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From the moment our eyes met
That fate-filled day.
That one day when everything fell into place.
Not even in the fact that I Iost that day
But the fact that I found myself in you.

It's as if I beat fate itself just to meet you,
Only to be locked on the other side,
Where I can only watch you be happy
Whilst I scrape together what happiness I have left in my life
An atom compared to the sun.

I believe I was dealt a perfect hand,
But I'm unable to play it.
As if I have a huge cake,
But no knife to cut it.
It feels as though I've won the lottery,
But it's locked in a safe
And the only person with the key is unaware of the gold within.

I'll still wait though,
Support you,
Watch you,
Be there for you.
The feeling may be mutual,

But are you willing to take that risk?
You ******* me and teach me to walk
Suffocate me, then give me breath
**** me.
Then raise me from the dead.
It sickens me, but then again
Only you keep me alive.
I dream of the day I'm free of you
But yet I still bask in your humor,
Aesthetic, smile
Oh your smile
I want excess of it,
Beyond sating my appetite
That it may sicken and so die,
But here I am,
committing poetic suicide.
Carving my heart out, laying it at your feet.
Yet, I still act surprised when you crush it.
How can you still smile?
When I bleed out before you
I guess I now know what it means
What it means to be nothing...
 Dec 2017 Angel
a human tool, a drawing pencil, shedding snakeskin cells as
lead from no. 2 pencil

am **** and blood, skin and hairless,
return retuned, at their own chosen speed,
gen of regeneration of disrupted oils and heavenly blessings,
morning cracks and orifices, filling and emptying obediently,
to the tidings of the grieving gravity of my moon’s decisions
that govern the lunatic cycle

you may kiss me with all your heart unto a robust welcoming,
scorn with spittle and deem unfit,
I know the difference and it is inconsequential

see me as combustible or flat, airless and empty,
as a new or a two day old leaking birthday balloon, or a haiku
that makes the reader gasp for the reasoning for breathing

think of me as a meme who responds to the touch of
your nippled forefinger, but my powers are unlisted,
therefore unlimited

for I am neither cyber or cypher though aesthetically they
appear as parts of my humanity, a human machine
forever reprogramming to new stimuli sensating,
the temperature of your breath, the many odors of you
as inputs that bear newborn children notions in
my chested gas chambers, the belligerent bellum bellies of my brain

my digital describe in thousands of computers do hide,
but to comprehend the interacting calculations that are
my constancy and my inconsistencies, you must make a tour
if you are awake between midnight and dawn when from
wells the visions, the fluids - the words are drawn

they, the residuals of a man’s ******* with
other humans, kin akin, and the thriving discourse between l,
man and parental gods of invisible powers, that offers insanity
as a viable solution, to cracking the codex human DNA
in the vial labelled Medusa

Who else?
Who Else?
from Joseph Campbell...

“which has been registered in this myth, much as what Freud terms the latent content of a neurosis is registered in the manifest content of a dream: registered yet hidden, registered in the unconscious yet unknown or misconstrued by the conscious mind. And in every such screening myth–in every such mythology {that of the Bible being, as we have just seen, another of the kind}–there enters in an essential duplicity, the consequences of which cannot be disregarded or suppressed.".
 Dec 2017 Angel
Thomas King
The morning light breaks  and my eyes open wide;
I feel the warmth from your body as you lay by my side
I watch as you sleep so peaceful and serene
Resembling an angel or similar being

Suddenly I am aware of a feeling deep within
As a powerful desire starts to begin
Hit with these feeling so quick that in fact
I barely had time to even react

These feelings were strong so true and spontaneous
And the love that I felt was almost instantaneous
A need for your presence comes from deep in my core
Uncontrollable emotions unlike never before

A wanting for your touch burns inside me like fire
And a taste for your kiss full of love and desire
But as I reach out to you for an intimate embrace
You’re gone in an instant without even a trace

The morning light breaks and my eyes are filled with tears;
No longer feeling your body’s warmth after all of these years
I wake from my dream empty to the core,
As my longing for you is now stronger than before

I know I am unable to believe the real truth
How you were taken from me in the prime of loves youth
My discovery of these emotions, and its powerful force
Were never given the chance to run its full course

Today I will watch you sleeping, not by my side but in this place
Where a granite marker now sits with your name etched on its face
You become now that angel you resembled while you slept
And that vision of you my minds always kept

The loneliness I feel is immeasurable and deep
As I stand next to your plot and silently weep
But I am thankful to have had you for the time you were here
And the time we were together I will always hold dear

Our moments will be treasured for the rest of my days
As I try to exist without you in this painful lonely haze
So sleep well my little angel until it’s time for me too
And they will lay me to rest right here next to you
A moment of clarity
A moment of peace
A moment of thankfulness
A moment of bliss
Internally and externally all is at rest
I take pride in my insecurities
For they are just as much me than the rest of me
And that makes me smile
Accepting them allows me to work with them
Creating something beautiful from the lump inside (me)
Some people see me as:
Unaware of anything and everything.
But we cannot solve problems unless we are at peace with ourselves
Remove the logs within us before we hunt the spec in society.
We have our whole lives to create, change and evolve
So why not get a headstart?
I'm a dreamer
and a lover
An aspiring achiever
seeking perfection in the imperfect
Anything can be done within the threshold of imagination
Imagination breaks the chains,
Creates and illuminates.
It can be the very thing to break you out of the mundane cycles of life.
What is imagination?
The best explanation
It's a thing,
A force?
All I can tell you is that it's unique to each of us.
It adds the flare to our character,
Inspires us to do things only we would do.
If you can think it,
You can do it.
So why limit what you can do,
When you can already think it?
You just have to act.
If you don't, you'll continue to suffer.
That thorn in your side,
That guilt in your heart,
That anxiousness on your mind.
You can dream of a world without them.
The thought is only the first step.
You must act to embrace the brighter future.
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