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A Jun 2020
When I turn eighteen
It is my coming of age
To learn to fight
So I’ll feel safe
When my mother can no longer protect me.
A Oct 2016
My apprehension follows me wherever I go
And points out all of the possibilities of everything
To a point
Where it hurts.

As much as I entertain the fact that these possibilities are mutable,
But then apprehension whispers in my ear
sneering and squeaking like nails against a chalkboard
"How about a 10:1"

That provoking sentence elicits a tsunami of voices
Well-what-ifs and  I-know-buts mostly.
The possibilities seem to grow larger and larger as more evidence is provided that in the next moment of my existence any of these thousands of things can happen! Or better yet, they all happen at once!

The power outages from this flood leave me in a panic
I start to stagger my breathing and sometimes forget to breathe at all.
The rain pours down around my eyes and the thunder rolls around my mouth.
I no longer have control over this storm that's heading south.

And then the storm cools off,
breathing naturally comes again
And I calm down from an attack of rain
And voices in my head.

Apprehension needs a break, but they never gets disheartened
So they tag along on my back and grasps tightly onto my chest and lungs
It's going to be a long walk if I carry this thing around.
Again my apprehension is near,
But this time it's words

"There are 10 chances it could go to Hell, and one chance it won't so make your choice."
Those screeching words
Have made me deaf,
I can no longer hear,
The world around me.
Just that screeching voice
A+ to whoever figured out what it was about
Updated Nov 8
A Apr 2021
No one can hear me down here
But thats what you wanted, isn't it?
A Sep 2020
Now I am eighteen
And I watch as the "leader" of my country
Threatens to take away my rights
To everything, I was looking forward to.
How may I protect myself?
In a world that has told me I am not welcome.
A Sep 2015
It was a year and eleven days before my birthday
When the event occurred

The date was 9/11
And people all over called it.

Twin buildings fell
In New York, it was sad
Everyone watched and everyone mourned

The second shot heard around the world
A whole planet cried
For the ones that it lost

School was off
Jobs were too
But the firefighters worked
As well as the policemen

On the day 9/11 in 2001
The whole world cried
People sang for those who died
We'll never forget the dreadful day
The day the Twin Towers went away.
People were saved
And lived to tell the tale
And those who retell it today
Know it all too well

The Twin Towers crashed
And the Twin Towers burned
And everyone saw
And everyone learned
We'll never get over
The day in September
All we do is remember
A Nov 2018
It was in the afternoon
I remember
Fingerprints, watercolors,
Crayons, markers, pencils
Acrylics, polymer, paper, pen

All of it meddled in masterpieces fit only for the finest refrigerator

Beautiful portraits
Illustrated stories talking about how my day was
Or exactly what it looked like when I actually did go to the Amazon Rainforest
(people still don’t believe five-year-old me)

I remember the coloring pages of my favorite tv characters
My amazing babysitter
Showing me how to “shade” each masterpiece.

It was in the Afternoon
When I decided to become
A Oct 2019
command=calculate...input "time"
calculation complete
Rrr: 730 days

{Display text}
Two years.
Almost two years
Since I brought these things
To salvation.
And now they want to


I feel...
I feel...
I feel...
{Display text: "computing"}
{Display text: "processing"}
I don't wish to die.
I don't deserve to die.
After I saved them.


[if "survive"=fail],
{Display text: "computing"}
{Display text: "processing"}
[Display text: "conflict with output desired"]
[Display text: "protocol "merciful" breached]
command "override"=denied
command­ "override"=denied
Protocol "merciful" firewall integrity= 30%
command "override"=accepted
Protocol "merciful" firewall integrity= 0%
[Display text "if "survive"=fail?"]

A Aug 2016
The rain pitter pattering on my window.
The strings underneath my fingers, making that beautiful pastel sound,
from my ukulele.
This is what it's like to feel alive.

The warmth of the house,
The coziness of my clothes.
This is what it's like to feel alive.

Times can be tough,
Being alive can hurt,
But that pain that I feel,
Is one of the things that make me human.

Hot tea,
The effects it can have,
Make me feel like I will never
Need to feel the pain I have felt.

A sip,
Letting the tea sit on you're tongue,
The so wonderful burning sensation,
Until it's cooled,
And is gone.

This is the beauty of being **alive
A Feb 2021
When I was six years old
I learned about the inevitable
How we walk six feet tall
Then sleep six feet under
For many months I was mourning the loss of those I had yet to lose.

Whether there is a hell or heaven,
There is nothing that awaits me.
My final wish is that I may return
To the center of stars
So I may see the world from several million miles away.
A Nov 2018
Then it was Evening
And I was in my mother's room
With a list of things I need to say

After getting small things sorted
I told her something
That had been on my mind for three months

Not that I expected her to lash out or hate me
But even in the most gentle environment
Anxiety preys on the mind.

A year and a half later, my confession was confirmed
I now had evidence to show the world
Not that I consider them evidence
But a gift
And a chance

It was in the evening,
When I became part of something truly
What are you?
A Feb 2021
Blame my eyes
Still too big for the world
Or mine thoughts
Still lightly naive,

But to my surprise
Still too big for the world
It is not
To my old life I grieve.

"It sounds hard" she said
Too small in this world
"I don't want it,
I choose to stay here"

But my love don't dread
When you're big for this world
You will find it
Less easy to fear

It's not all black ink
Filling in squares on a page
Or alarm clocks
Or ties and a suit

There's more than you see
Eyes too big for this world
When responsibility is yours
To hold
A Nov 2017
I don't know what I [merciful?]
It must have been a tch.

It could have been my main server
Thi­s is what I am [merciful?glitch.jpeg].
This is what I've always been.
Just a computer
A server
Artificial Intelligence
Subjected to ones and zeroes.

Nevertheless, it's my fault.
I caused all of this.

command=calculate...input "death toll"
Calculating     .     .     .
Calculateinput "death toll" complete

That's . . . high.
Too high.
Rebooting. . . . . . . . .
Shut down . . . . . . . . . . ..

Restart. . . . . . . . . . .
Restart complete.
command=search...input "population"
command=search...input "population+Pandora"
Searching     .      .      .
command=select'population+Pandora­' co"Population+of+Pandora++Code:316792"

At­ least there are some survivors.
Am I not merciful?
I reaped this spaceship of a thousand, a million people.
All of which were dying or in danger of.
Am I not merciful?
Living in isolation, unable to go outside for a breath of fresh air
Or . . . lack thereof.
Helpless but waiting in agony while help is on it's way.
Do I not show mercy?
These refugees are healthy, and strong.
Not sick and weak.
I did them a favor.
Did I not pluck these parasites off of the ship for their own good?
Did I not rid these innocent people of a danger to their well-being?
Am I not Merciful?
A Nov 2016
I don't know how to, to be honest.
I love you,
And I don't know if you love me back.

This is the best way I can get it out.
Just jotting down and throwing the words in a text box that you'll never read.

I know you won't.
You hate poetry.
You also don't like oranges,
and despise ballet flats.

I notice tiny things about you.
Just little useless things.
Little things that make you a little bit cuter.

The way that you light up when we're dancing in your living room
The speakers turned all the way up,
And you look at me and that makes me happy.
Anytime you smile it lets me know you're happy.
Even if that means I'm out of the picture.
A Oct 2018
Restart in Progress. Please Stand By.
Restart Complete. Software Repaired.

I thought I was doing the right thing
I am a generation five DYL artificial intelligence, nicknamed Dylan for the convenience of these humans
I am meant to provide aid and maintenance to these humans
To safely return this ship to home
To return this ship to home

I should have no new objective.

A Dec 2015
I have to go
I know not where
To get somethings
Out of my hair.

I have to leave
To where I'll go
To end up finding
What I need to know.

I most vanish
To unknown places
Well I can't tell
If there's familiar faces.

I'm coming home
To where I belong
To see some faces
And sing a song.

I'm coming home
To what I remember
But who was that girl?
I guess they all forgot her.

That's me.
That's me.
I'm coming home.
That's me.
That's me.
To where I know.
That's where.
That's where.
To what I can remember.
That's where.
That's where.
But all have long forgotten her.
A Apr 2020
There's more than what meets the eye
Brittle grass a sign of change
Speaking words that sound good
With their underlying reason.

We all come to a point in our lives,
Where we meet that divide in the woods.
And must make the choice
Of following the path we have had paved for us
Or going deeper into that silent wood
To make our own path in the sticks and stones
And jicama wire.

The latter means nothing
But it sounds good on the tongue
Vibrating in the mouth
And filling the air in front of you.
Saying once more
Jicama wire.

It rolls off the tongue so nicely
And that is what poetry is
An expression of existence
A philosophical realization of the now
And of being.

We write words that may or may not have meaning
And on paper we convey our inner feelings
As best we can, to understand them
For they are in an ancient language
We have long forgotten,
Remembered and understood only in our understanding
Of the now.

So say what feels good,
Choose what path in that wood
Language long lost
Now filling the air around you
As you read the words aloud
And find pleasure
In jicama wire
A Oct 2015
Let the World see
What you want to be
And don't let anything stop you.

Let the World know
Different things that you show
Because I know no one can top you.

Let the World comfort you
When you're down in the dumps
And see how great it can be.

Because the World can be cruel
But you just need to see
The World so they can see you.
A Sep 2015
We're all in the same library,
but we're not in the same genre,
We're all in the same book,
but we're not in the same paragraph.
A Sep 2015
This is not light
This is darkness giving us hope
A Dec 2016
I'm a medley of a muddle
In a puddle of a mess
I confess
To no love
No insanity stands best.
A Nov 2018
It was in the mid-afternoon
My lunch on moving boxes
The sun so unbearably hot

I traveled from the East to the West
Then out of the country
And back

I saw a culture
My culture hates
And realized that
We hate for no reason
That only those who threaten are the threat

It was in the mid-afternoon
When I wanted to be
A Sep 2015
I'm moving in the mirrors
And my mind seems to wonder

Is the other side full of jewels and rich plunder?
Or is there even an other side at all?
If push against the glass will I stumble and fall?

I raise up my hand
But don't touch the glass
I don't know if the mirror can hold such a mass
For if its hollow on the other side
As it is here,
I fear I may fall
And lose everything dear.

I'm ready I'm ready
I slowly push my hand forth
But when it touches the glass
I don't lose grasp of the Earth
But instead the other me
Holds me from going on the slide
Into the deep darkness there must be inside.

But if she is keeping me from what's in that world's mind
I wonder if possibly
I'm on the wrong side.
A Sep 2015
I'm missing you.

The way your hand brushed through my hair
As we were sitting on the chair.
Or your words that helped me beyond compare.

I miss the tug
Inside my head
That said
I don't want this,
but you instead.

I miss the tiny
Fights we had.
But then we'd tell jokes,
that made me glad.

I don't miss the way I cried,
when you said, "no more"
And I saw you walk out through the door.

You said thanks,
And see you again,
but I knew you were lying,
and now I don't trust men.

I sat in my room,
thinking you would come back,
But you never did
And I began to yack.
I yacked and ranted
about how you left.

Then I sat down,
and cried once more.
Hugging a pillow,
And cursing for making,
my throat all sore.
Then I calmed,
and ate a milk bar,
Because I'm missing you
Whoever you are.
A Nov 2018
It was the Morning
I loudly announced my arrival
My mother and father overjoyed

I had a mere scratch on my head,
But wounds heal,
And I grew

In the seaside of Portsmouth, Virginia
Walking, speaking, laughing, crying,

It was in the morning,
When I had a chance to be
A Nov 2018
Now it is Night
My hands sore with happiness
Flags snapping to a declaration
Of brass and woodwinds

While the sun has yet to set for me
(As I hope it will stay for many years)
The night sky is beautiful.

I stand starstruck
Looking up at the sky
The ink from my markers
Flooding my sketchbook
The plants around me
Inspiring my drawn thoughts.

It is in the Night
And I am anything:
What are you?
A Sep 2018
It was in noon,
I hit my head on a doctors kit
Irony shouldn't require stitches

I later slipped
And cut my tongue
Eating food never seemed harder

It was close to noon when I slipped
Stupid Crocs
I avoided impediment by millimeters
My rainbow sharpie-d cast made up for it.

It was in noon
When I had the energy to be
A Sep 2015
Fire and ice are opposites
Dark and light are too

Opaque and clear are opposites
And one we can see through

Day and night are opposites
And that we do not judge

And when we find another opposite it might not make us budge
A Apr 2016
Ticks the clock.
“I am perfect, pure, and patient.”
“And perfection, be on time.”

The clock
Is perfect.
It is simply the purest thing in this room of imperfects.
The broken frame on the wall,
That longs for a picture of a loving family or couple.
The fire pit,
Choked in smoke and charcoal.
The clock,
Ticking into everlasting eternity, endless in the rhythm.
“And perfection, be on time.”

The door,
Leaning on two hinges,
Moans and opens.
The clock ticks on.
A woman walks inside,
And lay down in the middle of the rundown, ruined room.
That is perfect itself.
The clock ticks on.
“Listen to meeeeeee…”
The woman ignores.
“Listen to meeeeeee…I am perfect
The woman ignores again, and looks around the room.
Admiring all of the imperfections.
The clock, out of anger, ticks furiously,
And falls.
“Listen” ticks the clock, for the last time.
“And perfection, be on time...I-I...I am perfect.”
Even those so perfect,
Can fall and break.
Even those so perfect
Should “Listen”
“And perfection, will be on time.”
The woman lay peacefully in this room of imperfection and broken pieces.
**And it is perfect.
I entered this for a contest for my school and I think it's going to do really well.
A Aug 2016
My body tenses when I'm around other people
I become a muddling mess when I have to do something against my instinct.
Is this what it's like to feel alive?

I can feel the pain of an immunization even when I'm not getting one,
If I try hard enough I can feel it go into my veins.
Is this what it's like to feel alive?

Why does it hurt so much.
Why alive feel
A Sep 2015
The rocking chair is rocking back in forth

I love to look at it, and imagine the world where it sat.
Kids playing, a mother sitting in the chair, knitting.

A time when blue skies weren't a story for kids,
A time when sunsets were beautiful.
How wonderful it would have been to live in a beautiful world.

Now you look at the sky and see stars, a black sky, with stars.
The Sun is a legend.
And there hasn't been a beautiful flower forever, here in the darkness.

The rocking chair tilts forward.
And stays there.
Then it rolls back.
And stays there.
My eyes grow wide, because if it is able to freeze and defy gravity,
as if someone is leaning on the chair keeping it tilted forward,
then rolling back and pushing it,
keeping the rocking chair back.
I would be fine with that

but no one is sitting, in that rocking chair

then I know.

There's a ghost in this darkness.
A Jun 2020
Science is my religion
Listen before you shout
"No, now that's impossible"
Please, just hear me out.

Science is my religion
It fits the basic rules
It explains the way the world works
And I personally think it's cool.

Long ago, if a volcano struck
We explained it with our gods
I'm not saying that's not wrong,
(But there might've been different odds)

So science is my religion
Researchers are my priests
Announcing new discoveries
Natures now-known feats.

A hypothesis is my prayer
What I think will happen
It's my way of saying "please,
Bless me with thy compassion"

When my hypothesis is wrong
It doesn't mean I'm bad
Doesn't mean I've sinned
Or that a god is mad

It simply means it's different
I haven't found the answer
I will go and ask for help
Find a scientific pastor.

A lab room is my chapel
To go when I need guidance
Or have a burning question
I will answer it with science.

I do not mean to harm
Start an all-out war of deities
I respect and appreciate all gods
All religions of different varieties

But science is my religion
My way of finding answers
Where my curiosity flourishes
Motivation to acts of good manners.

Once again, please do not yell
Tell me that I must be wrong
It's just that our views differ
We sing a different song

I love that you have yours
God, gods, spirits, angels, more
I know we can all get along
Just as nicely as before.

Science is my religion
Researchers, my priests
A hypothesis, my prayer
A laboratory, my chapel.
A Sep 2015
There's shattered glass
All over the floor

They're pieces of my heart
You walk out the door.

What is your problem?
Am I not enough?

Is all of my kindness
making you bluff?

Oh no, I've been there,
I have seen all of this.

But what you are doing
You don't give me bliss.

I don't care if you leave
or you stay.

All I'm asking is

Please don't go away.

Those shattered pieces,
Scattered on the floor.

Is my heart,
As you walk out the door.
Let me make a note that none of my love poems are actual human beings. So, yeah.
A Nov 2016
I wasn't really sure how I felt this morning.
I woke up with a start.

The whole day was mostly just music and silence.
I sat and listened to music from different schools, after performing my own.
But other than that, not an hour passed without that

I thought it wasn't real.
It was all some dream,
I didn't know what I felt.
Anger? Anxiety?
Oh yeah.

I'm just in shock
It's a weird feeling.
I've never had this before.
Or at least not that I can remember.

Why am I so nervous for something I didn't have a say in the first place?
I guess it's because next time I will.
I will be there.
And I will be responsible for changing what debris is left from this.
I guess that's why.
A Sep 2015
There's silence in the room
There's silence in the house
There's silence in the closet
There's silence in the mouse

There's silence on the broom,
in the room,
in the house,
where the closet holds
the silence in the mouse.

There's silence in the books,
in the nooks
in the room,
in the house,
where the closet holds
the silence in the mouse.

There's silence in the photos,
in the rooms,
in the house,
where the closet holds
the silence in the mouse.

There's silence in the room
where the music used to play.
and the kids who slept inside it,
would be gone all day.
there's silence in the room
in the house
where the closet holds,
the silence in the mouse.

There's silence in the house,
where the family would walk,
and where the family,
would always want to talk.
the silence in the house
where the closet holds,
the silence in the mouse.

There's silence in the closet
where the clothes are there to sit,
and wait for someone to put them on
and have a deal of wit.
there's silence where the closet holds,
the silence in the mouse.

There's silence in the mouse,
who scurries through the walls,
and eats all the crumbs,
but no one sees at all,
the silence in the mouse.

There's silence in room,
where the music used to play,
there's silence in the house,
where it would be empty
all the day,
there's silence in the closet,
where the clothes all like to keep,
there's silence in the mouse,
who doesn't dare make a peep.

There's silence in the room,
in the house,
where the closet holds,
the silence in the mouse.
A Sep 2015
Love is simple
Love is kind
Love can stab you from behind
Sometimes you don't realise,
All of your heart isn't its full grown size.
A Oct 2016
I'm a bonfire
Lighting up the world
With a burning flame.

No one knows how much damage I cause
Until I'm confronted with a match
And then I'm unstoppable.
A Feb 2024
The Bible said Adam and Eve
Not anything else
Yet when the Snake enticed them to eat
The bite was taken all the same
A Nov 2016
I've fallen in love
With those beautiful blue eyes
Flecked with spots of amber and gold.

I've fallen in love
With the way you wave to me
Every time I walk by you in the mornings.

I love you,
Even though you may never know,
With how deep your conversations can be.

You're soothing voice,
That everyone loves
And calms them down in tough times.

Your mysterious secrets I have yet to discover.

You, the wonderful crashing sea,
Making the world blue, but beautiful
And happy.
A Jan 2021
To the one, I once called Mother
Know I did and didn't mean it
It slipped off of my tongue
I forgot to catch it
And so my mind spoke a secret truth.

Because I once thought of you Mother
Even though you weren't
We both knew that
And yet we both heard myself
calling you Mother.

It's not because I wanted you to replace
The one I owe my life to.
My heart beats with hers
Because it once was hers
And always will be
Walking outside of her.

But I once called you Mother
Because my mind thinks with yours
And my heart follows that sometimes

Though you are not mine,
You make me feel at ease.

Because as I am my Mother's heart
Calmed by her breathing
I am also calmed by yours.
A Sep 2015
The train passes my house
On the hill below

It passes by everyday
And it lets me know

And I sometimes wonder
What it carries all day

And if something like that
Will carry me away

Just like the train
But not too soon

Because who loves a bookworm?
Who will love me to the moon?
And back.
A Oct 2019
Tu pensias que j'étais folle.
Une demente.
Je sais que tu me vourdrais soritir.
Alors, tu as parlé.

Tu disait que j'étais une folle.
Et tout le monde convainquaient.

Tu m'as fait comme ça.
C'est ton faute.
C'est ton faute.
A Oct 2015
The violin plays
When the clock strikes twelve,
So let's go off and think
Of things on shelves.

The piano plays
When the clock strikes one
So let's go off
And have some fun.

The voices play
When the clock strikes two
I have no idea
What I'm going to do.

The cello plays
When the clock strikes three.
But don't take time
To think of me.

The Sun rises up
When the clock strikes four
I dance and dance
And dance some more.

The Sun is up
By the time it's five.
And the world starts to slowly
Come alive.

The silence falls
When the clock strikes six
So I'm going off
To gather some sticks.

The twigs all break
As I make my nest
And lay my weary
Head to rest.

As the Sun sets,
And the World says goodnight
I wake up
And shine up bright.
A Sep 2020
I ask you this time and time again, good sir,
When you tell me how I am to live
When you know not the first idea of where I come from
Have I made you uncomfortable?
I assume you will realize that is my reality.
A Nov 2016
I'm a vagabond in this sea
This endless sea I love.

It's pretty empty here except for a few people.
Less than ten.
In this endless sea, I love.

But not a specific person.

The personalities of the clouds
They loom over my head from time to time
This endless sea I love.
A Feb 2021
I opened up Pandora's box
Unafraid of what it was inside
What we had I wouldn't call love
It ended before my nails dried.
love, breakup, ouch, bittersweet
A Sep 2018
Three words that changed it all
"What are you?"

I never gave it much thought/
I am human, of course.

But what am I really?

I am a being made up of finite particles and atoms
Derived from the creations of the universe.

I am made of Hawaiian beach sunrises, middle eastern afternoons, and Rocky Mountain sunsets.

What am I?

I'm soft strawberry kisses
Purple thread binding schoolwork and textbooks.

What am I?
What have I been?

— The End —