about 
......Trying to get you out of my head,
......Yet over, under, back and through
.......Here we go again,
.......What’s new?
.......Another sleepless night thinking about 
Sep 2018 · 523
Some drink away their sorrows; I write away mine, exploiting the pain and declaring it as art. I wasn’t born a poet; I was broken into one.
And will I be the same?
When I come out the other end...
will any of me remain?
Aug 2018 · 574
She’s barely alive.
You can see the sadness in her eyes,
the hurt that you caused with your lies.
On some days, she looks so fragile
that it seems she’ll break if the
wind blows the wrong way.
She appears to be worse with each coming day,
spiraling into the darkness,
reaching out for a hand no longer there.
Grasping at nothingness,
free-falling into a dark abyss.
She closes her eyes, and you’re all that she sees,
remembering your smile one more time.

I think you broke her soul. She’s barely alive.
Aug 2018 · 1.2k
4:40 am
Sleep will never understand the tiredness of my soul.
Aug 2018 · 31.8k
In a drop of you, I lost an ocean of me.
Aug 2018 · 406
Come to me,
in the lights of the day,
in the nights if you may,
come for I wait for you,
and this time come and stay.
Aug 2018 · 740

Aug 2018 · 352
In her broken mind, there was still hope; in her broken heart, there were still desires; and in her broken soul, she was still there...
Not speaking to you is killing me!
But I didn’t choose this—you did,
which hurts even more...
You chose to walk away,
you chose to leave me here, deserted.
It’s taking all of my energy
to not text you,
to not call you,
to not scream at you
and ask why?

Why wasn’t I enough?
Why didn’t your soul want me, as mine wants yours?
Why did you lie to me and make me lose all trust in you?
Why did you make me fall if you weren’t willing to catch me?

My soul aches, and there’s nothing that will fix it. I will forever have a hole yearning for the future I envisioned.

I will forever miss you.

So done with the illusion of love.
Aug 2018 · 418
Lost soul
I feel shattered in multiple ways, yet I try to persevere every day. I've grown bitter and isolated, fatigued by humanity, yet bound to it. So, I seek solace in solitary activities like dancing, playing, and immersing myself in nature, hoping the healing waves will wash over me. I am harsh on myself but hope that one day everything will fall into place harmoniously. I push myself harder to bring about change and find peace, no matter where I am. However, I don't seek sympathy, as I'm tired of the constant coming and going of people. Instead, I'd rather chase butterflies, crawl with lizards, climb with monkeys, and fly like birds—free of the need to impress or create for anyone.

God forgive me, I've wished not to exist too many times, but I won't take my own life because I believe it's cowardly. So, I'll face the ebb and flow of pain and peace, love and fear, and everything else life throws at me. I'm not running away, but I'll find my own quiet spot on a mountaintop to feel every day until I have no more days.

I've called myself insane, but I'm told that I'm loved through all the misery and shame. Break me a thousand times, God, if you need to, so that I may either be rebuilt into a glorious light or fade away like dust. Life is both a gift and a curse, as everything is temporary, and many of us are lost. We've collectively created this world of masks and shadows, false hope and deathly hallows, but there's more to it all.

I've glimpsed it in a dream, but it was just a passing scene. Now, these words I've typed will fade into history as a mystery, but they mean everything to me and nothing to you. At the end of it all, I don't know what I'm saying, as I'm using a language taught to me by other beings lost in this world of mystery. As a child, I couldn't speak, yet I felt everything. I long to return to where words don't exist, and the wind whispers calmness. I'll let go of the mental prison built over the years, allowing my imagination to soar, and always remember that I'm free to fly.
Aug 2018 · 2.2k
These tears on my ****** skin,
Tears from your ****** sins,
Tears from the words that won’t leave my mind.
Tears from what lies behind.

Deep cuts from within,
Deep cuts on my skin,
Deep cuts down my wrist.
Life is so brisk,
I like the risk.

They say, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones,'
But they're the ones who always had homes.
'Words will never hurt me,'
So why won’t those words stop replaying in my head and let me be?

Deep cuts on my thighs,
Deep cuts from your lies,
Cuts from what I've realized:
People are evil in my eyes.

Your words tore my heart, and I my skin.
It’s the only thing that alleviates the pain.
I felt it cut into my soul.
I reflect what you have said—your sins on my skin.
Mar 2018 · 446
At the end of it all,
nothing matters and yet everything is matter.
Feb 2018 · 401
Fuck the pain away
And baby you can pretend it doesn't bother you, go ahead and try to numb the pain intertwined with her. But you and I both know she'll never be enough for ya.
Feb 2018 · 366
Shadows Of Darkness
These words are combined in a line to express how I feel at this certain point in time. I'm in a realm of darkness where the sun doesn't shine, trying desperately to get out, but I feel like I'm leaving myself behind. I feel like I'm wasting time, but time is an illusion, and if that's true, then it took me no time to come up with that conclusion. I can't seem to grasp the concept of reality—if thoughts create my world, how in the world are they coming out of me? I guess I just live life to the beat of my own drum, 'cause I'd rather face the music than be fearful and run.
Feb 2018 · 16.2k

Couldn’t resist a minute more.


I again…

After six months sober...


In this pain I know all too well.

Ten years lost to this drug my veins ache for.

First breath in the morning and last thought at night, all consumed by it.

Every cell in me craves it.

That physical euphoria my body portraits.

Feels like someone has poured pure joy into every single muscle and fiber of my being.

It makes me feel so content

Every single bit of me is singing and buzzing with life and love.

It's like the ecstasy of *******— that first blissful, pleasurable pulsation of endorphins and serotonin.

This is what I feel when I first take LOVE.

And then...

And then, the honeymoon stage is over.

Fights erupt.

Never-ending debates.



No trust.



“I’m done...”

Again, it feels like a part of my soul is leaving my body.

Again, sitting here numb.

A toxic love...

I’m addicted to,

And there’s no way around it.

It’s already deep intertwined with my veins.

Yet, no matter the toxic, tragic event that happened before, I sit here, and I want nothing more than to spend my life next to this soul.

To see his eyes unchanged as the skin around it wrinkles and grows old is what my heart will always desire— to stare at those eyes for the rest of eternity.

Dead air…

So here I’ll wait, until you decided to come into my life again and repeat this déjà vu.
Nov 2017 · 391
I found out two days ago that he's in a relationship with her. YES, HER! The one I poured my soul out to. The one I called a friend. The audacity.

I don't care that he's in a relationship at all; I don't. It's who he's with that bothers me. Not in the physical aspect of the whole thing, because she's inferior to me in that sense—lol, conceited much? But in the principle of the whole situation.

She has been in our relationship for the past year; she was there for me when things were falling apart, helping me pick up the pieces.

Honestly, I've spent so much energy on this over the past two days; I'm exhausted. I've tried to wrap my head around the whole situation. The end result is FISH.  (**** It **** Happens)
Nov 2017 · 505
Can we just hop on a train and go somewhere where we don't know the end destination? Right now, this very moment. No thoughts, no second-guessing, no packing, no questions asked. Let's just go and go and go and go. Late nights, early mornings, and long afternoons with no plans—just the blissful taste of random, spontaneous life. Life without responsibilities and reliability. Without lifelong goals, dreams, and expectations. Life without bills and internships to get to that job, to get to that job, to get to that job. Life without insurance. Life without the question of life without.

Let's just hop on a train, right here, right now, this very moment. Don't question me, because if you do, I'll back out immediately—I know it.
Nov 2017 · 505
Remember when you first fell in love? What colors did you see? An explosion of ecstasy in the form of chromotherapy?❤️
Nov 2017 · 421
Pines and lies
Such a deceiving embrace, like pine trees with white pine blister rust. Disguised as love, only to find out it was lust. Be careful, my dear; butterflies can sometimes be wasps.

— The End —