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847 · May 2018
The Bird and The Rat
Michael May 2018
I believe in a number of things
Horses, gators, even mammals with wings
I believe that a bird and a rat, got cozy one night
and that became that
that as in bat
a bat became that
from the bed of a bird and a rat.
the bird saw the rat being chased by the cat
that they had in common, the cat was a brat
So they chatted and chatted, till the chat became flat
I haven't a bed, but I do have this mat, said the rat.
This mat will do, the bird said as she sat.
soon that became that
that as in a bat
a bat became that
from the bed of a bird and a rat.
I'm tired
512 · May 2018
Sun and Moon
Michael May 2018
The Sun yelled to the Moon, "fight me, I dare you."
As day turned to night, both came into view.

"I will not fight, we are brothers you and I"
"And like it or not we must share the big sky"

The Sun sneered, "The sky is too small"
"I give the earth life, I deserve it all"

"I control water, the most powerful force"
"Without me life could not be, though yes you are the source."

"I give them energy, I give them sight."

"Yes, but you must agree most fun occurs at night."

"With you comes terror, fear, horror, and fright."

The Moon took a breath, "Sun, you are burning too bright"
"Do you really think it's a good idea to fight"
"Maybe you're just tired, take a break, rest your eyes"
"I'll cover for you, and then you can rise."
458 · Apr 2018
Fine, of Course
Michael Apr 2018
I don’t know what to do.
Does anyone know? Do you?
I’m fine, of course, I’m asking for a friend.
This buddy of mine, he’s noticing a trend.
He’s been sad recently and he doesn’t know why.
He tells people he’s fine, of course, but that’s just a lie.
I think for the first time he feels completly alone.
Though normally he'd prefer being on his own.
This time is different, and he won’t accept assistance.
With any offer of help, he’d display resistance.
I don’t know what to do. his happiness, I cannot force.
...Me though, I’m fine, of course.
335 · May 2018
Doing Things
Michael May 2018
I don't like doing things
But I do them anyway because the benefits they bring
See when you do things other things occur
It's not the ideal system, any other I'd prefer
When you do things people become glad
and often when you don't they become mad
So yes, doing things may be hard, difficult, and tough
But doing things, changes the world
So you should do all that stuff
324 · Nov 2018
Love Poems
Michael Nov 2018
There are a lot of poems about love
and even more often the lack thereof

Makes sense, love's a big deal
And you gotta write what you feel
313 · May 2018
Michael May 2018
Work is hard, work is tough
It ain't easy, it's all rough

You wake up too early, you come home too late
This is a smelly pit stop on the road to your fate

There's sweat on your forehead, your pits, and your ***
Everything more expensive now, clothes, heat, food, and gas

The people you deal with have no care to be nice
Will you get a break today, a roll of the dice

Your coworkers are tools, your boss is a ****.
But I guess that is why it is called work
313 · Apr 2018
Michael Apr 2018
The Aliens are coming for me, they're takin' me back
it's been about 16 years, I must be hard to track
I'm not from this crazy world, you see
and when they finally come, I'll be free
Free from this crazy world, all these crazy folks
You think I'm lying, you think this is a hoax?
I'm no lier, I'm an alien, I do not belong
Earthlings don't understand me, everything I do seems wrong
Which is why I can't wait to go back home, wherever that may be
And when I get there I'll finally be free.
311 · May 2018
Michael May 2018
I am all I am because of them
My good they’d praise, my bad they’d condemn
I learned all I know through what they taught
While it’s true there were problems, while it’s true we fought
That too made me stronger, for I knew how to fight.
Through their guidance I learned wrong from right.
I no perfect person though because neither were they.
And while I listened to them and all they had to say.
I also learned the importance of finding one’s own way.
I love my parents
298 · Dec 2018
Michael Dec 2018
It's easier to be happy when you've been sad
Forget the small stuff and just be glad
It's important to recognize all the bad
But appreciate all the luck you've had
294 · Nov 2018
Day Dreams
Michael Nov 2018
A lotta time I think to myself about things that could be

A coping mechanism for all that happens to me

Daydreaming is easy and a whole lotta fun

But of course, nothing ever gets done

is that the point?
276 · Nov 2018
Michael Nov 2018
She loved with her hands opened wide
I wanted to match, and I really tried
But my heart's not a thing easily unlocked
Even still, hand in hand we walked
But it could not last, and I knew as soon as the first time we kissed
She loved with her hands open, but I loved with a closed fist
257 · May 2018
Michael May 2018
I don't know about you, but I'd love not to study
I'll do fine without, I've always been lucky
I needn't be a genius, or get straight A's
I don't need that attention, or any praise
Studying is an ability I have yet to aquire
I try sometimes, but quickly I tire
So I don't think I'll study, I'll just go with the flow
Now you may call me stupid, dim-witted, or slow
But I'll do what I'll do and have a good time
Life should be a ride, not always a climb
256 · May 2018
Good Guy
Michael May 2018
I’m trying to do good, to be good, I’m trying to try.
I want to be decent, kind, nice, a good guy.
I’ll be a person people can trust, a person on which all can rely.
I’ll try to be honest, sincere, genuine and I will not lie.
I’ll be respectful of others and their business, I won’t pry.
I’ll keep to myself, but I won’t be shy.
I’ll speak my mind to people and look in their eyes
This all seems unrealistic, my hopes are indeed high
But maybe with all that open space, I’ll find I can fly
And maybe I’ll find other people who think like I
Maybe I’ll join these people I find in the sky.
And maybe they will know why
Why is it so hard to be a good guy
220 · Nov 2018
Uninspirational Quotes
Michael Nov 2018
No, it probably could get worse.
2. You can trace every bad day to the decision of whether to exit your bed that day.
3. If you didn't **** up **** today, there is always tomorrow.
4. Always help your fellow man, if it in some way furthers your own personal goals.
5.  Does it ever feel like everything in your life is falling apart and there is no hope? yeah, me too.
196 · May 2018
I am
Michael May 2018
I am lonely, I am lonely
For I have no one to see

I am lost, I am lost
for I have no where to be

I am still , I am still
For I have nothing to do

I am sad, I am sad
For I miss you

I am happy, I am happy
For I've got what  I got

I am grateful, I am grateful
For there are so many who have not.
181 · Nov 2018
Hill by the Riverside
Michael Nov 2018
There was a hill by the riverside
Once atop, you could see the whole world, wide
An image that filled most with pride
Once the result was felt on the inside
The effect on folk was hard to hide
A bounce in their step, a change in stride
Feelings of cynicism all had died

These days the hill is gone alongside
All the joy and hope it could provide.
And though the stubborn have tried
Life is hard without a guide.
There is not much to with your time, but bide
For the return of the hill by the riverside
175 · May 2018
Her Favorite Song
Michael May 2018
Her favorite song was awful and she'd play it everyday
No matter her effort, my taste in music would not sway

Now she's gone, her music too
And to hear that ****** song once more there's nothing I wouldn't do.
166 · Sep 2019
You Are Far From Perfect
Michael Sep 2019
No, I am perfect, how can you not see
Sometimes I feel like you are not listening to me

Have you met me? I'm perfect, I say all the right things
I'm an Earthborn god, an angel waiting for wings

I'm a hero, I always stand for what's right
I'm the example to follow, a beacon of light

But the person you describe, he doesn't sound so great
He sounds like a small-minded self-centered intellectual primate

He sounds like he doesn't follow the ethics he preaches
He thinks he can walk on water, but he best stick to beaches

I hope he's trying  to improve, to learn, to grow
What did you say his name was? ....oh.
164 · Sep 2019
Every Day
Michael Sep 2019
I think about her literally every day
though if I saw her I don't know what I would say

Hey I'm sorry I wasn't ready though I said that I was
I lied, I'm a liar, and I lied because

I lied because it was easy, I didn't really consider the alternative
In matters of truth, I am somewhat conservative

Every day she is the first thought that comes to my mind
Every night regret and remorse is all I can find

I should have been better when given the choice
I could have heard the truth spoken by my own voice

I live with all that, that is my cross to bear
I deserve worse, but life is not fair
161 · May 2018
Michael May 2018
Hope, there is hope, I've seen her with my eyes.
To know hope, one needs not be smart, sharp, nor wise.
One needs to know how to fight, how to fight the good fight.
Because at the end of every tunnel, no matter how dark, there is always light.
Light for the future, the present, the past.
But the light will fade, if one does not act fast.
One must stay strong, plant yourself like a tree
take life's hardships with humor, with glee
because hope, to me, has always been a funny little thing
When we've got nothing it's to hope that we cling.
I don't know much, but I know this to be true.
If I can do it, then certainly so can you.
So hold on to hope, and never let go.
The benefits of this, I promise, will show.
157 · May 2018
Michael May 2018
Why’d it have to be me? I say with a whimper
Sometimes I wish life was just a bit simpler
I have a good life don’t get me wrong
But these days, the days just seem too long
I know compared to others there’s nothing to compare
But whoever you are sometimes life isn’t fair
I shouldn't complain, but I feel like I'm fighting alone
The answer to the pain is yet to be known
But that's life right? Long, hard, and then you're dead
That's what she said
157 · Aug 2018
Group Project
Michael Aug 2018
"Hey, would you like to be with me"

"I don't know what you're asking, or what that would be"

"I don't know, but I think we should give it a try"

"But I guess my question is still just Why?"

"Well I think you're swell and I like you a lot"

"Then give it a try, we ought"
156 · Nov 2018
The Devil
Michael Nov 2018
There is something inside me, something bad
a manifestation of all the flaws I have had
All the bad rolled into one angry pile
I had it under control at least for a while
144 · Sep 2019
Michael Sep 2019
I AM my mistakes, it *****, but it's true
Every decision you make IS a part of you

How could it not be, there's no controller deciding your acts
I offer no solutions, I'm merely stating the facts

But I will say this: Learn the value of learning
I've been there I know the pain, the burning
Your mind aches, while your stomach is churning
Every night you stay up late rethinking and yearning
Remember there is value, there is a chance for earning

Earn some perspective, some empathy, maybe a dash of grace
So next time you can preemptively wipe the egg off your face
138 · Nov 2018
Short Poems
Michael Nov 2018
Short poems are easier to read

But is ease really what we need?
134 · Nov 2018
The Model
Michael Nov 2018
I thought she was a model, the way she looked

I thought she was an artist, the way she ******

I thought she was a goddess, the way she cared

I thought she was an angel, the way she shared

She's gone now, but that's okay
I just can't get over the way

Ah, nevermind, point is lovin' me's a chore

And after all the world needs her more
133 · Nov 2018
This One is Just Mean
Michael Nov 2018
There are a lot of weak people, but I am not one
They all have qualities, of which I have none
I am better than them, in a technical sense
I am strong, and not nearly as dense
This may seem mean-spirited to those of a lesser mind
I never claimed to be good, never claimed to be kind
Is that my job, I don't so, why should I care
if your feelings are hurt, well nut up, life isn't fair
I am not in a good mood, don't take this one seriously
128 · Nov 2018
Gay Pride
Michael Nov 2018
For me, I like the girls, maybe more than I should
It's gotten me in trouble, though I swear I am good
My brother, he is different, he likes the other ***
He likes em tall, dark, handsome, with two bulging pecks
For his preference I'll never judge, frankly, I don't care
I love him all the same, though the world ain't as fair
They call him gay, a ******, and a queen
Yes, the world ain't right, and people can be mean
It doesn't get my brother down, his smile is always wide
My brother is my hero for he always has his pride

You say one way is right, and the other is wrong
I don't see it that way, I think we can all get along
127 · Aug 2018
Kitty Cats
Michael Aug 2018
I like cats, I truly do
I buy them food then clean up their poo
I am their father, and I love them so
Do they love me back, sometimes I don't know
But it matters not, my love is unconditional
In my family such love is traditional
I'm a cat person and I am proud of that
My best friend is a dog, but my son is a cat

— The End —