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 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
Satsih Verma
Smitten by your holy
tongue, the muse melts
in the raging sun.

There was a deep
gorge between the hills.
My face turns blue.

Trembling hands will knit
splendent wreath for a
departing moon.
As we read and digest poetry
our bodies and souls
process and extract medicine from it!
one line or two
it soothes the pain in you
it awakens my spirit of resilience
it ignites donation of her precious heart
it extinguishes anger burning down his head!
it resets the pace of my heartbeat to normal!
it reawakens development ideas hidden in you!
it treats thousands of ailments...

A dose of poetry is good for you!
when did you last administer some to your soul?
poetry is medicine! try it!
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
Your calmness thrills,
Your quitness provokes,
Like you are breaking the hills,
And inspiring the whole folks.
Strong and honest is your emotion,
Cause you are deep as ocean.

Your beautiful soul has no end,
All around the world it's sent.
The world wants your presence,
To be here now in present.
Strong and honest is your emotion,
Cause you are deep as ocean.

Oh mountains, look at this mistery,
Woods, come closer and listen.
There is a lovely human being,
Who wants love to be given.
Giant restless is your leap,
Cause you are the ocean deep.

People are your sweet little chest,
Where you wanna explore their best;
Where you look deep inside to the end,
You're happily surprised what's in there.
A soul is what you really want to see,
Full of colored precious to reveal.
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
play the
joker, *****
the knave, covet
the queen, and tuck
the ace of spades under my
pillow on a ringed moon night,
but I am forever shuffling the same
deck of cards. Marked cards, imprinted
with loss and patterned with misfortune. Co
urt cards dressed in ill-fitting suits, each face as
familiar as my own. Four seasons, four pips; twelve
months, twelve crowns. One card for each week of the
year. Sequentially pred  ictable, and as underwhelming
as a rigged roulette wheel. U ntil, unable to distinguish
between the red and the    b    lack, the picture and the
plain, I fold. Void of      co     ntracts, and bleeding
widowe                            d blanks.
deal­ me in,
but deal me unpainted
and unmastered. Deal me clean.

‘If I can just have one last cut.
Do you have a plan for the new?‘
- Alice Notley, In the Pines
I can feel you
but not as I once did
Absent is
the intertwining passionate
euphoria of two
minds, bodies, souls,
in energy, in ecstasy

I sense you withdrawing
piece by piece
Your essence, your brilliance
growing dimmer
I struggle to hold you
grasping wildly
for any shred
I can catch, and feel, and hold close

Conversations and innuendos persist
but in them lies a hollowness
A new space between us
our depth moving upward to the surface

I watch you fade from me
You no longer call me by my deity
Once so attuned
Words rendered unnecessary for understanding

But now
I beg for some connection
and don’t even receive a reply
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
Carlo C Gomez
Between the envelope and gondola I'm lighter-than-air. Montgolfier-style? Not really. I ascend as a prayer with his eyes wide shut, timid in the feel for heaven. Speaking of heaven, some say it's no longer a gated community, but the association fees have doubled. Really I float like a Yost, flaming onboard for the photo shoot. The morning pass is for the kids with spending power. The noon move, and media darling, catches the Comic-Con crowd just stumbling out of a parent's basement. The night drift, drink in hand, mimics the trigger man who got his days confused from too much killjoy. Laissez-passer both giveth and taketh away -- there is no immunity in the sky, no amnesty to assign my crimes to. I'm just your smiley actor on the Netflix trail. You love me for a season or until my balloon gets popped. Whichever comes first.
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