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Jan 2015 · 621
ConfusedPoet Jan 2015
How could you see me?
I was invisible.

How could you hear me?
I was silent

How could you feel me?
I was not present

And yet you did.
Thank you
You gave me a voice
A song
My voice.
Dec 2014 · 2.5k
Little Raven
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
Little raven
In your nest
Scorned at
Laughed at

Little raven
In your nest
They don't see
You're beauty

All they see
Is a squawking scavenger
With sharp talons
And disgusting eyes

Little raven
In your nest
Don't leave
Let me love you

Your plumage
Is beautiful
And shining
To me

Your voice brings me
And memories
Of homes long gone

Little raven
In your nest
They may revile you
But I love you
Dec 2014 · 306
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
It all starts vanishing.
Into the cold light

You forget a word
Then a sentence
Then a name
Then a paper

It all starts vanishing,
And you're afraid
And tired
So tired

And now all you feel
Is cold
Dec 2014 · 612
Stained Mirror
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
I talk too much
I speak too loud
My stupid round face
My stupid round stomach

My stupid tongue
Not making my words right
My teeth are stained
And crooked

My stupid head
Not thinking things through
My stupid eyes
Lazy and ugly

My stupid legs,
Not fitting through the crowd
My stupid hips
Getting stuck in things

My stupid stretch marks
Making me look like a zebra
My stupid *******
Not fitting in anything

Why am I always


But worst of all,
I'm always looking
Through my stained mirror
Dec 2014 · 1.7k
The Slope
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
Why am I not Happy?
I live a good life.
Good Friends,
Good family,

Good everything.

I'm not hungry
I'm not worrying about my medicine
I have a roof over my head.

But why am I not happy then?

Is it because of that whispering thought
Your friends think your annoying
Your parents are tired of you
You're ugly.

And you feel even sadder.

But then that other voice pipes in.
What are you doing!?
Why are you feeling so sorry for yourself?!

And you become guilty

What are you doing?!
You have a house and clothes
Food and medicine
Stop moping around!

And you feel even worse

You start aching
When you walk
And when you breath

And you become tired.

And soon, crying is every day
You can't tell anyone
And soon you feel the worst part
Of this vicious *****

Now you're alone.
Dec 2014 · 3.1k
Brother of Mine
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
You don't know how much
You have hurt me
Over the years

Every glare
Every shout
Every fight
Kills me inside

I wanted a friend
But all I got
From you
Is an enemy
Dec 2014 · 3.0k
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
I love you.

Not that way
Not the way the media says love is.
But love.
Sisterly love.

I love you

After all this time
When my family became distant
And my classmates turning away
You stayed

I love you

And you may look around for love
I understand that it'll never fade.
And I wish
You would too

I love you
To my best friend, hope you understand.
Dec 2014 · 286
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
How am I alone?
I'm surrounded by friends,
By family,

But I'm still cold inside.

How am I alone?
We laugh and eat together
And say silly things together

But I'm still cold inside.

I don't need a group,
A mob, or a crowd.
I just need


Who will laugh with me like a sister
Who I can pour may aching soul into for comfort
For one to not be fooled by my loud voice

I just need
Dec 2014 · 430
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
Would they see me?

Would they hear me?

Would they love me?
Dec 2014 · 692
Not a Poison
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
What's that they're calling me?



Yes, I am
I accept it
More than ever now.
More than ever before.



My anger is not a poison.
It is my fuel
To go and kick back at life,
When life pushes me down.

My anger is not poison,
It is fuel.

To claw and kick and rage forward
Because I know
If I stop
I die

My anger is not poison,
It is my fuel

Whoever says that anger makes you evil
Or Anger makes you dark.
Then I guess
I'm the villain in this story

My anger isn't poison,
It is my fuel.

Like a great steam train,
A fire lies inside me.
Burning like Hell itself
To keep me going.

Because if I stop
Even once
I die
Dec 2014 · 768
Sitting on a Hill
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
While sitting on a hill one day
Remembering my days of play,
I saw a curious sight
That I'll try to recall with all my might.

The day was clear and bright and shining
The horizon, fuzzy with white lace lining,
And as the clear sun shone and the wind blustered
As I lay surrounded by field mustard

I dreamt of my childhood
Filled with stories and exploring wildwood
And when my eyes opened, a gift to see!
An array of floating dreams for me.


Puffy and nostalgic of my days running with an old paper kite
Days of longing and silly spite
Twilights of catching fireflies in the brush
Nights when the birds were hushed.

And now I saw them, floating above me
As they did for little me
And I searched among them for pictures
Intently as a priest with holy scriptures.

There’s a puppy, a rocket too,
A fly, a cat, and a shoe,
A tree, a phone, and a shell,
Two bicycles, and a bell.

And that beautiful day
Where I was a child at play
Watching those puffy, huge, inviting
white, nostalgic, so soul igniting,

Dec 2014 · 1.8k
A Letter to Society
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
Dear Society,

Why can’t we all just get along?
We’re stuck between what’s right and what’s cool.
We have this fine line that we waver back and forth.
And to many times,
Go with the cool

When I mean we,
I mean WE,
The collective,
The race,
The world

Why can’t we all just get along?
It doesn’t matter if your Black or White or Pink!
Or Catholic or Jewish or Muslim,
Or tall or large or thin or small
Or Gay or Lesbian or Straight

Why can’t we all just get along?
We’re all different, can’t you see?
We aren’t alike,
And you have to admit,
It’d be boring if we were!

Why can’t we get along?
It’s really quite simple,
Just smile and say hello,
To all those that you meet,
Today and tomorrow, and throughout your life

Why can’t we all just get along?
We seem, I think,
To not understand what we are,
Who we are
How we are

Why can’t we all just get along?
It’s just a simple question.
We go along with violence around us,
Consuming us,
Poisoning us,

It’s actually so simple,
That a lot of adults don’t know.
But still I have to ask,
Really, really, really have to ask
Why can’t we all just get along?

A Confused Poet
Dec 2014 · 398
When You Watch
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
Sighing, walking, trudging,groaning
Chewing, crying, sleeping, repeat,
That’s all his days over and over,
With no one there,
I watch him from my little locker,
Crawling through his day,
If only he understood how I felt,
Towards him, with him, for him,
I finally grabbed my courage,
Stuffed my fear in a bag, and I walked over to him,
And said, “Hello”
He looked at me and smiled,
I totally melt apart,
Now I say to Depression,
You have given us a heart
Dec 2014 · 505
ConfusedPoet Dec 2014
My Song is my own, and no one can brag that,
I am Me when I write or stand up at bat,
I am Me when I laugh, and Me when I smile,
I am Me when I celebrate going the extra mile

I am Me during plays, and Me during songs,
I am Me during rights, and Me during wrongs,
I am Me during parties, and Me during dances,
And I am Me during second chances

I am Me during sad times, and me during glad times,
And Me when I write down my bad rhymes,
I am Me, and that’s what I can celebrate,
If you don’t like that, well, haters will hate

— The End —