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 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
We’re painting the roses red
Because the white isn’t good enough
It’s too innocent, too pure
It’s petals not yet touched by the crimson dripping from our hearts
What hearts?
Hearts we build out of plastic
So that bullets shot at us leave no drastic wounds
Only indents
Nobody says anything
We wrap lace around our rotten cores
Hopeful that beautiful will one day mean forgotten
And our mistakes won’t haunt us like stairwell ghosts
They’re band aids we place on each lesion
Doing whatever it takes to create shield of armour for our castle
Can’t you see you’re a castle?
A castle built on top of the ground you were pushed down upon
Where the white roses grow
Words are like arrows aimed at your throat
And you can’t breathe so you close your eyes
Covering your ears like a worried toddler
You hide and inside you build treehouses
With signs that read “No Trespassing”
Throwing stones at a fleeting reality that begs to be let in
But you’re terrified of what you’ll find waiting
Because you’re still just a child
Aren’t we all children?
Children left timid and quivering
Who pity themselves as lesser beings
Two halves in two worlds
Built only on broken roads that wish to bring harm
And their arms feel weak from reaching both distances
Somewhere along the way their compass was smashed
One hand pointing north, the other south
So they call themselves worthless and keep their mouth shut
But why does that make them the lamb and you the lion?
A lamb that counts their scars as they grow
And notice they all look like people
Snakes in mankind’s clothing
Who asked you to love them but their fangs sank too deep
They couldn’t see your innocence bloom in each petal
They assume that your heart is as damaged as them
Admiring the view of rose covered gardens all painted red
Where everyone wants to be different or dead
submitted this for a contest lemme know what u think
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
Poetry  is  the


song for human being

and it make cool down

no fire can warm it.
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
It's dangerous to go alone, take this
He says as he carves out his own heart
And hands it to me
I place it in a golden chest
Surrounded by countless other
******, beaten, broken
I've done this countless times
Smile, rip out a heart, and keep it
Smile, tear out a heart, and keep it
I suppose I'm like a dragon
In the same way they horde gold and jewels
I horde hearts and love
I thrive on love
I need it to survive
My beautiful box of hearts displayed
Gold and shining
Covered in jewels with a heart shaped lock

I love you she says
Carving out her heart and placing it in my hands still beating
I smile and place it in a box
My beautiful golden chest of hearts
Hers the latest addition, ****** and bruised
She cries
He cries
They all cry
But their hearts,
Their hearts are still mine.
This is a prompt off of a sticky note my friend gave me on which it said its dangerous to go alone, take this and it had a heart drawn in the middle.
She is gray outside.
But her heart is blue.
She loves to smile
But she forgot how

He is black outside
But his mind is yellow
He loves to sing
But they tell him he can't

She is white on the outside
But her thoughts are red
She is a genius
And they hate her for it

He is brown outside
But on the inside, he is pink
He loves to dance
But they tell him he is girly for it

We all have our own colors
We are all different on the inside
We are all beautiful
No one is ugly
Discriminating against someone because they look different, sound different, or are less fortunate than you is not funny. It's just mean.
How do you get over a broken heart?
I don't know anymore...
What else can I do?...

I've  gotten me a new hobby
I've tried to decive myself to believe
That he's not the one
Whom I love...

I've tried to listening to music
Music always help,
But this time
I really can't pick myself

Music doesn't make me happy
I have no appetite
I don't feel like sleeping
I would pefer to die
If I died I'm pretty sure
That everyone would be much happier
Mostly I..

I wouldn't be crying the whole time
I can almost fill buckets
I wouldn't have to eat
There's no taste at all
I wouldn't have to try to sleep
There's only nightmares, no dreams
I wouldn't have to hate myself
For only bringing trouble
To friends and family...

So as you can see
Everyone would be so much happier without me
Specially I would be...

So I'll ask again
How do you mend a broken heart?
When your closest friends are out the country
And you're just sitting in your room
With your curtains pulled down
Just starring at the lyrics
Which you've written on your wall...

Silence is the enemy...
Don't wanna fall in love...
It amazes me this will of instincts...
Shot through the heart...
Another one bites the dust...
Chaos rules the inner hell...

Diffrent lyrics
Different songs
Different artists
But not a single one
Can cheer me up again
Singing always help
In the shower or when I'm stressed,
But right now
I don't even want to talk...

I'm a gamer
But neither this
I want to do
My guitar gently weeps
More gentle
Than I do
It's sad since I haven't been
playing for a while...

I should be making dinner
And this poem have to end
But before I leave
I'll ask again
How do you mend a broken heart?
'Cause I've never felt this dead
And I've survived worse
Afterall, I had classmates
In elementary
Who tried to push me
Out the window
From 1st floor...

I've been beaten and spitted on,
But neither that have hurt this much
So please tell me
How do I mend my broken heart?...
I know nothing about love and less about heartbreak....I really should have stayed behind my curtains...
One an angel, one a demon.
Love at first sight.
One so broken, dying inside,
The other pure and white.

She hated herself,
With blood on her wrist.
Her wings were ash black as night,
And she didn't want to exist.

He loved all there was,
Cared so much - too much.
His wings lush and lovely,
He was always helping and such.

Time went by - it always does,
As they danced in the moonlight.
The fire blazed on inside them,
Only at first light would they say goodnight.

Later that year the woman looks in the mirror,
And marvels at what she sees.
Wings so lush, so beautiful, so bright,
They were breathtaking in the breeze.

After a while the man looks in the mirror,
And is frightened by what he sees.
His wings were so worn, so dusty, so black,
That he can't help but ask "What are these?"

And so the story normally goes,
It's possible that you may save one,
And though it's great to save that one,
You always must sacrifice a ton.
Hello pplz! The name's Ryker. Feel free to message me if whatever. Use my poems for anything, just make sure to give credit. Umm... Ya. Thanks!
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