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Jan 2016 · 3.2k
Bear Feelings Jan 2016
She's my wildflower
I'll give my love and she'll devour
Every minute every hour
All motivation all my power
When I'm asleep
Paid by the hour
In the woods
Or in rain shower
Baby your
My wildower
Dec 2015 · 600
Behind Cement Walls
Bear Feelings Dec 2015
The colors are blending
Mending the past
Finding at last

Days spent like money
How funny
To grow and to miss
Now turn **** to bliss
Present, youve shown me
Wave good bye to before
Behind cement walls
Are wide open doors

And scores
Of sirens will call
Come back to the past
Just plug up your ears
Turn life to full blast
Dec 2015 · 813
Dream Catcher
Bear Feelings Dec 2015
Open your eyes and see
Don't fade away, don't fade away
Breathe in the air and be
Everything, everything
Wake up and hold your dreams
Don't let them stay, don't let them stay
Hiddin within your sleep
Don't sail away, don't sail away
Into the shinning sea
Call out your name, too far away
I only hope you see
Behind the line, behind the lines
Oh now woh is me
I've wasted my time, wasted my time
I made a new song on guitar today
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
The Devils Costume
Bear Feelings Dec 2015
I hurt my self to feel the pain I caused you
Burnt in hell, my feelings since I lost you
I wear the devils costume
I darkened the sun to try and stop you
From leaving?
No, only from seeing
The demons in my eyes
They stop me from believing
They stop my bleeding heart from beating
They have stopped me from achieving

I know its not true
To say it didnt cost you
You thought that I was from your dreams
But the devil wears my costume
May we all defeat our demons. May we all continue dreaming.
Dec 2015 · 764
Burnt bridges
Bear Feelings Dec 2015
I've pulled the roots and burned the bridges,
I've wasted time on digging ditches,
I've bailed, I've hid, been poor, had riches,
But of all these things my only wish is,
My wildflower could give forgiveness,
Dec 2014 · 910
Real Friends
Bear Feelings Dec 2014
I got new friends
Who told them?
Go use him
He works hard for you ends, To meet,
his life ain't compleate
They think sellin dime bags
Beats your poundin feet, or ****** hands, or avoiding uncle sams deadly reach
Only my real friends can see, even though sometimes they can't be, and I can't be, like we used to be, family, I havnt seen them since I last cut my christmas tree, but sometimes they call and that's when I see new friends may act right
But real friends, They Will Be
Dec 2014 · 8.8k
Bear Feelings Dec 2014
She's like a field of wildflowers, beautiful, untamed
When the winter comes, I still will love her just the same
Beneath the veil of snow, I know she still remains
Waiting patiently, to be washed clean by spring rains

She's something like the sun, rays of warmth and love are beeming
I'm more like the moon, its hard to shine when I'm not feeding
Off of the light extending out, when it hits I have no doubt
I could live this life alone, but will not live this life without,
My wildflower
Dec 2014 · 470
You slept in we have to go
Bear Feelings Dec 2014
Baby you slept in we have to go,
that's what she said but i already know
i can get up and stretch out and yawn,
find half clean clothes, stand up, put them on,
walk up the stairs, brush my teeth, shower, shave,
when i come down acts like i took many days,
I grab her keys, and I put on my boots,
start up the car and plug in the tunes,
4 songs in feeling the bass go boom,
she jumps in the car but left her phone in the room.
I'll show up late to everything as long as you and I are we....and i wont be upset lol
May 2013 · 925
Waiting For My Love
Bear Feelings May 2013
Early rays of light
they shine down to the window
my love she's on my right
with my face laid to the pillow

I lie awake and wonder
where she is right now
is she on a ship thats sailing
somewhere high amongst the clouds

Or is she simply sleeping
to wake her would be wrong
and as i stir about she speaks
"i hope you were not waiting long"
breaking the dimensional boundaries of the human experience.

— The End —