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 Jul 2017 Marika
“When she was a tiny thing, barely the size of a walnut – wrinkled almost beyond recognition -  I  remember holding her in my palm and thinking that she would grow into something rather large one day. That in only another thirty seconds she would not fit in my calloused hand any more, her graceful limbs pouring over my splayed fingers like sweet tea on a bed of summer sunshine, a softened petal falling towards hard, unforgiving concrete. I knew that one day she would grow so big, my hand a small, 60's coffee shop to her Empire State Building. I knew that one day she would topple out of my  grasping fingers, plummeting to whatever laid below. I could only hope that she would land on her feet. “

And here I stand, feet aching from their sudden slap against the black top.
[I do not know what to call this if not simply a smattering of words that fit together in some hopefully impactful manner. It may not be poetry, it may not be prose, but maybe it will mean something to you.]
How are you?
Nice meeting you.
I like you.
You are everything.
I love you.
Forever and always.
We are happy.
We were happy.
But then again,
You left me.
You hurt me.
What went wrong?
You got bored?
You broke me.
I was broken.
And then suddenly,
You are here.
Out of nowhere,
You came back.
I am sorry.
I was wrong.
One more chance.
Words you've said.
Words I've heard,
from your mouth,
full of lies.
Mischief and deceit.
I'm not stupid.
I am strong.
I am healing.
Slowly but surely.
And I replied,
You should leave.
Let me be,
Finally moving on.
Starts with Hey.
Ends with goodbye.

— The End —