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Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
What was it like to fall?
Did you want to turn back?
Did you regret your decision on the way down?

You drove an hour to get there
How could you do that knowing what you were about to do?

Did you think of me even for a moment?
Was I in your  last thoughts?

Why did you do it?

Wasn't I there for you?
All the nights I spent talking and listening to you?

Don't you realise the mess you left behind?
Did that even occur to you?
Do you realise just how many people miss you?
Me and your children, and your mother

If you could tell me,  I would ask, was it worth it?
  Feb 2015 Fidgety Midget
He walks up to me and says, “bro if you think about it, Israel is like racist”
Immediately the urge to pass my fist down his throat comes upon me
But, we’re at school, so I decided to bite my tongue instead of his
He continues to try and tell me everything that is wrong about my home, my home, my home
After his first words, my mind goes into a flashback to my home:

Steel and rubber wheels, trudging along earth’s edge
The wail of a young infant, piercing the atmosphere like a pin drop in silence
The pop in my temples
Pressure on my skull
They both splice my silver-lined thoughts and urk my discomfort
The dry air strategically carves cracks onto the surface of my lips so that they are no longer an instrument of communication, but solely a burden on my comfort

All components of hell build walls around me
But serenity knocks at my door, I am finally home

“Dude are you listening to me?”
I awake from my coma, to the pure sound of ignorance
Here stands a boy trying to tell me my muse I use to live by is a lie
Here stands a white privileged boy who thinks he knows the answers to the world because he can read a ******* text book

I regained consciousness..
He says, “Anything to say, bro?”
I thought to myself, I can stand here for hours and try to explain
Who the hell are you to waste my time

I lost the switch somewhere during the conversation
The moment in which black changed to white was blurred
But I know one thing
I know one thing better than I know my own soul
I know that the world was serene when I touched ground at my home

I stood in front of him and started to begin laughing
Each chuckle was enough to make the world dance on stilts
It crawled up to every nook and down through each crevice of the room
The understanding he gained realizing I would not let his ignorance get to me
I stood there and laughed, I had no reason not to
To be alive was a reason to laugh
To survive the persecution of my people, was a reason to laugh
To survive the countless pennies being thrown at me, was a reason to laugh
To survive being told you’re a jew, you’re not good enough, was a reason to laugh
To survive being called a ***** ******* jew, was a reason to laugh
To survive being thrown to the ground and called a ****, was a reason to laugh
To get back up and RISE, was a reason to smile.
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
Why can't I dream of you?

I think of you every minute of every day,
But when I lay my head on my pillow and drift away,
You are never there, I don't like it this way!

While I sleep my head maybe empty, but my heart is laden
My sorrow is endless and I don't want to awaken

I want to see you now in my dreams, I insist
To dream that it is you I kissed
Now you are gone it's almost like I no longer exist
That's life, when things are good theres always a nasty twist

Please come to me soon, I will be waiting
My heart is aching.
I can't dream of my lost love
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
The bridge with it's cold grey metal and imposing towers
I walk to the place you jumped, and lay my flowers

I miss you x
A Shallow Puddle
Is how deep you are

Broken Light-blub
Is how bright of a star

Jack of all Trades
Master of none

Claiming Love
Breaking hearts of everyone

You are nothing more
Than a Two Faced *****
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
She's a Narcissistic *****,
I quite often call her the Witch
She ground a good man down
through her greed and selfish desires
she has no room for sympathy or compromise
if the outcome does not involve her.

Now that he is dead
She won't leave him be
and keeps slandering his memory
hate is too good a word for her
but my god I'd love to punch her
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