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 Oct 2014 Aditi
 Oct 2014 Aditi
IT is never the answer

you know what it is

It’s that thing that dwells beneath the deepest darkest thoughts at night

it’s the pain and isolation that hides beneath rehearsed laughs and smiles

But what the **** should I do when my breathing gets old and my voice gets repetitive

what should I do when knowing I’m still here bothers me

what should I do when I hurt everyone I care about

what should I do when i disappoint everyone who puts their hopes on my shoulders

what should I do when the crimson trickling down from my skin isn’t enough

what should I do when not even the people who you care for most in the world

can save you from the black swallowing you from the inside

what should I do when words mean nothing and I just feel like I’m talking to brick walls

what should I do when the most basic thing in the world, is missing from me.

what the **** should I do when there is no question

that needs to be answered with anything

there is just me

and there is just nothing
I was and am a very sad person.
 Oct 2014 Aditi
S Smoothie
bend that bow till breaking
fire those arrows at will
I am an illusion
a draft of sorrows and heartache
too ephemeral
too misty to stay long in any sights
for the sake of argument.
gentiles and wit
karma and justice
its seems the only thing broken is your luck,
and the answer it seems is lost in the wind
while you're too busy thinking
by my mind you are already an ancient thought.
cast your strokes,
carve your name upon my will
a hard target for an uneasy ****
I've died before and lived again
My special healing power is
I never give a **** more than is necessary
and yes indeed this above all
makes me a most worthy adversary.
Bang, Bang! that lovely sound,  Bang, bang! I've never fallen down,
Bang, Bang! Baby it never shot me down.
Bang, Bang! love has an awful sound.

Oh Nancy you always knew how to call a shot!
 Oct 2014 Aditi
EJ Aghassi
 Oct 2014 Aditi
EJ Aghassi
I know that when
it comes down to it

I'll find you in every town

in every bar
in every museum

you'll order a drink
I don't come by too often

and I will compare you to
those you can't compare to

and you will win

I'll hear ocean waves when you breathe

I'll smell lust

I'll see the sun set in your hair

and you is a number
the number of those that make
me feel like you do

the limitless number of
uniquely lovable individuals

the creatures of dreams

the things that make hearts flutter
minds crumble and scream

but keep the mouth smiling

and the mind will think
only of those you(s)

because every one of them is lovable

every single one is everything

every one is YOU, specifically

everything after this will all be

and there's never been anything more beautiful than YOU
 Sep 2014 Aditi
jeffrey robin


                                  /    \


Oh lovely

Oh lovely
                                            Lovely child over there


Amid the dying song being played

The one we are pretending that we don't hear !



Rain a falling on ****** streets

Young girls crying on their ****** bed

Young boys playing with dreams of death

Everyone is naked
None are undressed


Oh lovely

Child you are

So very lovely

Lovely you are
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Hayley Cusick
empty hands with nothing to hold.
waves crashing against my broken bones.
I gave it a shot,
trying to swim to you.
but you let me drown
in the thought of you.
it still hurts how much you hurt me
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Kitty Oost
I understand
that sometimes the shaking of my hands
and the constant flowing of my tears
gets to be too much for you.

I understand
that the ever changing nature
of my being
is often your biggest fear.

I understand
how you would rather travel these rocky roads
with someone
who is at least a little bit stable.

I understand
that this is how you feel
but I wish you had loved me enough
to take my obvious imperfections for granted
and had dug deep enough
to meet the person whose smile only lights her face
for you.
 Sep 2014 Aditi
It's not fair that you can take me in your arms
And then run away and leave me to live without you
Until you drift back again.

It's not fair that when I had a fling
You looked through her photos, wondered if I loved her more than you
And yet when I remind you that I am
Before anyone else's
You remind me that you
Are his.

It's not fair that when I meet a girl
Whose fingertips make me shiver
Whose voice quickens my heart
That you seem to know
Even after such a long, long silence
You seem to know and instantly return
And I remember how I love you and
Fall to it.

It's not fair that you keep me here
Not close enough to touch
But just close enough to dream.
And it's not fair
That I love it too much
To want it any other way.
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Born of Fire
I sit in here in my window seal half naked, with my window open and the smell of freshly soaked grass wafting in with the flashing lights of the sky.

At this point in my life, i dont know what the hell is going on. Im trapped between the walls of my heart and the confines of my mind.
I am the once solid foundation of your home, after the earthquake shook your house to tears.

I am the once smiling face, after your lover left.

My heart, once beating strongly and lightly, now pouts, cold and hardened, next to my once healthy lungs.

No words can bring the soul back into my eyes, nor can any kiss bring the color back into my cheeks.

My hands cant hold him anymore, for they seem to only shake and become numb.

My mouth is no longer capable of forming soft gentle words, only harsh and savage, broken phrases pass over the cusp of my lips.

My mind finds no comfort in the things once enjoyed by my being, accompanied by the music of my laughter echoing through the corridors of a once happy home.

My legs no longer know where they are pushing me, my feet are unsure of where to step.

People say that no one is lost.

But could you tell me where i am?
 Sep 2014 Aditi
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Recently, I often find myself feeling small
I know “small” isn't a legitimate emotion but when you live in a city of 825,863 people
And attend a university of 30,500 other kids
Who stumble and still manage to fake the answers to
Why why why
Where where where
How why where when when when
When your best friend lets The City change her into a stranger in a skin-tight dress at a club
And your boyfriend throws excuses like rocks at your naked body
And your closest friends are these words running across the page
Faster and faster and faster until these letters bleed and run and you don’t know what they mean anymore,
You start to feel small too.
Shrinking and shrinking and shrinking and shrinking and shrinking and constantly shrinking
Until you are the tiniest dot on a map in their hearts and flushed through their veins and spat out like a bad taste in their throats.
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