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Apr 2020 · 383
Angel M Apr 2020
I pose on all fours
Waiting for you to mount me
My Love starts pulsing as
I watch you move towards me
You stroke yourself in your hands
My eyes are begging you
to use your rigid tool on me
To Feel you plunge deep
into the depths of my soul
As I close around you
My wetness envelops your manhood

My pulse is racing as you enter
And pound against my soft pliant vessel
My breath rushes out rapidly
I try to hold on as long as I can
To savor every moment.
Every feeling.
Each powerful ******.

I can’t stand it any longer!

I tense as
I allow my body to receive
All that it needs
From you
I release all my tension
As my ****** washes over me.
Wave after wave crashing against my body

I cry out in ecstasy
My muscles convulse
But you don’t stop there
You keep your tempo going
Harder. Faster.
Trying draw every drop of nectar out of me.
Then you feel your own finish approaching
You take what you need as well
From me
I moan as you spill your essence into me.

I long to have you lead me to that place.
That ends with you
Lying on top of me
And replete.
Dec 2019 · 353
Cold and Broken
Angel M Dec 2019
Maybe there's a Heaven up above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to long for somebody who outgrew you
And it's not my cries that you hear at night
You’re not somebody who's seen the light
I’m cold and I am broken But I love you

There was never a time when you’d let me know
What's really going on below
You never wanted to share that with me, did you?
And remember how I moved under you
The way your tongue was moving too
And every breath I drew was Because I love you

They say to love is to feel pain  
I didn’t even know the shame
I was blinded by love, the first moment I saw you
There's a blaze of light in all my words
But It never mattered that you heard
My shattered and my broken words, I love you

I did my best, it wasn't enough
You couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I never tried to fool you
And even though it at times seem wrong
I still stand before you naked and alone
With nothing on my tongue but that I love you

I love you
I love you
I love you
Inspired by Leonard Cohen Hallelujah
May 2018 · 395
Hidden Surprise
Angel M May 2018
I close my eyes and I see your smile.
I’ve been imagining this moment for more than a while.

I love how your hazel eyes sparkle when you’re up to no good.
As if you know me more intimately than any other man ever could.

I’ve shared all my secrets
the good and the bad.
Baring my soul to you was simple, a second thought I never had.

I love to lay my head on
the hollow of your chest.
And way your beard tickles
as you suckle at my *******.

My whole body tingles at just
the thought of your touch.
Twisting and turning, the sheets wrapped tightly in my clutch.

Your long slender fingers trace
Across the top of my thighs.
As your mouth and tongue
Seek out my hidden surprise.

My heart sings with joy and pure ecstasy.
My voice screams out your name as you come with me breathlessly.

Together we tumble back
down to this world.
Replete and satiated, in each other’s arms we lay curled.

Never in my existence
have I felt more alive.
Without your touch, your kiss, your love
I don’t think I could survive.
This poem is about two lovers who’ve been apart and are looking forward to rekindling their love.
May 2018 · 390
Shades of Blue and Gray
Angel M May 2018
For a few brief seconds the brilliance
of the sun peeked through
Reminiscent of the few stolen moments
I got to spend loving you

In the blink of an eye the clouds shrouded the sky in shades of blue and gray
Just as quickly you reached into my soul
and tore my heart away

The azure colors are turbulent
like that of a raging sea
With winds blowing at hurricane force
To take you further and further from me

My arms stretched out wide
in endless hope and desperation
Trying with all my might to reach
towards my perceived salvation

For just a single solitary day
To bask in your glowing warmth
Secure in the comfort of your embrace
No longer tortured by the storm

How much would I sacrifice
For that one chance at redemption
Would I throw caution to the wind
Forgetting all of my apprehensions

If fortune would ever be so kind
As to rain down on this deserted shore  
Then we could live a lifetime
Captive in loves solace for evermore
This poem is about losing your love, knowing you should walk away but secretly wishing you could have them again. Even for one day.
Apr 2018 · 964
Angel M Apr 2018
They say if you love something set it free
If it returns, it’s yours.
If it doesn’t
then it never was meant to be.  

But, often times
I wonder What’s worse?
If our time together
Was a blessing or a curse?

Trying to hold on to something
With hope and faith alone.
Or having confirmation that in
your arms, I never belonged.

How could you possibly decide
the lesser evil of those two?
When every road or path I take
Seems to lead back to you?

Should I close my eyes
And flip a coin?
Or go on living life without ever knowing
If the loss of our love I’d mourn?

Well... all the cards in
my hand I’ve played.
For the chance to see
If you’d fly away or by my side you’d stay

It’s a hard fact of life I have learned
Just because you love someone
It doesn’t mean your love
they deserved

Today I set you free my love
To move on and Soar free
To find your hearts desire
Since it simply wasn’t me

One day I imagine you’ll
Reflect upon our love
I hope you’ll wonder
If by chance it had been sent from above
This is for the man I loved but could never truly have.
Apr 2018 · 452
Until Then....
Angel M Apr 2018
It’s hard to imagine that fate
Would bring us back together
To leave me with only the memory
Of your touch, Your kisses,Your embrace

The timing may have been flawed
For our love to truly began
But, hopefully the stars will align
And our paths will cross again

My heartbeat will be like a beacon
Signaling like an alarm
Who’s sole purpose is to one day
Lead you Back into my arms

Until then....
This poem is in hope that one day things will be different and I can have my love. But for now we need to be apart.
Apr 2018 · 286
Soot and Ash
Angel M Apr 2018
I drive along a beautiful country road
I can’t see through the tears streaking down my face.

My lashes are damp
My eyes red and swollen
The world seems to stand still for an endless moment

No clouds moving
No wind blowing through the trees
No birds have songs of joy to sing
The only sound is that of my heart beating I my ears.

A bittersweet rain
Fills my broken heart
It takes all that I possess
Not to let it rip me apart

How do I move on
How do I face another day
When The fire of my hopes and dreams
has been doused and washed away

The flames are finally extinguished
Smoke billowing though the air
At long last
Nothing remains but soot and ash
This poem is about the disillusion of a relationship that wasn’t meant to be.
Apr 2018 · 143
Gossamer Foam
Angel M Apr 2018
I stand here frozen
Trapped in one place
I look towards the horizon
But I stare into space

My mind wonders how
I could have been so dense
My heart and emotions
Overrule logic and common sense

Reflecting on time
Spent draped in a black velvet cloud
The circumstances that led me
To permit treatment I should never have allowed

Viewing my life
Through a sea of gossamer foam
I am faced with the image
Of a person I’ve never known

A realization
That shook me to my core
Transformed into a woman
I could be no more

No longer frozen
No longer transfixed in one place
Looking forward to a future
Filled with loves warming embrace
Apr 2018 · 356
The Upside Down
Angel M Apr 2018
All I ever wanted was to be a part of you life.

To be able to call you on the phone just to hear your voice.
You never answered the call.

To send you random, long and rambling text messages of my Love.
You never replied.

All I wanted was to be able to spend time basking in the glow your presence.  
You kept me in the dark.

I wanted hear your warm, rich laughter and be held close by your side.
You left me alone in the cold.

But what did you want of me?

You wanted to give me just enough food to keep my love alive.
My love died anyway.

You wanted to hold me as an emotional hostage beholden only to you.
The ransom was my heart.

You wanted To leave me entombed in a pergatory
from which I’d never be able to escape.
My soul ached for release.

You wanted to dangle happiness in front of me with no intention of ever letting me grasp it.
I fell into an abyss void of all hope.
Apr 2018 · 137
If I was Your’s
Angel M Apr 2018
I want to be with you at 2am when your alarm goes off and life begins to take you away. When you didn’t sleep well and your eyes are red and gritty.

I want to be with you at 3 am when you’re heading out the door with your keys in your hand to kiss you goodbye and tell you have a good day.

I want to be with you at 4pm when you come home exhausted and stressed out. When people have asked so much of you and worn you out. When all you want to do is take a hot shower and sleep for 12 hours. I want to be there to kiss you and wrap you in my embrace.

I want to be with you at 8pm when you’re heading to bed even though I know you won’t go to sleep right away. Especially, while you’re lying there, thinking about the next day and all the things you’ll need to accomplish. I want to be held in your arms and listen to your worries until you feel at peace.

I’d be with you At midnight when you awaken from a restless sleep. When you feel alone and burdened from the weight of responsibility. I want to be there to Stroke your hair and tell you things will get better soon.

I want to be there to support you and give you whatever you need from me, so you’ll feel loved and cherished and wanted.

If I was your’s .....

I’d give you all this and so much more.
This is for a guy who I love but he’s emotionally unavailable.

— The End —