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Sep 2021 · 404
Hospital Room
Max Sep 2021
Sitting in your hospital room,
Trying to forget
The empty look in you eyes,
The rope around your neck
Max Sep 2021
I was terrified,
But I’m my empty hands I hold freedom
In that I have nothing to lose
I have burnt all my bridges,
Lost everyone who cared about me
The fresh air doesn’t taste like freedom
It tastes like ash.

I was so scared,
But now I don’t feel anything at all.
There is nothing anyone can take from me
I promise, it’s already gone
This is not the perfect freedom I imagined,
My child, forever isn’t build upon dreams
The real ones don’t dream at all
Is this the only freedom I’ll ever know?
Sep 2021 · 199
Max Sep 2021
I told everyone I’m getting better
Told them I can see the sun
Makes it so much harder
When I let them down again
When I have to tell them about it all,
How it was never going to happen

Aren’t you sick of me?
Tired of my relapse?
Tell you I’m getting better,
Only to find a text from me
Talking about goodbye
Giving up on me is easy
Be free of my relapse

You want to see me
I’m to scared to go outside
This is the game we play
Pretend I’m ok
Until I’m not agin
This is the way it always works
This is my relapse
This is the game we play
Dec 2020 · 123
Find me in a river
Max Dec 2020
Find me in a river,
Look out to oceans great and strong.
Find me in the sunrise,
Listen carefully to my song.

Find me in a river,
Look at your reflection when you smile
Find me in the forest,
And stay there for a while.

Find me in a river,
Know that this is not the end.
Find me amongst the dragonflies,
Because maybe when the time is right, I'll find you again.
Aug 2020 · 91
Max Aug 2020
A wild sea of rainbow,
Glitters in the sun.

Laughter and joy and contentment,
Fill this wondrous world.

A bridge of trust stretches through the air,
Catching the lovers that fall.

Love is an island,
Everyone wants to reach it, but they dread getting wet.

But for those who risk the water,
The find the true treasures.

Shimmering skies,
Rarely darkened by storms.

Love wears no armour,
So you can clearly see the joy.
Aug 2020 · 107
Max Aug 2020
Shouting in the streets,
Shooting in the streets.
Guns and bullets and bullets and guns.
Outside I'm white, sure.
But inside I'm a rainbow.
On the outside you're  black,
But inside maybe you're a rainbow too.
Jul 2020 · 127
Broken Glass
Max Jul 2020
How is it that my words shatter,
Falling around me like broken glass
Jul 2020 · 221
The coming of rain
Max Jul 2020
                        Single drop
               A scent in the air, a pr-
       omise of thunderstorms tells m-
    e of the coming of rain. A drop of wa-
ter land on my nose, and then the sky ope-
ns up with a mighty roar of rain. Misty ski-
s, and howling wind, dancing like a torn-
   ado. Animals run, and birds get soaked
      in their nests. Cats hiss as the rain f-
         alls on them. Thundering noises
            on metal roofs, telling the st-
               ory of rain. A flash of li-
                 ghtning, followed b-
                     A low rumble
                       Of thunder
My first shape poem. It’s meant to be a drop of rain. Any tips on how to write a good shape poem?
Jul 2020 · 91
Ask why
Max Jul 2020
One thousand moments
But we didn't  
Use one
Random thought
Jul 2020 · 112
The colour of a festival
Max Jul 2020
What is the colour of a festival?
A child once asked me.
It's a whirl of all the colours, red and yellow and pink, and a thousand other tones besides. It is a deep, dusty pink, the colour of first dates. It's a bright, sunshine Yellow, the colour of excitement. It’s a joyous, bustling red, the most beautiful shade of carefree pleasure
Jul 2020 · 156
Max Jul 2020
What does red look like?
Asked the blind man.
Red Is the feeling of the hot sun in summer, it's the colour of shame, and anger, but also the colour of blushing.

What does green look like?
Asked the blind Man.
Green is the colour of life, and forests. Green is the feeling of of a tangled jungle, and fresh flowers.

What about yellow?
He asked quietly.
Yellow is the colour of sunshine, and warmth, and smiles. Yellow is the feeling of joy, and friendship.

And blue?
The blind man asked.
Put your hands into a bowl of cool water on a hot day, that peaceful feeling is blue. The feeling of blue is when you are in a pool, or floating down a river. Blue is relaxation and peace.
Jul 2020 · 72
Max Jul 2020
Broken moments,
Leaving bleeding scars.
All over, scars and scars and scars

You held the knife,
They say.
lucky it wasn't worse.

Cutting and cutting and cutting
Will that make me free?
Jun 2020 · 242
Max Jun 2020
Why is there war?
Why do we tear apart our neighbours,
And leave them bleeding on the streets?

Why do we rule?
Why do we seek power,
When we can be stronger banded together?

Why do we ****?

Why do we fight?
Why do we fight if we never set things right,
And often ruin our sweet solitude?

Conquest is the first fall.
Conquest is the last rise.
Conquest is the end of all peace
Jun 2020 · 163
The Way You Breathe
Max Jun 2020
I love the way you breathe,
The way you fill the air with your rumbly purr.
I love the way you breathe,
The way your chest goes up and down .
I love the way you breathe,
Because it's you breathing
May 2020 · 91
Broken Lullaby
Max May 2020
Broken lullaby
A shattered birdsong,
Broken by Time.

An abandoned railroad,
Faded away and empty

Empty streets,
Eerie mist, settling like smoke.

Where is everyone?
Lost to Time herself?

A mother’s cracked, broken lullaby,
Haunting the ghostly town.

Wailing through the still silence,
Again and again and again
May 2020 · 78
Max May 2020
She tears through the burning world,
Wreaking havoc as she goes.

She races through the forest where Grief used to walk,
But now it is they that turn their faces away.

Bitter words fall,
From her harsh lips.

”Begone!” she cries,
her sharp words piercing the heavens,

But is it the world she is yelling at,
Or herself?

if you peer through her armour,
You might catch a glimpse of what is haunting her.

A sea of sorrows,
Drowning her.
Are you surprised?
May 2020 · 89
Max May 2020
She wears the night like a cloak of shadows,
As if she wishes to hide.

She creeps through the silent forest,
Long after the day has gone

With lonely feet, she walks the shores,
Of beaches lost and found.

Her inky eyes hold the galaxies,
Long after their collapse.

Her heart holds a silent storm,
And the crying crows join her lament.

But if you glimpse her soul,
You will be surprised.

For you may find a sunrise,
Peeking through the storm.
Do you ever feel this way? I certainly do
May 2020 · 95
In the End
Max May 2020
And in the end
it is just you
and me
and who we
turned out
to be
Apr 2020 · 82
Max Apr 2020
The walls are closing in,
And I just can't hide,
From the growing emptiness that poisons me from the inside.

No one's there, I'm left all alone.
I can't breathe,
And I'm left on my own

I try to inhale,
breath in, breath out.
But the air is clouded with chaos, and it tastes stale

This is me now, shards of broken glass.
I am broken.
This is who I am, my nightmare has come to pass.

Everyone has a nightmare.
I guess I'm mine
The last verse is an indirect quote from the amazing Marissa Meyers
Apr 2020 · 518
Ruin’s Curse
Max Apr 2020
The colours and the lights that glow,
The music and the masks,
The people swaying to and fro,
In the enchanted dance.

The moon and the stars that glow,
The glimmer in her eyes.
The glistening earth, creating quite a show,
Gleaming as the sun begins to rise.

The gas and the smoke the flows,
The fire and the ruin.
The devastation that grows and grows and grows,
This barren land with blood strewn.

The horror and the burning earth,
The mess you refuse to regret.
Trapped under the Ruin’s Curse,
I won't forget
Apr 2020 · 159
What if.
Max Apr 2020
What if.
What if we are doomed to burn,
And will just destroy ourselves?

What if.
What if the government was destined to fall,
And then what if anarchy wreaks havoc?

These words
Tell the

What if.
Apr 2020 · 106
Max Apr 2020
She was beautiful.
She is a beautiful warrior,
Because she fearlessly battles her mind every day.

She was beautiful.
She is powerful.
Because of the embers that burn inside her.

She was beautiful.
She stays strong every day.
Because of the way life has been kind to her.

She is not beautiful because of such a frivolous thing as looks.
What an absurd notion!
She is beautiful because of the way she fights her mind.
Every single day.
Depression is very real guys
Apr 2020 · 86
Max Apr 2020
She came along so sweetly,
Sent my world spinning,
Took my heart completely.

It is both a blessing and a curse,
To feel this joy,
And to put it into verse.

I was be never sure,
Whether you were my lighthouse,
Or the storm.

Love leaves a mark.
Every half smile.
Every inch of snark.

Every day, every quick remark.
Good and bad, love is it all,
And on my heart it leaves a mark.

And in the end,
I will seek you
Out among the night sky.

The stars
of me will

“I love you”
Into the infinity
That is the universe

Thankyou! I am grateful for your time.
Apr 2020 · 103
Brave Enough
Max Apr 2020
She had the soul of a sailor,
And the mind of a writer.
She used ocean water for ink,
And tattooed stories on her heart.

She had the eyes of an elephant,
And the heart of a forest.
She danced with the dragonflies,
In the lazy dawn.

She had the smile of a symphony,
And the soul of an orchestra.
She sung like a moonlight mystery,
With poetry sweet as a sunlight serenade.

She is brave enough.
She knows her purpose,
She will not stand to the side.
she will stand with pride.
She is indomitable.

She is brave enough.
You can be brave enough too. Not exactly brave, but brave enough.
Apr 2020 · 141
Free girl
Max Apr 2020
She lived for her own world.
They laughed at her,
At the birds that land on her,
For people trip over her,
And forget she’s there.

What they fail to realise,
What they will never understand.
Is that she is not like everyone else.

She's a lost girl
She's a wild girl

No one understands that birds land on her,
Because inside she’s filled with flowers.
They forget she’s there because her soul is in another world.

She’s a lost girl
She’s a wild girl
She’s a free girl
Apr 2020 · 96
Show me how
Max Apr 2020
When I'm hiding in the corner,
Falling apart.

You show me how to love,
And help me start.

Show me how,
To paint the dancing sky,

Show me how,
So that with you I may fly.

When I’m collapsed on my floor in tears,
Trying not to drown.

You show me how to breathe,
And show me I can go up not down.

Show me how to hope as you do,
Teach my heart to laugh and smile.

show me how to feel as you do,
And just hold me for a while.
Dedicated to my dearest friend Emma
Apr 2020 · 172
My Lullaby
Max Apr 2020
You are my lullaby,
A sweet little birdsong.

You are my lullaby,
Soft and strong.

You are my lullaby.
You outshine the morning sun.

You are my lullaby,
You are my mirthful fun.

You are my lullaby
Your smiling eyes shine true

Oh, my little lullaby,
How I do love you!
For my beautiful cousin Polly
Apr 2020 · 237
The meaning of life
Max Apr 2020
We’re born,
We die.
In between,
we figure out why

The meaning of life is love letters to yourself,
The meaning of life is facing the dark inside,
and coming out the other side.

But mostly,
It's hope.
It's the sun rising after a lonely night.
It's the rain tumbling onto your upturned face.
It's an old poem, a dusty book.
But most of all,
It's joy
Apr 2020 · 80
Beautifully Broken
Max Apr 2020
I am shattered inside,
But I am gleaming.
I collapse at night,
And forget how to feel.

But if you hold me,
I'll be beautifully broken
And my bleeding heart will be yours.

I laugh at the wrong time,
And don't always understand the gossip,
But my soul belongs to far-flung lands,
And my eyes seek the truth.
I am by no means perfect,

But if you hold me,
I'll be beautifully broken.
My trembling hand is yours to hold.

I am broken,
But I am beautiful.
I am beautifully broken
Apr 2020 · 196
Max Apr 2020
I'm ensnared in Life,
And I can't wait to try my hand
I let my pain drift around me,
As I begin to dream

I entranced by fantasies,
Of far-flung worlds, and secret locations.
I plan out my hopes and thoughts, as I take out my pen.
As ink blossoms on my paper,
I realise I've drawn a map.
Past, future and present,
And the worlds that I know.

I hear a call from the world,
as it expands beneath my feet.
I am a restless traveller,  
And I will learn my world.

Have peace,
As you see my walking by myself,
Talking to myself.
Have peace.
I am a traveller
Apr 2020 · 115
Four chests
Max Apr 2020
In the cellar, on a dusty shelf, you'll find my treasures tucked away.
I keep my truths, side by side, in graceful chests with ornate keys hung on ribbons bright.

Joy on the first, carved by a childish hand,
A faded old photo of a beautiful girl,
A tiny candle, a baby curl.
A delicate music box with a sweet refrain,
of a young woman singing in the gentle rain.

Sorrow on the next, smooth and gentle,
Inside, a tarnished key, which fits not into a dream’s lock. A letter, creased and faded with age, never having reached its place. A lost doll, cast away, for with its owner it will no longer play.

Love beside it, with a tender shine,
On the box of which we lifteth the lid.
A sweet perfume drifts lazily, a sentimental touch. Inside lieth nostalgic trinkets, and it is in here that I keep my smiles. A love letter; sent to me, which hereth I will keep eternally.

Tucked away on the end, bashfully hiding,
It is hereth that I keep my gratitude.
Fondly smiled upon, a velvet-lined chest.
Inside a shell, gifted long ago,
And a photo taken with a stranger, now a friend. A jumble of reassuring notes, and a thousand smiles, shared with a thousand strangers.
This is inspired by the incredible Louisa May Allcot
Apr 2020 · 133
I am me
Max Apr 2020
I am me.
I was born to be a thunderstorm,
And my soul’s a starry sea.
I was never born to stay warm,
But I am without an anchor, and I am me.

I am me.
I am shards of iron and glass.
I am the howl of an animal that knows it’s free.
I’m a whirlwind of jagged ice.
I am a tameless tide, and I am me.

I am me.
I am the pirate at the helm.
I am the lost, restless sailboat, that longs for the sea
I am the endless, ever changing realm.
I am the storm at the heart of a sailor, and I am me.
Apr 2020 · 91
Sunset Reverie
Max Apr 2020
I have perched myself upon a jetty,
In the fading sunset light.
The silhouette of me casts a dramatic figure,
But I am far away.

I appear serene and still,
But I am lost to my thoughts.
My eyes are listless,
And I am lost to my sunset reverie

— The End —