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 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
Sometimes I forget to share
Like I’m suddenly unaware of the line between my life and theirs.
I can appreciate something that’s not mine,
So why can’t they?
I need to remember to share.
Sometimes I get random bouts of jealousy when I see someone enjoying the same things that I do. Almost as if I had “claimed” it - per say. It’s a personality flaw that I’m working through...
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
I wish that someone was interested enough
In me
To read between the lines and read
To point out where I failed
And places I was strong
To stalk me and examine me
And notice my song
My rhymes
My patterns
And rythyms
And tell me that they notice me, because I
Would never guess that anyone would ever
Notice me
I’m taking about here and now and always. I want someone to care enough to not just see me, but notice me without me having to ask them to.
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
I insult you.
But when others agree,
I insult them, too.
I guess that means
that I Love You.
They're imperfect, they tear me apart, but they still manage to melt my heart. That's when I realize it's going to be okay, somewhere, somehow...
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
Today I felt sad
But that’s okay
Just let me feel something
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
why am I never content with the content of my head?
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
I cannot love enough.
my blemishes and bumps
will trump me doting
on you.
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
Am I so broken
As a mirror that has shattered
Every choice I've made was wrong
So with every move,
I crack some more
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
I am a comprehensive manual,
But I'm written in braille.
They open me and soon realize
that they don't really care.
I cannot speak their language,
Communicate my thought
So every day that passes,
they just watch me fall apart.
If you love me, please put in the effort to learn my "language". I have trouble communicating because of my anxiety and it has really affected me. I know I don't make sense at times, but I need you to keep trying. (may edit)
you are
totally right.
I'm as dry as
a desert, I'm a dead
empty land. I used to be
a  jungle  when  the  clouds
where by my side, and now that
they are gone, my trees, my dreams
they dried and died. Because of this,
nothing grows inside of me, there is
only silence and despair. I can't feel
what  I  write,  I  barely  feel alive
I want to feel human again
Oh god, I really miss
the rain
Es frustrante tener  las palabras pero no el tiempo y luego tener el tiempo y no recordar las palabras
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
my words are measured:
two cups of cold with a hint of
to make it convincing.
I’m genuine(ly measuring out each word that I seem to be spitting out so effortlessly)
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