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Natasha Bailey Jun 2020
like a stick to a stone, you and I ignite. for we are meant to be, and for Us we shall fight, forever in-love, that's You & Me.           despite the Stars compatibility, + irregards what is "Right", Jye & Natasha have such a sacred bond, bound with trust, love, success and happiness. Locked up treasure chest, forever his & hers, I vow cherish.😍
#love #soulmates #twinflames #compassion #eternal #poetry #begginnerapoem #joy #meditation #vibe #wavey #beauty #purestform
Natasha Bailey Jan 2020
For Better, or For Worse,
I am blessed with a curse,
with each verse spoken,
clouds dance the skies to heaven,
mountains move, as mother nature is awoken,
she is pleeing for world peace, on her knees- begging
rain trickles down trees,
and off leaves,
into running rivers.
feeding the diverse universe
Natasha Bailey Jan 2020
I adore us, you & I together!✨
No other man can ever Compare
About the love of my life
Natasha Bailey Aug 2019
Just Know

Most people change, some don’t

Some swim or sink, while others float

I don’t think I’m him, For I am no joke

I need to plant the seeds to grow

For I bleed and reap what I soe

I get what I give, So I give my all,

Just Know.

Thee Mind, Body & Soul, Be all of me, from head to toe.
To Heal. To Learn. To Grow.

To Just Know!
There is always Power in Knowledge !
Natasha Bailey Aug 2019

When the seas, all seven, align and combine,
To form one tide, do you believe we have a selection, to
Reside, hide and remain alive?
Or is that our mind tryna confide,
In our own made lie, afraid to die?
If the angels rein down a path to heaven,
I wish to accept, find, listen and abide,
Until I arrive.
Once I’ve arrived at my final destination,
Only then will I quit the investigation,
Quit the pacing,
Where thoughts are constantly racing.
End of days where I communicate,
Debate and question every nation.
An owl of silent observation,
Mixed with a perfection I can imagination,
To relate,
To create,
And modulate,
An exhilarating answer to the allegation,
Fact or fiction,
Which is resurrection?
Such unbelievers, who claim afterlife is an illusion,
Unaware that they are too, just bait,
Heading straight,
Into the great,
Hands of fate.
The weight of the truth,
And proof,
In representation of resurrection,
Cannot be ignored, just like an antique china plate,
Or a mate,
Who’s at times, difficult to tolerate.
It’s inevitable,
So renumerate,
Your pure self, and reinstate,
To the Golden Slate Gate.
Enter your new estate,
Where you are enchanted with the power of illumination.
Before you can await,
The glorious one who turns death into rebirth,
Giving your soul a chance to resurrect,
Recreate, and once again illuminate.

Natasha .K. Bailey
"I believe that when death closes our eyes, we shall awaken to a light, of which our sunlight is but the shadow"       - Arthur Schopenhauer
Natasha Bailey May 2019
Mirror reflection of my ‘Picture Perfection’,
Is making mistakes, BUT learning the Lesson,
Being honest with myself, that's 100% accepting,
There I will see clearly, my life’s real demon,

& Without Fear In Me, I claim back my Freedom,
I am stumped for a name for this poem oddly!! ahaha,
Please Comment any title suggestions :)
I will leave it in the hands of HelloPoetry gang :P
Natasha Bailey May 2019

Why do I play this fools game?

The rush of the steel to the vain

Does in no way, outweigh the withdrawals, the pain

The quick fix of the crimson- reinserted heals the shame

I feel borderline insane, self-inflicted yet again

As I suffer in dismay, crying out the Lords name

Please, please take away this addiction, this pain


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