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 Jul 2017 Marika
Just a cut,
Just a scratch.
It wouldn't hurt,
It wouldn't last;

It would fade,
Fade into blue;
The colour of sadness,
The colour of you.
Needed to get something off of my chest.
 Jul 2017 Marika
Aric garza
I'm growing out my hair.
Not because I'm really in love with the whole hooligan look.
More so because I feel as though it keeps me just a
liiiiittle bit closer to my youth.
Because I do not at all mind when people call me crazy,
with my wild thick hair.
I am crazy.
I'm probably crazy because I still want to keep
the child in me sheltered in my mind, my heart.
I always want to dream and I always want to play video games
and if theres a five year old in the room,
I'm up for pretending with you.
(So long as I'm not playing my video games)
I'm growing out my hair.
Not because I want my girlfriend to tell me she likes it or something,
but because I always wanted to when I was a kid.
 Jul 2017 Marika
 Jul 2017 Marika
I did not ask to be held together
Nor to be pulled through the dark
I only hoped to be warm for a moment
To linger a while longer in your heart
 Jul 2017 Marika
Mitch Prax
 Jul 2017 Marika
Mitch Prax
it doesn't stop the pain.
It packs it into a grenade,
amd throws it
to your loved ones.
 Jul 2017 Marika
Oh boy, you are a poets *******.

Do you know how many teary ink cocktails you are going to create? You are going to be an inspiration, admired by many.

You boy, will be the beauty within every heartbreak.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
I don't pay that much attention to who is holding me
As long as there's someone to keep the pieces together for a night
Whoever's arms they are doesn't really matter
I'm not looking to fall in love
I'm trying not to fall apart
 Jul 2017 Marika
emmie cosgrove
Sometimes I wish I could

Pull the child who lives inside of me


Dress her wounds

Kiss her bruises

And embrace her in my arms


She knows that one day

She will be

 Jul 2017 Marika
To be sad
 Jul 2017 Marika
So many,
strive to be happy.
Putting happiness on the podium
as the end goal in life.
I strive to be sad.
Not as a depressing view on life.
But it's easier for me
to feel happy
than to feel sad.
And I don't believe it's healthy
to cherish the one and
abandon the other.
It needs a balance of yin and yang.
Life is about the full spectrum.
Without the low tales,
we wouldn't recognize the high mountains.
I wished of course
to have often times
tears of happiness in my eyes.
But I know of the value and relief
that the salty tears of sadness
can bring into the soup of life.
How they purify our being
and help to let go.
To let go of
not working relationships,
passed loved ones,
unfulfilled ideas,
not met expectations
and undo-able concepts.
Sadness shouldn't be something to avoid,
but the one thing
to be embraced.
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