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Annie McLaughlin Jan 2016
I thought that if
   I had enough spray paint
    And a place to put it
      Then maybe I could
        Make something out of these
          Drab pale walls

            But the landlords
               They got mad
                  And they said I would have to pay
                    For the damage done

                      But, I didn't see any damage
                        All I saw was galaxy
                           And colors that reflect
                             What I felt at night

                                 ... I wish that I could just
                                    Order the ones that painted over
                                       And damaged me
                                            To pay, and to fix what they did
                                               But maybe they don't understand
                                                  What they did, either
                                                      Because I look fine to them
                                                         And my expression
                                                              For all that they know
                                                                 Is not faked

                                                                    And maybe they like what
                                                                       They did
                                                                          And maybe it doesn't
                                                                              Look that bad
                                                                                 From where they stand watching

                                                                                    So I will fix the **** wall
                                                                                       And then right once it is back to
                                                                                          Its normal
                                                                                             Wretched colors
                                                                                                I'll paint over it again
                                                                                                  But this time with my own blood
                                                                                                      And the tears that they caused

                                                                                                         And you won't be able to
                                                                                                              Demand me to fix it
                                                                                                                 And they will still gaze at me
                                                                                                                    And smile
                                                                                                                       At what
Annie McLaughlin Jan 2016
Happy birthday,

from the kids
you left behind

Happy birthday,

through the promises
and lies

Happy birthday,

do they celebrate
up there?

Happy birthday,

if only your lungs
they still had air

Happy birthday,

on the first day
of the year

Happy birthday. . .
. . . Dad

I always thought you'd
make it here.
I cried on Christmas over you. Now I cried on New Years, too. In fact, I think this year started with tear stains on my cheek. But happy birthday. . . You should be here. I miss you . . .
Annie McLaughlin Jan 2016
for leaving
but it is not as if
       were really here
Annie McLaughlin Jan 2016
This is for you
that deals with self harm.
This is for you
who has to watch their
best friend, daughter, son, or lover
with self harm.

This is for the boy or girl
or man or woman,
the ****
or the quiet one,
the girl who wears too much eye makeup
or the girl who doesn't wear enough.

This is for
whoever you are
wherever you are
if the thought or the sickly desire
to harm your own
delicate skin
has ever
for a second
crossed your mind.

This is for the ones like me
the ones that promise themselves
"it will help"
"I will be okay"
but deep down
they know
it wont
and I wont.

This is for the nights
and the days
and the empty smiles
and the swallowed laughs
and the times in which
you may have carved
****** letters
into your skin because
that is all you feel you amount to
or maybe it's just lines
or swollen bumps that last
much longer
because words can not describe
what you have seen
and heard
and felt
and what

This is for you
for her
for him
this is for all the future children
or teenagers
or full grown adults
that will someday choose their weapon
to defeat

I am not going to tell you it gets better.
I am not going to say that God is the answer.
I am not going to confess
my whole life story
and end it on a happy note.

But I do know that
through the tears
and cuts
and burns
and constant suicidal thoughts

there will be smiles
and laughs
and hugs
and even nights that feel as if they couldn't get any

And sometimes,
even if only sometimes,
those smiles will be genuine
those laughs will be never-ending
the hugs full of love
and those nights, those nights
they will get better.

I do not know
if WE will get better
and if maybe someday
we might not want to
harm ourselves again
but I do know
that there will be better days
and moments
that are completely
living for.
I don't know where this came from - somewhere within my mind.
Annie McLaughlin Dec 2015
This is
the last 3 a.m
of 2015*

2014 - 3 a.m
laying in bed
next to a man
who claimed to love me
and lied.

2013 - 3 a.m
laying my head
on the cold tombstone
of the man
who was supposed to be there
all my life.

2010 - 3 a.m
laying my mom's head
onto the pillow
because she was too drunk
to do it herself
and daddy didn't come home.

2009 - 3 a.m
finding a bullet
full of lead
and wondering if that
was the reason
the yelling had stopped
in my parent's bedroom.

2007 - 3 a.m
sleeping well fed
in a warm and comfy bed
as my parents kissed in the living room
and they were happy
and so was I.

2015 - 3 a.m
downing the meds
the doctor prescribed
to numb away the pain
- but, surprise
it didn't succeed
cause just as well
I can't stand to breathe.

*This is
the last
3 a.m
In a nutshell.
Annie McLaughlin Dec 2015
Y o u    D o n ' t    D e s e r v e    F o r    M e    T o    S p e n d    T h i s    M u c h    T i m e    O n    Y o u

A f t e r    W h a t    Y o u    D i d

B u t    H e r e    W e    A r e*
                                             I'm sorry.
messed    up
Annie McLaughlin Dec 2015
My friends
they always told me
"You are fit to be a queen"
They say that I
have perfect curves
and live my life in dreams

I took their words
and ran with them
miles, so it seemed
but really it was only 'til
the dark began to beam

Bowing down
to recieve my crown
But find me on my knees
Giving head
to the man I just met
and doing what he please

My perfect curves
fit perfectly
between the sheets and
men that be
look over there
what's that I see?
oh just another job for me (or should I say for he)

but finally
the dream I live
I no longer live with glee
the dream I live
consists of who
and what he wants from me

maybe they
should have told their friend
she would live a life that's worse
'cause seems as if it all depends
on bending backwards *(back words)
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