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19h · 23
World beyond Eyes
Starry Night Sky
A night sky so clear and Starry
View makes my eyes glitter
my mind so curious of outer world
do stars talk?
what is that twinkle we see?
Is that a wink?
What are comets?
Star with tails!
Or is it how you pass messages?
curious mind has so much to ask
World beyond my eye
so fascinating!
so creative!
20h · 105
Warmth of Mother!
You pick on me Always
You put me on Spot for no reason
You are the biggest Critic I ever had
You read between my lines
You are friends with mine
You could easily know what I did
You pick fight with me, cat fights

After all these
You makes me my favourites, right after the fight
You had all my things covered, even if we are not taking
being miles apart... you reached out, when am down
You could do things that you are not fond of,  just for me
You are never tired for me!
I feel an embrace of warmth, from your words
Your hugs means world to me!
I will never want to miss that

I wish to cherish that for ever
I love you Mother!
4d · 30
Monsoon pitched in
Its time to start harvest festival
most happiest time of the year
she felt happy as 13 year old
with family and friends
something unfortunate,
shattered her dreams
world went upside down
no more laughter
no more hugs and good night kisses
she had no shoulders to cry-on
days, weeks, years passed by
seasons, people and calenders passed
she learnt to accept the changes
she tried her best to get her life on track
it took years!
Still she did it!
from being a kid
to an amazing woman she is
She never lose hope and Finally
She is happy with her family
4d · 29
At Last
there is one day in everybody's life
should return back!
all are here with expiry date! Unknown
it could be any time sooner or later
deepest thought is
last minutes rewind of memories real?
wilderness of thoughts create restlessness
separations are usually hard!
when there is no second chance of glance
its shattering!
6d · 214
Life turns Story!
A reminder
Your "Life" is important for You
Your "Emotions" are emotions for you
Your "Feelings" are feelings only for you

When you open up on your
"Life" ,"Emotion" or "Feeling"
You been through
They are hearing a Story you narrate!

Empathy sympathy can be expressed!
But its just a story for them...
6d · 69
Express it
Hey Love... I reach out
I said how much I love you
how much you matters to me

I opened up on little things I expect
Hugs so warm
Kisses so passionate
All I need is your attention and respect
Hold hands while walking

When I narrate something that could me
meaningful or blunder
All I need is you listen
pay attention.. give me an eye contact

Hold me and let me rest on your shoulder
A kiss on Forehead..
It could take out all my stress and Worries

Though I let you know all these
I could see you took efforts
Yet told me you are introvert
You don't express much

Could see you laugh out loud
with your colleagues and friends over phone
I wish to have that entertaining conversation
with you often

Love to see your laugh and smile
I could say.. it can be difficult
you could have different story to narrate
what you expect out

I Love you!!!
My Love is always yours!!
Learn to express it so other could feel it often!
7d · 56
Mind so blank like clean white sheet
Hard to start with, so troublesome

Though I look around for inspirations
Yet blank it is! Road block Road block
Yes it is a Dead end!

I felt so trapped
Can't think of anything
that could inspire!

How should I bounce back
Being lively!

So that I could read out my mind!
Speak my heart out!
7d · 22
Am I Lost!
It is so hard for me

Feeling lonely, with people around
Feeling Down, over no visible reason
Its hard for me to breath in
My Lungs so tight
Hands shivering
**** too Dark around on sunny day

Loneliness! too scary
With all these around I lost myself

I am

Not confident any more!
Lost my resistance, can't speak up
Can't open my Eye, as if its is tied

Felt so restless!
I can't breath, it is so hard
I hate this side me.. this is not me
Everything about life is time
Make sure you use it wisely
Stop waiting for others
To shower Love & Care
Stop expecting others
To make you Happy

Start before its late.. Time is ticking
Start with Loving yourself
Do things that makes you happy
Make yourself a better version everyday
Pamper yourself with self hugs!!
Priorities your Health!

Time is ticking.... Tick Tick
Remember there is no going back!
Life doesn't have a reverse gear to take you back

Start Now! Act Now!
Time is ticking!
Oct 2 · 70
Lakz Poetry Oct 2
You knock my mind uninvited
At times you bring
Pearls in eyes
Sigh so peaceful
Dive to Deepest thoughts
A fear that could disturb

You come uninvited
Though leave without any trace

At times you leave behind bits and pieces
couldn't connect or relate

At times it can be rollercoaster
that lost it direction and control

Even though
Still cherish to have Memories!!!
Oct 1 · 32
Lakz Poetry Oct 1
Its time, start being grateful
Count your blessings
Be grateful to receive in abundance
Count on people you have to trust on
Be grateful to have enough of them
Reachout to what you really have for life
Be grateful to add more to it

Seek out the good in life
Be grateful!!!

Being grateful, my mantra of life!
Oct 1 · 24
My Sunshine
Lakz Poetry Oct 1
For you my Son
My Little Sunshine

Oh my Sunshine!
Your smile melts my stress
Your warmth keeps to motivated
Your glimpse give me energy

My Little Sunshine

Remember you have me
Hear you
Support you
Guide you
love you unconditionally

My Little Sunshine

Always remember to be yourself
And Shine your way!

— The End —