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jewel Jul 2020
Does it hurt? Your chest? At night when the lights go out, and the silence creeps in. Do you remember me? Do you rememeber my touch on your skin, my lips pressed to yours? Do you long for me in your sheets once more? Do you? Or have you let another women trace over me. Have you erased the feeling of my lips with the kiss of another. Have you baptized yourself in the screams of a blonde haired beauty as she calls out your name so you can't hear the sobbing in my voice wailing for your love.

Can you see me, Love? When you shut your eyes, do you see my face, long for my embrace, wish you could forget what I meant to you. But what did I mean to you? Did it break your heart to watch me beg for you to stay. How long have you been okay with the thought of losing me. When did your heart forget our love, when did you stop wanting my touch, when did I become someone you could let go. And I know you're never coming back. I just haven't found away to accept t hat. How do I accept that?

Tell me your secret to falling out of love. I'd rip my heart from its cage if you told me it'd ease the pain. Anything to numb the feeling of knowing you're leaving. Soul searching for your soul in the eyes of another. But I don't see you, I don't see you, I just want to feel you. When his lips touched mine, it didn't jumpstart my heart. You've left every aspect of life drenched with your being. I see you in everything. You're haunting me, and taunting me. But it's all in my head, right? Just wake me up. I don't like this nightmare anymore, I'm over it. Just hold me and tell me it's all going to be okay. Tell me you're going to stay.

Even though I see your hearts checked out, leaving in a taxi cab to some new girls pad, this isn't home anymore. The elephant in the room is me. Losing sleep over a guy who doens't want me, but the whole world wants me, just not you. And I don't know what to do. I just keep falling back to you. Lost in a maze of pain, screaming your name, but it'll never be the same again. I just want it all to end. If I don't have you, I have nothing. Nothing worse surviving for. Not anymore, not without you, my Love.
I very recently just went through a breakup with my boyfriend of 2 years. He is, and was the love of my life. The reasons in which we split wasn't due to any faults of our own. Which made this even harder and more painful. These were just some of my thoughts one night when I couldn't sleep. Hope you enjoy.
jewel Aug 2018
I'm sorry, that I can't relate to picture perfect or the happily ever afters in fairy tales. I'm sorry that I always get stains on my brand new white shirts, and when I color I can never quite seem to stay within the lines. I'm sorry whenever I hear the word magic, it reminds me of my first heartbreak. Because magic is just a series of illusions, and anything I've ever loved has turned out to be one big magic show. So forgive me when your innocent lips spill the words, "I love you", and all I see is a rabbit being pulled out of a hat to stimulate my heart beats to quicken as if to simulate the applause of a crowd. And when I say I will break you I do not mean you are an un-boiled egg in the jaws of a lion, no. I mean you are the Titanic and you are full of beauty, potential, and confidence. And as you glide along my icy hearts surface you will eventually hit an iceberg that will tear you apart. Leaving you with nothing but splinters of who you once were. I'm the darkness that lingers in your light. I'm the shadow that's constantly there but only occasionally seen. I'm evil, but I don't want to be. I don't want to be what I am but I can't change. I love you. And it is because I love you that I want you to take a magnifying glass to the windows of my soul. I want you to see the tainted parts of who I am and come to hate it, hate me. To watch you put out the torch you carried for me and light a new one for someone else will sting more than 1,000 cuts from a red hot blade. But in this agony I will find peace because, true love is about protecting that person. And in this case my dear harmless dove. I must protect you, from myself.
jewel Aug 2018
Rewind two years to the time that we met. You always use to tell me that was a day you would never forget. Now I'm sitting here waiting for you to answer my texts. But I got back burner status when I became just an ex. We went from best friends to strangers in just one day.. I keep begging you to come back, but you keep drifting away. And it's not okay. I'm not okay. I remember taking pictures like it was just yesterday. And you said you would stay. So please tell me why you're not here babe. Sorry that's wrong of me to call you. It's just habit I guess. Who would of known loves like a bullet to the chest. But you're already talking about how you're on to the next? And how you love her, and you need her, and she don't make you stress. But you know you only want whats under her dress. Cause nothing can replace the kind of love we had. And I know deep in your soul this is driving you mad. So please come back. Just please, come back.
Just another empty love poem
jewel May 2018
ME -

"I'm okay" I try to reassure myself. "I will be okay," then I glance at the clock.

It's 3 am, and here I am once again. Sitting on the floor with tears in my eyes, remembering when you told me you weren't like all the other guys. And you weren't. You were worse, you did things they could never do. Like actually making me fall in genuine love with you.

"He'll come back" I whisper under my breath. "He promised."

You told me your secrets, and you held me to your chest. You'd wipe the teardrops from my cheeks, you made me feel blessed. You'd look me in the eyes and whisper I love you. Oh how badly I wish, I'd never believed, the beautiful lies you spoke to me.


3:04 Text Message Delivered

3:09 Read

... Typing ...


"This clingy ***** again?" He mumbles to himself.

It's 3 am, and I just got this text. It's another ******* rant, from another crazy ex. I aint tryna fall in love, I aint tryna settle down, but here's my deepest apologies for ******* around. I wanna be alone, but I don't like being lonely. And I can't get my fix from my bro's and my homies.

"Well ****, she was loyal, and she was always there. Maybe I do actually care..?"

Look I aint mean to break your heart, I'm sorry bout that. I know it means nothing but here are the facts. I'm genuinely sorry, and I really want you back.


I'm sorry but the number you're trying to reach is no longer accepting messages from you

You're too late.
This is just me having a conversation with my ex in my head. I loved him so much but if he ever comes back it'll be too late. Because I've waited for months and he hasn't come back. It's time for me to finally move on.
jewel Mar 2018
We're free as a nation,
yet slaves as a people.
Not physically abusive,
but this mental thing is real.

Living on the fantasy
"Everything will be okay,
pain can't last forever
eventually it'll go away."

Promises mean nothing.
I'm sorry; just a phrase.
Your actions are predictable.
I'm tired of these games.

Just let it End.
jewel Feb 2018
Have you ever held someone for the last time?

But not physically.

Have you held the thoughts, the memories, the love, the pain, the vulnerabilities, the pictures, the songs, the texts and secrets of someone for the very last time..?

I have.

Have you ever told a lie that held some truth?

But not completely mean it.

Have you ever told someone that you're okay, when you're depressed, miserable, and completely torn apart. But yet in some twisted, and sick way you are okay. Because unhappiness is all you've ever known...?

I have.

Have you ever broken someones heart?

But didn't regret it.

Have you ever put your heart on the line for someone you value above and over anyone and anything in this world, but broke your own heart in the process because what was best for them, wasn't best for you..?

I have.

Have you ever wanted to just not feel anymore?

But you're in love with pain.

Have you ever just wanted to take a bottle of pills, or walk out in front of a moving car just because, life is too hard. You don't want to be alive anymore but yet, in all the chaos, you find peace in your misery because out of everything that never stays. Out of everything that changes and altars, it's always been there for you. To wrap you up in a blanket of depression and tuck a pillow of anxiety under your head. While singing a song of your worst fears as you close your eyes and drift into a second reality filled with the monsters in your head.

I have.

Have you ever fallen in love..?

But not in reality.

Have you ever fallen in love with the imagination of something that you know you'll never reach, touch, hold, find, or ever see. Have you ever fallen in love with the pictures the demons in your head paint? Have you ever written down how you feel into a million tiny words then set fire to them and watch them go up in smoke much like your efforts, and possibly entire life..?

I have.
Just my thoughts.
jewel Feb 2018
The lies and deceit had me crying in defeat.
Pain surges through, why'd it have to be true?

You've loved her since you saw her, and you've wanted her but now.
You've played me, betrayed me, and left me lying on the ground.


I didn't see this coming, my hearts broke, I feel like nothing.
My thoughts are all in a blur, and all for what?

Just *******, Her.
About a two timing man *****.
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