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A Live Cauldron
The Soul
No Wonder it Shines
☺The impact..........P...........of trauma☺
Effected the root. The
sensitiveness..........E............ is caused by this and pain..T..shoots,
a route to..R... the root .....R....was made and.........Y...... .removed.......Y.........the paining........W.......nerve.......W'..numbed
­O filling....O.... with syllables ...R.........inwards ...R......and
then ........D.......the...........D...supported extra......S.... by ......S........words,
c  a  p  p  e  d   w  i  t  h   s  m  i  l  e
    a   n   d      t  h  e      p   a   i   n          
       h        e        a       l           e       d.              
p      e       a      c     e      f    u     l    l    
*F         O         R          E        V       E      R
Dentistry:  Teeth go sensitivewhen undergo trauma.
The tooth digged and route made till the roots, nerve cut and filling done with gatta parcha and aesthetic capping is done..

Poetry: In life some people deep rooted and you are sensitive. Dig them out ..fill the emptiness with words and poetry comes is the outward capping..
to nothing
in front of
HIM    and
I    c a n be
n o t h i n g
w i t h o u t
 Jul 2017 Arpan Rathod
JL Smith
Alone again,
But not lonely
Accepted solitude
As tranquility
Your fear
My freedom
Exploring my depth
Releasing my demons
Core settles
In tune
Mind opens
Heart composes
Serenity and beauty
Heeding inner voice
Spiritual rejoice
Emotional latitude
Flows freely
Rejecting the judgmental,
Open to growth
Affirming an oath
Confident in myself
Purpose in moving forward
Trusting my gut
Relying on Superiority
The One and Only
Alone again,
But not lonely

© JL Smith
The way you ignore me
is totally justified, after all i started ignoring myself for you first....

लाज़मी है नज़रअंदाज़ करना तुम्हारा,
आखिर यह सिखाया भी था हमने तुमहें
तुम्हारे लिए खुदकी नज़रअंदाज़ी करके!!
We ignore ourselves in the process of loving others...which is followed by them later..
.......the key
backspace,  the  cursor  moved  back, and  encountered  that  empty  space, 
..........­you once
Don't go back to clear the past, back space puts us bck to empty space, accept it...just move on...another shape poetry...
§      §        §
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      Enjoyed when served
in nice cup, Bitter sweet
each slurp, Tastes better at           f
last sip, But by the time the           f
temperatures dip. Since
         Life is like a coffee.
The life and coffee..both are attractive under pleasant ambience. Sweetness and bitterness are blended in. At last time the value is realised but by then no life left to enjoy it..
                        ­     moon ......
                         o moon!...
                    when you are.
              invisible, you....
          stir the tides,.....
     causing insanity..
  moon o moon!...
when you are...
you're adored....
  by lovers,............
   radiating beauty..
      moon o moon!....
           when you are...
                 complete, you..
                         unfold the scars,..
                                     triggering lunacy..
O God getting lunatic over shape poem's....
I wonder            / there is
any app                 in  /      play store to photoshop a              /        broken heart
to restore               /                to liven it
to lighten it        /           to brighten it
to straighten/ it   to apply filter
to color, /to faint the scars
and/ to crop the
/ unwanted
/        one        
fun with shape poetry.....and technology... photo editors.....haha
You are mourning for the pearls
scattering from the broken threads,
Here, since ages, we are collecting the pieces of the heart broken by them...
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