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Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
Corners of My Mind
Won't let me leave you behind

I want to move on
Now that you're gone

You chose to die
I still don't know why

But I am alive
and my empty life I will revive

But you still lurk there in the
corners of my mind
and of my pain you still constantly remind

Let me be
I so very tired you see
I am fed up with pain and tragedy

I will never forget you,
of that you can be sure
but, please, pain, I can no more endure

So please leave the
corners of my mind*
and let my weary soul unwind
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
I realise now...

I was the friendly face in your storm
the one you came to when you felt worn
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
Love  - what is it?
Without it they tell you that you can't be happy
when it leaves you, everyone tells you that you will find another "love"

I feel like your abused wife, always taking you back
after you apologise and it won't happen again

I am tired,  love, please pick on someone else
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
Your profile read "Separated with 3 kids",
Normally I would have run a mile
But you bombarded me with your words and made me smile

The more you talked the more your soft words curled themselves around my heart,
it was not long before, of you I became a part

Once you hooked me in and made me yours
the stories of your woes from your life before begins to out pour
I was your therapist, your lover and your teacher
one year passed and things only began to look bleaker

Anxiety, stress and you being generally depressed
did nothing to relieve the problems already compressed

you promised things of a life and future together
now looking back, that really wasn't clever

I believed you and prayed,
to live with you someday

To grow old and laugh
when in the evening sun we'd bask

Those were childish dreams
and it didn't take long for them to crack at the seams

Why do I call you the Time Thief?
You gave me false belief

Because you made me love you
Then you left me behind in this world with no clue
with what you were about to do

You stole my time, my heart, my soul
over which I now have no control
Feeling lost
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
Valentines day is nearly upon me
All the ads tell me I should be happy, you see
In reality how can I be when you are not here with me

As the day approaches
sadness and pain once again encroaches

A stark reminder of my loneliness
whilst I miss your sweet loving gentleness
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
Upon us you always put the blame
You treat us with such disdain

Why is it so, what have I done
to make you put my head against your gun

I lived my life, and paid my way
but it is you that wants to take my life away

You take my home, and throw me out
and in the street profanity you do shout

There is no rhyme or reason to your logic
about which you seem so nostalgic

The war is over, we thought the hate gone
but in reality that was not for long

The new migrants come with their new hate
and us they continue to **** and berate us, the Jews
Whatever is wrong in the world Jews get blamed.   It's wrong.   I write about the new wave of hatred in Europe.    We have learnt nothing since WW2
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
The narcissist asked the mirror......

Mirror mirror on the wall
who is the fairest of them all

Not you said the mirror
with brutal honesty

No amount of make up
will cover your "fake" up
your life needs a shake up
and you my dear, need to wake up

My dear the mirror went on,
You want to hide your ugly personality inside
I see you for who you really are
Not some bright shining star
That you always seem to think you are

Your poor husband who is dead
to whom your ******* was fed
worked his **** off to provide the daily bread
and YOU alone are responsible for his bloodshed

My dear as Reality bites
why don't you stop with these stupid fights
said the mirror
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