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1.3k · Apr 2021
Falling together apart
Allissa Clifton Apr 2021
An achromatic  photo
a tumbling rock

                              A snow packed peak
Every inch of stone covered in weighted white
Rolling and growing...
growing and rolling...
the only sound heard, ice kissing ice
And my screams
Do you hear it?
The avalanche of my life
It has a sound unlike any other
A crescendo  of every experience compounding on my soul, demanding to be seen, heard, felt, feared

Warning level 5 avalanche
Please evacuate the area for personal safety, hazard may cause more calamity
877 · Feb 2019
Concentration Equals Love
Allissa Clifton Feb 2019
Does saying the words I love you repeatedly wash the words meaning away?
Maybe... or maybe not.
We took every feeling every view every connotation
And combined them
I adore you
I cherish you
I want you
I need you
You’re magnificent
You’re magical
And tantalizing
My fingertips spark with the tingling sensation of your touch

     All              Combined
 In             to
 I love you
Does this mean this word holds more weight than any of them? So strong no matter how many times spoken it carries the passion needed to explain? Or is it the simplicity and washing down already?
All I know is when I say it I mean it
Through sleepy yawns
And grumbled murmurs  
Through smiling teeth
And puckered lips
I mean it every time

I am enamored by you
I appreciate you
I am devoted to you
I yearn for you
I           L     o   v   e        Y   o   u
688 · Feb 2019
Allissa Clifton Feb 2019
I fall in love with possibilities, probabilities,  and potential
You’re reality and the reasons to love scare me into a sleep
Dreaming of all the possibilities it could go wrong
I fall in love with them too
PPP by Kevin Roland  is a song I love to listen to when everything becomes too overwhelming, it has a certain vibe that makes all the wrong possibilities seem not so enormous. Also I have a really big thing about seeing the potential in people whether good or bad and bacing stuff off of that instead of what is before me.
Allissa Clifton Feb 2019
Social media is modern day reality tv where we all try to do our comedy sketches when prompted
What was I saying again?
Director line
And here’s the punchline it’s the same one everytime
So put on your best fit
And your best smiles
Because this is Aya and welcome back to my Facebook live
Super star by lupe fiasco seemed really fitting for this title
645 · Feb 2019
Cycle of lies
Allissa Clifton Feb 2019
Feminine has become a intimate word to me
Something to hide in the ***** drawer locked in the floorboards
Too intimate and innocent  to show to the the worlds
The first chance they get they drop your drawers and say well why would you go and do that? And demand you do; you try to say you won’t.

Why so sensitive?

They want those white ******* so much they crave them
                      in the dark
But mock them in the  daytime
to be sensitive was to be gullible
So why Walt’s in those white petals when the world wears ***** boots
How do you shed those pants for linen loons
The world has shown how it degrades the “dumb blonde” and her worth
To be feminine to be intimate to be innocent to be sensitive to be gullible to be worthless
Growing up I had a hard time time being intimate with other people, I don’t mean the ****** way I mean the feelings that you have the closeness to the other person and the nakedness you have to show your true self. Somehow this got connected to being attached to all the reacurrinng word in this poem. This is also shown in the first couple of words how the a after become isn’t an right before the vowel in intimate, showing the closeness to each vowel and how this is seen as wrong in this sentence.
538 · Feb 2019
A peaceful poison
Allissa Clifton Feb 2019
I forcefeed my body a poison in the name of peace
When it coughs and begs please don’t  
I hold my hands over its crying mouth and say just one more
The sweet aroma only I can smell when it’s been so long
My lungs cry at this smell
The putrid tears of tar seep into my stomach
It moans a low growl and gurgles it’s insults at me these slurs
                               these tubes of mine whispering
over one another as if those  tar teardrops had turned into small souls clawing at me until their grave
My soul lying at the bottom becoming darker and darker
As I continue to try to quit smoking cigarettes I’m both aware of the damage I’m causing my body, but at the same time the release I feel when I smoke. This is a constant fight with myself.
299 · Sep 2019
Children and their toys
Allissa Clifton Sep 2019
They say children put childish things away. What they mean is Deconstruct the tower of your ideals and put your blocks away,
swim through the Milky Way of your dreams and put the flippers up.
As you come across your front lawn scattered with bikes as the kids scream kicking a ball he replies make sure both locks are locked, as they click you hear a slight slip in your heart.
Click click.
When his anxiety kicks in he will ask again, are both locks locked? You feel the toy box in your chest trying to burst at the seem but you only reply “Yea, they’re locked”
When he says children put their childish things away he means, the things you see don’t align with me. I’m too afraid of the freedom they bring when they take you away from me. So you sit on the granite floor of your life, floors clean, his smiles beams, and it’s as depressing as it seems.
259 · Feb 2019
Letting go of old clothes
Allissa Clifton Feb 2019
I wanna crawl into my sadness like my favorite blanket
I keep looking for the soft the familiarity
The need to stay in bed too late and for tears to well in my eyes
Where did that hoody go? The one that kept me up late, my favorite one to run in
Run from people
Run from myself
Run from it all
I was a triathlon champion
Sleep all day, run all night, and cry till the stars wept with me
It sounds all so grandiose when you say it like that...
but I was really just a sad girl who couldn’t bare to deal with the reality around her
Allissa Clifton Sep 2019
How much is your soul worth to you? Because you gorge on the fruit of your soul every day , tell me have you ever tried sewing before reaping? You’ll notice the holes you dig are not to bury yourself but to grow you. You realize the pain of loneliness in the dark soil and the cracking of your shell is what births you, and with every leaf that uncoils is your past and present meeting the sun. Realize the flowers you bloom are yours. So before you crack the ground of your soul and over draw the account on your life for something... remember what you did to bloom that flower.
199 · Jul 2021
Allissa Clifton Jul 2021
Destined for growth

Every stagnant moment a shard in her chest
178 · Sep 2019
Free will
Allissa Clifton Sep 2019
Medicate to sleep
Slowly feel like a creep
Poison starting to seep
Is this what it means to be free?
170 · Jun 2021
Self talk
Allissa Clifton Jun 2021
I feel so lonely
                                                          be quiet

I feel so scared
                                                          Shut up  

I feel so anxious


         Did I not just tell you to shut the **** up

— The End —