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  Aug 2016 Mona
I bought myself a gun today.
I’ll give you a moment to process the mental paper work.
Is he serious?
Is this guy for real?
Is this a metaphor? Is it loaded?  

Are these questions
you might ask?
Isn’t this supposed to be a poem?

I said I bought myself a gun today.
Do you feel better?
Do I
seem more dangerous?
Are my words more weighted now--
with violence?
with virility?
with *******?
Are you looking at my crotch
for an extra bulge?
How do you feel
about me now
knowing that I’m packing?

I bought myself a gun today,
And just like that
I’m a gangsta upholding the second amendment.
I’m a citizen of the constitution
holding up my right
to bear arms,
and raise my hand in a fist--
a fist, that’s gripped in tension
a fist that’s an extension
           of man and invention
           and I really should mention
          I can blow your ******* head off
          without the slightest intention.

I bought myself a gun today,
Are you scared:
that I don’t know how to use it?
That it might want to use me?
That I might become
overwrought with emotions,
and respond to an argument
“Arnold” style with, an,
   “I’ll be back?”--
that I might settle things
once and for all
with my noisy neighbor
in a language he might finally understand?
Are you scared?

I bought myself a gun today.
Does that make you worry?
You know what the statistics say,
That I have a better chance of shooting
than some intruder,
or mugger, or ******
or therapist even.
Are you worried about my self-destruction?
that I might I might accidentally
have an
Or, maybe, you may think,
that it might be on purpose?
that I might be singing
the, “Barrel-in-the-mouth blues?”--
not just fantasizing
about ‘em,
but singing ‘em with a with my mouth wide open,
and feeling them for real for real:
feeling the cold steel ‘cross
my tongue,
on the taste of cordite,
really singing, “I can’t breathe,”
and how much
this ***** and having
the means to put and end to it all--
Are you worried about that?
If you are
then don’t,
‘cause I’m not thinking about that at all.

I bought myself a gun today.
Wouldn’t it be great
if we all could say:

I bought myself a gun today.
  Aug 2016 Mona
Jack Jenkins
Every single tear of blood
        Cupped in Your scarred hands
Mona Aug 2016
Close your eyes child , the darkness is unbearable
Goodness lies not in your success
Bear in mind the faults and virtues you hold.
Hold them close to thy heart for they are the only right you have when in darkness.
Your life is too slow to speed it up lest you be pitiful.

Lie not in the cherry blossoms
they'll itch your skin , bleed not the blood of anguish  but bear fruitful fruits ,
For they'll keep thine  own heart content
Hence close your eyes again ,just to open them to the light I lay in front you .........
Wrote this a year ago in hopes of overcoming fear of movement of any kind and adapting with my own flaws ,faults and virtues.
I'm taking it easy

Been lacking inspiration , will be taking a break hope to comeback and write better poetry
Mona Jul 2016
I felt it all the pain that comes with support
You told me you were broken and tired
I told you I know not of being  broken and tired
   The only absolute in my life is chemtrails
I live a life that is manufactured
I specialize in manufacturing conspiracies for a sinister purpose
I live on an island of ruins of my own make
  The demons that occupy me are devour and destruction.

                        Plastic Backbones
                             Plastic Backbones
                               They support nothing within
                                Me or you

So I won't tell you lies of
Good health ,good life, above everything I can't comfort you or love you.

I degenerate when left alone for while
My ways are selfish (it's all about ME)
I demand attention day and night

So do me a favor let me drive myself Into ruins
Let me free you of my own pain ,Because my pain doesn't like being attended to

Run save yourself, don't let my eyes destruct your vision
Run , let out sighs ,grow, let HIM carry your dry bones to a new destiny island.

All I wish for you is to meet a new you
Free yourselves from the former you which is ME[Plastic Backbones]
                Live your life
                   Live your life
                      **As the new YOU
Mona Jul 2016
Lost in these venomous streets
Lights light up my sky,
I got  lost in the white clouds
It was a failure of mine eyes.

Walked through these streets different times
But they still seem foreign ,
I got lost trying
to reach the edge of the cliff
I fell off trying to catch  my own cloud
Got lost again trying to see beyond the horizon.

I reached the end with no prospects of tomorrow. Joined the hole in hopes of
Salvation,I got lost again in the fists of sin

Hopeless , life seems like an undying rose.
Am trying to survive but I am lost
Tell me how does one survive when everything is lost.
This world will never be sufficiently satisfying,but it will always be unfair and in that unfairness being lost is one of the privileges amongst many others.
  Jul 2016 Mona
Everybody goes away
Everybody goes away
You might go on home
But you're gonna find
Everyone goes away some day

The parents of parents, they went away
Parents, they go away, far to soon
Children, too, they go away

Everybody goes away one day

When you're caught in the middle
It might seem like forever
Always thought I'd be immortal
Now I know my foot is on time's throttle

It might be cruel, it might be unkind
It might be a blessing in disguise
It might even drive you
straight out of your mind
It's going to change your life forever

Just like all those people in any 1950's movie

Everybody goes away
Goes away some day

Maybe that's tomorrow
Today is already becoming yesterday
The only thing for certain
I've already paid my taxes

Everybody goes their way
Everybody goes away some day
Everybody goes away one day.
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