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Hold me and I will try to absorb your pain
What we have is so difficult to explain
Words said pace through my mind
Voice the warmth I can't leave behind

Unable to cautiously proceed
Losing my judgement with trembling speed
Simple questions ask myself often
Answers have all been forgotten

Is love eyeless?
Is it just me?
Does it always make truth hard to see?
How can love hurt bad when it's supposed to be good?
Don't know
Don't know
Though here before stood

We're broken individuals
Together we make a whole
All the pieces I am missing
Are parts making up your soul
Written 11-12-18
You had me in boxes stashed under your bed
Understanding I was locked away
Didn't want to let me inside your head
To own more than each passing day
You kept out of danger
Towered over to protect
Crawling somewhere stranger
Prey limping with a broken neck
But that wasn't intention
Comes at the darkest part of night
Unrelenting unforgiving tention
Never saw before in my sight
Dragging heavy eyes along bathroom tile
I can't pull them away
You and I wrapped in compulsion we compile
Here I am heart on display
Written 11-10-18
No words explain just how you make me feel
Keeping me safe from danger
You are made of steel
The warmth rises up body to flush my tired face
Company would be impossible to replace
I cannot describe depths of my gratitude
Instead of affection display attitude
But without your presence house wouldn't be home
Painting world with color
Without it is monochrome
Only you have power to make heart beat fast
Do more for me than I ever could have asked
Attraction embedded in bone and cell
Crazy about you
Easy to tell
I adored you from the very start
Smile and eyes are a work of art
Up close melt into your skin
Fell into your being
You make my head spin
The second we touch
Surroundings fade out
When sad you steal away my pout
I have uncontrollable urge to rip off your clothes
Can't believe it's me you chose
You radiate light that shines from your soul
That brightens the darkness inside boring a hole
Where I am missing pieces you instead fill
Emptiness with butterflies that refuse to be still
You fufill deepest fantasies and desires
When lips brush neck it sets my nerves on fire
The chaos of universe may try to break us apart
It's not stronger than the bonds connecting our hearts
I hope emotions last forever
After time itself ends
Nothing I own as valuable as these precious hours we spend
This memory one I promise to always hold dear
Even if you leave someday you'll never fully disappear
I simply wish you to share the same enchantment I do
Every day I consider a gift because I get to wake up next to you
The present moment that I spend with you is the best gift you could ever bestow unto me
I listen to point of view
Eyelids opened so wide
I never see until too late
Thoughts moseying through your mind
I hear your message with ears
Try practicing what you preach
So I witness joy cover your face
Gentle ways you cannot seem to teach
When fingers lace together
Forget our friction for awhile
Avoiding conflict best as I can
Still fail to make you smile
Refuse to learn from mistakes
Present is clouded by dread
Human histories breed hesitation
Future is dangling from a thread
Tired of being the erroneous one
Doomed to displease from the start
Afraid of ruining intimacy
How easily I fall apart
When you're less than perfect
Stop treating you like the enemy
The truth is I don't deserve you
Swear I'll change and become a better me
I am changing although it's hard to see sometimes
I am terrified to fall in love with you
Know how easily I can break
Say it is worth the risk
Don't get how much is at stake
Got fantasies frolicking in skull
Pills do not make me feel as great as you
I don't dare succumb to effects
Fairytales are too good to be true
That little voice whispering
To try again and be brave
My longing is stifled by past events
When I last let my resolve cave
Can I find strength to take the plunge?
Leap off cliff to uncharted depths below?
Without harness or safety net to catch
Unwilling to allow myself to sink that low
Help cut tethers trapping me in this place
Give anything to feel free once more
My fear holds me captive inside a prison
I can't seem to find the door
You make falling appear easy
With snap of fingers head over heels
Icy heart has been frozen for so long
Can barely remember how being alive feels
I wish I could forget sorrow
Brought by mention of a familiar name
Remind myself that you are different
Still worry it will end the same
It does not seem fair for you to give your all
Equal effort expected in return
I am simply unable to reciprocate
Love and consideration for which you yearn
I want to but I don't know how to anymore
I close eyes and count to ten
Take shaky breath of air
Hesitate to open them
Afraid to see you are no longer there
I want to make you happy
Sometimes that seems so tough
Despite golden intentions
Efforts are never enough
Then we build expectations
Late into night
At first both exceed them
Until sparks ignite fight
Yet fire lights lantern
To guide way through the dark
Ecstasy acts as glowing beacon
On weightless journey I embark
Your laughter rings like chords in ear
You got me above clouds so high
Trust earned like a certification
Learning to let hang loose fears you untie
Teaching to speak with a tender tongue
Feeling finer than I have in years
I hope that beneath the surface
Devotion is as deep as it appears
Appreciating your words and savoring
Time we have before it disappears
My boyfriend read this and crossed out the last line and this is what he replaced it with:

I have to kiss your rear
I might be just so right
That we won't have to fight
Don't be scared because we are pretty tight so hear
To see, adventures are limitless as our hearts grow closer near

You take heart right from my bleeding chest
Suffering cardiac arrest
All fears it seems are second-guessed
Scared this attempt will work out like the rest
Hurt a few too many occasions before
Tip-toeing on ever shaking floor
It's obvious you don't want me anymore
Need reason to keep on breathing for
Crashing lightning
Rolling thunder
Caught in current and it's pulling me under
I cannot help but stop and wonder
Why my dreams are torn asunder
No space left inside head
Taken up by lies you said
Wish I felt happy instead
Infected me with a sense of dread
It's not your fault
Torn in two
I have myself to blame for believing you
Your eyes oceans I fell into
I'm drowning in those pools of blue
Looking at yesterday
Tried so hard to walk away
Can't break chains around my feet
Without your touch incomplete
I feel like a cupcake without frosting when you are not around me
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