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 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
lynnia hans
Kiss my salty tears away
Hold me so that i feel protected from harm
Let me slumber in your loving arms with your whispering caress
The soft breeze of the ebony night comforts me
in my sleep tonight
Have you ever had the feeling that it's all but right
Want to put in some music and turn the worlds volume down
Maybe it's day maybe it's night
But you are sitting here on your own

Thats not what you are like
It doesn't fit right

But there is no song for you
No one knows what your feelings are going through
Maybe it's about sexuality,love,bullying,hate
Maybe you just want to stay up late
But there is no song for you
Cuz your life is not like everyone's is too
I don't have a metaphor for you
Thats sad but you know it's true

There is no Song for you
You are an old song
I'm still trying to remember.
when we hear the silence
in our closed eyes
direct it into our soul
let it conclude its work
become our consciousness

far from the world’s noise
if only for moments
in secret    with no audience
we become one
with nature quietly shaping our lives
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
I want back what I have lost.
To be whole once more,
To find the piece that fits.
I can't feel much;
But what I can,
Is just enough
To get up again.
The hope that tomorrow,
I'll find someone new,
To help me place the pieces;
To show me love again
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